🔔 Reminder on $HSK Withdrawal Status
Dear Farms
For users who recently completed $HSK withdrawals, please log in to your exchange account to check if your balance has been updated.😃 Most withdrawals have been successfully processed, but if you do not see the corresponding balance, it may be due to the following reasons:
1️⃣ Incorrect exchange account UID information
2️⃣ Account flagged by the exchange’s risk control system
3️⃣ Account locked by the exchange
‼️ Important Information
• Any $HSK that fails to withdraw will be automatically returned to your DejenDog account, so your tokens are safe.
• Stay tuned for updates on future withdrawal opportunities!
Thank you for your understanding and support🙏
Dear Farms
For users who recently completed $HSK withdrawals, please log in to your exchange account to check if your balance has been updated.😃 Most withdrawals have been successfully processed, but if you do not see the corresponding balance, it may be due to the following reasons:
1️⃣ Incorrect exchange account UID information
2️⃣ Account flagged by the exchange’s risk control system
3️⃣ Account locked by the exchange
‼️ Important Information
• Any $HSK that fails to withdraw will be automatically returned to your DejenDog account, so your tokens are safe.
• Stay tuned for updates on future withdrawal opportunities!
Thank you for your understanding and support🙏