FallCabal Official Channel

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Категория: Новости и СМИ

Official information channel of Fall Cabal / Cyntha Koeter & Janet Ossebaard ( † 2023)
For our documentaries, products and donations: www.fallcabal.com
Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ws4fMTn6yNc7/

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Нидерланды, Нидерландский
Новости и СМИ
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Is Trump still playing with us....

17 = Q

22k 1 229 439


I almost never share a petition, as it's mostly a way to 'know your enemy' for the countries or companies involved. After exposing Avaaz, I really didn't believe in the power of petitions anymore.
But the lady behind this petition is really something. Dedicating her life for the last 2 decades for the well being of abused horses, having saved more than 3000 horses from very cruel circumstances and nurturing each and every one of them with all she's got. She is the personification of 'the American Dream', not for a successful career for herself, but for the benefit of animals she loves so much.
She runs the biggest horse rescue centre of Europe in Spain and now reaches out to Egypt.
All she asks is to watch her vlog, raise awareness when you are a tourist in a country like that and sign her petition. All she wants is that these horses will be treated well. They really have to work themselves to death, bringing tourists to the pyramids...

Let's continue where we left off. Only a few more to go... Spread them on all social media! People need it to awaken fully! What they did back then, they still intent to continue with the 'bird-flu', so stay vigilant!

THE SEQUEL TO THE FALL OF THE CABAL - PART 22 Covid-19: Money & Murder in Hospitals

Welcome to one of our most shocking episodes, in which we show you evidence of the deliberate euthanisation of healthy people in hospitals across the world. The motive? Money… huge amounts of ‘Covid incentives’. The murder weapon? A combination of the nose swab, too many PCR cycles and thus false positives, the improper use of ventilators, and an overdose of tranquillisers and narcotics. If you want to stay safe, this episode is a must-see! Albeit shocking, the information is vital and may one day save your life or that of a loved one…

By Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter


This episode is also available on DVD at www.fallcabal.com/shop

If you liked this part, please consider a donation: https://www.fallcabal.com/
We made these documentaries without being paid, so any donation is most welcome!

Join my FallCabal Telegram Platform for free daily updates: https://t.me/Fall_of_the_Cabal
And don't forget to subscribe to www.fallcabal.com
THE SEQUEL TO THE FALL OF THE CABAL - PART 22 Covid-19: Money & Murder in Hospitals
Welcome to one of our most shocking episodes, in which we show you evidence of the deliberate euthanisation of healthy people in hospitals across the world. The motive? Money… huge amounts of ‘Covid incentives’. The murder weapon? A combination of the nose swab, too many PCR cycles and thus false po...

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Hungary's PM Viktor Orbán about the 'globally Liberal Deep-State'

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"Bird flu has mutated"

Right, maybe we can see the virus this time... Just look in the skies, breathe in deeply those lovely chemtrails, begin coughing and call it the 'bird-flu'.

I can image birds get sick from these chemtrails. They are the closed to it, right? But it's the chickens they want to destroy.
Why? because their eggs are extremely good for your health....

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Pierre Poilievre, likely the next Canadian PM: "Woke has one purpose... control."

Репост из: Did You Know.Ink
Take Back Your Power Film
"One of my good friends got sick suddenly and no one could figure out why. Then she realized that her electric company had installed a wireless electrical meter–a “smart” meter–at the same time she got ill.

I did a little digging and found that my friend wasn’t alone. I found thousands of stories from regular people who had similar stories."

Watch documentary here:

Follow us @didyouknow_ink

Репост из: Kritisch Mokum
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“Witness Statement” Deze film is naar alle polities in Australie gestuurd en deze week ook naar politicians. De film is een getuigenverklaring om de misdaad omtrent Covid te melden. De film vertelt het hele verhaal van wat ze gedaan hebben en hoe + is onderdeel van een grotere strategie met op een later moment ‘other legal avenues’.

