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Bugun leksiyada ustoz bir voqea aytberdi
Bir kun ertalab soat 8
Klinikada davolanish uchun yotgan ona va uni 1 yosh(taxminan) farzandi
Ona bolasiga kasha bermoqchi boladi bola xohlamidi boshini olib qochadi, buradi boshqa tarafga , bir necha marotaba qaytarilgandan kn ona bolasini bir siltab o'ziga(yani kasha berayotgan tarafiga) qaratadi
Shunda bola birdaniga yiglavoradi
Yiglashdan toxtamidi
Abedga yaqin doktorlar ogriq qoldiradgan va uxlatadgan dorii qiladi bola uxlaydi va uygonib abedda yana yiglaydi , toxtamidi
Kn doktorlar yana tinchlantiradi
Bola dori tasirida tinchlanb malum vaqtdan kn yana yiglashni boshlaydi shunda onasidan yaxshilab soraladi va travmatolog konsultatsiyasi belgilanadi
Kechki soat 8 travmatolog bosh va umurtqani rentgen qiladi
Bolada umurtqa nostabil sinishi
Shunda srazi davolash boshlanadi bolada uje nafas olishga qiyinchiliklar boshlanadi
Ertasi kuni ertalab bola o'ladi

Bu degani osha kashani yemaganimga jahl qilib siltagan
Bolani boyin umurtqasi singan shu bn tamam

Endi bir umr onasi vijdon azobida yashidi

Bola parvarishi osonmas, nozik narsa, odamlarni tibbiy va axloqiy madaniyatini o'stirish kk
Kitoblar koproq oqish kerak
Bu narsaga alohida tayyorgarlik korish kerak boladi

86 1 7 12 11

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congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH).

Psoas sign apendicitisda

PDA is characterized by wide pulse pressure and a continuous machine-like murmur on cardiac auscultation. Congenital rubella can cause PDA. Although rubella infection causes mild disease in the mother, it can cause serious congenital disease in the infant, including deafness, blindness, and cardiac abnormalities.  Rubella is positive single-stranded RNA virus of the genus Rubivirus.

A congenital rubella infection should be suspected when a newborn presents with cataracts, hepatosplenomegaly, and a cardiac defect (most commonly patent ductus arteriosus). Sensorineural hearing loss is also a cardinal feature of congenital rubella infection.

Half of patients with tuberous sclerosis have a rhabdomyoma (as shown in the photograph).

tension pneumothorax

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superior vena cava (SVC) syndrome

An 81-year-old man comes to the emergency department after losing consciousness at home. He has a history of progressive dyspnea on exertion and fatigue for several months. Physical examination reveals he has weak carotid pulses. Cardiac auscultation reveals the murmur demonstrated in the audio clip, loudest over the right sternal border.

Qariyaga ma bogan deb o'ylislar

A 64-year-old man comes to the emergency department because of 1 hour of difficulty speaking and right arm weakness following a 13-hour airplane flight. He has a history of atrial fibrillation. Auscultation at the left upper sternal border reveals the finding in the audio clip that does not vary with respiration. MRI shows a stroke in the left parietal lobe.

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