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The Swiss Council of States, the upper house of the parliament, said on Wednesday that it had voted against a ban on the participation of its military in joint NATO drills.

"The participation of Switzerland in joint defense exercises with NATO must not be banned. The Council of States rejected a motion from the National Council to this effect on Wednesday by 29 votes to 12 and after a lively debate," the upper house said in a statement.

Swiss senators believe that in case of an attack on the country, its neutral status will disappear, so Switzerland's army needs to be ready to defend itself.

Prominent Putin critic Sir Bill Browder told The Independent: “[Putin’s] psychology is one where he’s provoked by weakness, not by strength, and the only way to deal with Russia is to put a boot on the throat.

“This is all bluster, as far as I can see. Good luck to him if he wants to go to war with Nato. He would lose that war in a matter of days.”

Describing Putin’s talk of “red lines” which the West should not cross as “complete nonsense”, Sir Bill added: “It would be a disaster for Ukraine if we buckle at the last minute. What it shows is that we’re appeasing a dictator, and we all know where appeasement gets you.”

With growing anticipation that Ukraine’s pleas to use Western weapons could be granted this weekend, Admiral Lord West, the former head of the Royal Navy, also warned against backing down “after all this hype”.

“Because the message it would give to Putin is: ‘ah they do have to obey my red lines’ – and that’s a bad message,” Lord West said.

Stoltenberg dismissed Putin’s warning that use of the missile would be a “red line” putting Russia “at war” with Nato. “There have been many red lines declared by him before, and he has not escalated, meaning also involving Nato allies directly in the conflict,” he said. 🤣

Репост из: cryptogon
‘We Cannot Let This Go’: House Republicans Rail Against The UN And World Health Organization

Via: Forbes:

“The Biden Harris Administration apparently intends to fully support the surrender and compliance of the U.S. to the UN in these endeavors. They are aligned with the international globalists that hate America… They want America to be subordinate to and governed by the UN, the World Health Assembly and the WHO.”

Репост из: TruNews

The U.S. military has moved about 130 soldiers along with mobile rocket launchers to a desolate island in the Aleutian chain of western Alaska amid a recent increase in Russian military planes and vessels approaching American territory.

Eight Russian military planes and four navy vessels, including two submarines, have come close to Alaska in the past week as Russia and China conducted joint military drills. None of the planes breached U.S. airspace and a Pentagon spokesperson said Tuesday there was no cause for alarm.

Репост из: TruNews

An overgrown airfield on a small island in the Pacific, once instrumental in America's role in ending World War II, is being reclaimed by the U.S. Air Force as it prepares for a possible future fight with China. The remote island of Tinian, which is less than 40 square miles, is one of three principal islands in the Northern Mariana Islands, a string of sparsely populated islets in the Western Pacific Ocean that make up the U.S.'s westernmost frontier, along with the major military hub of Guam some 100 miles to the south.

Репост из: The Conspiracy Hole
Vaturi, a member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ruling party, told the Kan public broadcaster that when this happens, Beirut’s suburb “will look like Gaza.”— Article

Репост из: cryptogon
New York Times Claims Israel Built Explosives Into Pagers

I had assumed that the equipment was intercepted and modified by the Israelis, but this appears to not be the case. The New York Times claims that the Israelis built the pagers and sold them to Hezbollah.

Via: Daily Mail:

The Israeli secret service didn’t just tamper with the deadly Hezbollah pagers — they made…

Репост из: Shortages Inflation & Water Wars
Poland, Latvia and Romania call for immediate reinforcement of air defences on NATO’s eastern flank

The defence ministers of Romania, Poland and Latvia have signed a joint letter to the allies, which emphasises the need to immediately implement a NATO air defence rotation model and strengthen NATO's deterrence, surveillance, reconnaissance and air patrol activities on the eastern flank of the Alliance.

The meeting, initiated by Latvia, brought together representatives from Romania, Poland and Lithuania to discuss recent violations of NATO airspace by Russian drones,...

Over the past month, incidents involving Russian drones have occurred not only in Latvia, but also in Romania and Poland.