WITNESS STATEMENT: Full Film -- the stunning Australian film that outlines in great detail the Covid Crimes committed since 2020 -- Please Send it on
What happened must never happen again. The perpetrators must be held accountable. THE FULL FILM LINK:

13k 0 325 192

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Репост из: Donald J. Trump
He who saves his Country does not violate any Law.

If you want to translate the script and make subtitles in your language, just ask me for the script. It will make your work much easier...

When finished you can share your channel with me. I'll post it here and place the link to your channel on the translation page (homepage) of the website. This way YOU will receive the viewers and the earned credits go where they belong (you!)

Already feedback on the new episode is flooding in.. I want to share this one with you. It touched my heart...

"I am blown away with this segment! Very impressive script and I love how you brought scripture into it! (I can't wait for part 3!)

THIS is definitely in my top 10 "segment" favorites!!!
You have NO IDEA how much you are changing the world by continuing onward with presentations!!!
Thank you for all that you do for humanity, my friend! 🧡"

I'm so happy and proud to be able to present to you:


By Cyntha Koeter
Edited by Chaz Thompson

Part 2 – The Military Industrial Complex.
In this second episode of the Conclusion we dive into the power fist of the Cabal. We’ll have a close look at Washington D.C. and its influence world wide. We discover what binds the three nails of power and how we can recognise that.
We see how the Military Industrial Complex dominates the world by creating security problems and solving them with military means, becoming richer and more powerful with every new conflict. Is there a way out of the endless spirals of violence and war? Watch and find out in this second part of the Conclusion!


If you liked this episode, please consider supporting my work: https://www.fallcabal.com/
I make these documentaries without being paid, so please be generous in your donations! This way I can continue giving my work to the world for free, in order to inform as many people as possible...

Join my FallCabal Telegram Platform for free daily updates: https://t.me/Fall_of_the_Cabal

And don't forget to subscribe to www.fallcabal.com
The Conclusion to the Fall of the Cabal – Part 2: The Military Industrial Complex
By Cyntha Koeter Edited by Chaz Thompson Part 2 – The Military Industrial Complex. In this second episode of the Conclusion we dive into the power fist of the Cabal. We’ll have a close look at Washington D.C. and its influence world wide. We discover what binds the three nails of power and how we...

This is how "We, the people" say NO!

Репост из: brainwashed444
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United Nations Rape Camp Reality

THE SEQUEL TO THE FALL OF THE CABAL - PART 21 Covid-19: Killer Nose Swabs & Abused PCR-tests

In this episode we show you the great dangers of the Nose Swab that transmit carcinogenic ethylene oxide, nano-particles called Morgellons, and DARPA Hydrogel containing nano-bots called Theragrippers that – in all probability – contain the ‘vaccine’. The fibre nose swabs cause havoc inside your head, where they may damage facial and olfactory nerves. When they pass through your blood-brain barrier, the door is open for viruses and bacteria to attack your brains. Were you told about these risks before you complied to these nose swabs? Were you told they may cause eye-bleeds and even brain-bleeds? And what about the PCR test? A marvellous invention, totally abused to pump up the Covid-19 numbers and to further surround this ‘Pandemic’ with lies, fraud, scandals, and deceit.

By Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter


This episode is also available on DVD at www.fallcabal.com/shop

If you liked this part, please consider a donation: https://www.fallcabal.com/
We made these documentaries without being paid, so any donation is most welcome!

Join my FallCabal Telegram Platform for free daily updates: https://t.me/Fall_of_the_Cabal
And don't forget to subscribe to www.fallcabal.com
THE SEQUEL TO THE FALL OF THE CABAL - PART 21 Covid-19: Killer Nose Swabs & Abused PCR-tests
In this episode we show you the great dangers of the Nose Swab that transmit carcinogenic ethylene oxide, nano-particles called Morgellons, and DARPA Hydrogel containing nano-bots called Theragrippers that – in all probability – contain the ‘vaccine’. The fibre nose swabs cause havoc inside your hea...

Репост из: Out of the Dark 🌔
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My internet is EXTREMELY slow today... It took me an hour to upload the small videos above. Coincidence, when I announce I want to upload the new episode??? Who knows... Have patience, my friends...

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