English Life Quotes & Facts

Гео и язык канала: Весь мир, Английский
Категория: Образование

Mind Boggling English Facts, Quotes, & Thoughts
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Гео и язык канала
Весь мир, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Wanna grow? Let them go.
Wanna heal? Break the cycle.
Want a change? Take a chance.

Be brave. You can do this.


Roughly 1-3% of people are considered "sleepless elite," early birds and night-owls that can function effectively on less than 5 hours of sleep.



The difficult side of growth:

Remembering all the times you self-sabotaged.
Seeing clearly the boundaries you didn’t set.
Recognizing the moments you betrayed your intuition.
Understanding how much more you deserved.

Each realization stings, but every pain points to wisdom.

Our timeline is categorized in before and after Christ, but Christ's birthday isn't the day the year changes.


During pregnancy, if the mother suffers organ damage, the baby in the womb sends stem cells to repair the damaged organ.



Insurance companies buy insurance for themselves called reinsurance, which covers them for when they have to payout on an insurance policy they have issued.



When you realize that people judge you the way they were judged by the people around them, you start to take things less personally and recognize that everyone is carrying their own conditioning, wounds, and biases.


Male monkeys with small testicles tend to scream the loudest.



The universe is so big that light speed isn't nearly fast enough to actually get us anywhere in a intergalactic scale.


One of Bolivia's oldest silver mines has claimed the lives of an estimated 8 million people in the past 500 years. It is known as the "Mountain that eats men" and is still mined with picks and shovels today. Some historians estimate that up to 8 million men have died in the Cerro Rico since the 16th century, when indigenous and African slaves were forced by the Spanish to live in the tunnels they mined. Since then, the landmark, known as the "mountain that eats men", has continued to live up to its fearsome reputation.



The word "Dinosaur" comes from the ancient Greek and means "terrible lizard".



In today's world, simply being born into a decent home in a developed country makes you better off and luckier than 99.999% of all humans who have ever lived on the planet.


Albert Einstein was offered the presidency of Israel which he politely declined.



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