Ministers believe that NATO nations should strengthen their ability to detect, identify and neutralise low and slow flying objects, and that air defence rotation should be implemented immediately.

Репост из: Shortages Inflation & Water Wars
Israel strikes Hezbollah targets in Lebanon after two rounds of device explosions

Israel launched a series of overnight strikes on sites in Lebanon where the Israeli military says Hezbollah terrorists operated.

The strikes follow two waves of deadly electronic device explosions across Lebanon.

The Israeli strikes targeted infrastructure sites in southern Lebanon, including the areas of Chihine, Tayibe, Blida, Meiss El Jabal, Aitaroun and Kfarkela, Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said Thursday.

Israel also struck a Hezbollah weapons storage facility in Khiam.

"The IDF will continue to operate against the threat of the Hezbollah terrorist organization in order to defend the State of Israel," the IDF said in a statement.

Репост из: Intel Slava Z
🇺🇸Why did we decide that Mona Lisa was a woman? A completely blasphemous exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, MoMo. In support of Harris, world-famous paintings were redrawn. The characters were changed to different genders. Advertising banners depict Mona Lisa as a man, because it is intolerant to think that the author intended her to be a woman.

Valentine’s Day 2025. The UK awakes to financial catastrophe and no one can access any money. As the country descends into chaos, some see opportunity, but the powerful want to cling to the status quo. The fate of the country’s economy now lies in the hands of the UK’s Prime Minister.

A fast-paced satirical drama starring Robert Bathurst (Cold Feet, Toast of London), Charlotte Richie (Ghosts, Call the Midwife), Aaron Heffernan (War of the Worlds, Brassic) and Josette Simon (Wonder Woman, Blakes 7).

A Naked Production for BBC Radio 4.

Репост из: Edward Slavsquat
The city of Surgut plans to install facial recognition cameras in all schools: "Identity will be established through the lens. Surgut schools are planning to equip cameras with facial recognition technology. This was reported to journalists by the city's mayor, Maxim Slepov, at a ceremony dedicated to the Day of Knowledge." []

Репост из: The Good Shepherd
“Do we then for love of Him give up the desire to possess the perishable goods of this world? By virtue of another of Christ’s promises these goods a hundredfold, as well as eternal life, are assured us in this life, and as a result we shall be rich while we are judged to be poor. Freed from the thirst for wealth, from the possession of it and the burden that accompanies it, we shall enjoy a peace and contentment unknown to those who, appearing to possess riches, are in reality possessed by them and cannot escape the cares they bring with them.”

- Jean Baptiste Saint-Jure, ‘Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence’

Репост из: Lord Bebo Exclusive Content
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🇮🇹🇺🇦🇷🇺 Let’s make peace, don’t be idiotic!

“Was it really necessary to expand NATO along Russia's entire western border after the fall of the Berlin Wall? Did you really think there would be no reaction?

What is the goal? Victory over Russia? Then you are crazy, because you are leading us to a nuclear war!“

— President of Campania Vincenzo De Luca

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Репост из: Scott Bennett
Well, as I predicted yesterday on our RT interview that there would be additional phases of Israeli cyber attacks…. and I seem to have been right .

Today the Israelis — no doubt, acting in concert or with the permission of Western powers —launched the second phase targeting cell phones and radios,etc

I expect there will be a third phase of this larger cyber warfare operation in the next day or two after the population has a resting period. in which the Israelis will target traffic lights , Home electronic systems , broadcasting centers, and city infrastructure . Their goal is to impact civilian life, in a negative torturous way in an attempt to persuade the population to turn against Hezbollah.

I also see this as a beta test (a rehearsal) for a larger cyber attack against multiple technologies in which they will be targeting Russia through the Ukrainians and NATO, using their Ukrainian terrorist mercenaries to distribute them throughout Key population centers in Russia.

I expect these attacks against Russia to be launched during the BRICS meeting in October.

Hope I’m wrong.

Репост из: Efrat Fenigson - updates
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CBDC in Nigeria
"So essentially, the central bank of Nigeria is policing the wealth of its citizens" -- Charlene Fadirepo, on the eNaira, Nigeria's CBDC

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