I felt on cloud nine when you stared Into my eyes.
They were slightly greyish.
Your eyes.
They spoke in sparks without reciting sounding words.
It felt like a staring contest but no..
This feeling was much more alluring .
Your eyes said it all .
All I needed to know.
But suddenly the staring faded slowly to reach the ground.
It was just so intense....then I realised I was beholding the blue eyes of an angel in white....had to stop...had to show some respect..and reverence. Yh. My eyes said it all....and yours replied to those unspoken words.....I made many wishes...dreamt many dreams, prayed many prayers, I talked to God...and he sent you....his heavenly rose..to stitch my broken heart....'tá me i ngrá leat'...I realised...my eyes lowered to the ground as I tried to gather some courage to speak the unspoken....now I look up again and say.....Don't go...stay...be with me till eternity...will you?
You had the courage to face me.
I thought I lost it all but you said
don't go.
I revived again.
ReveIan💕 to God that I wasn't the only angel but there was another one.....
How could I deny it and hope for the rest of me to accept my childish decision . I can't.
No. Everything just feels right.
You're the one I had been searching for....
I won't go your my eternity.
I was broken...but I kept the faith and believed that you would come along one day. Now you're here, my most perfect love. This fairytale of ours that will live on and on has just begun...you, my love will always be a part of my heart...a part of me....what do you say?
Let's take a walk down the love street
Even if the trip Is going to be long and rough.
I will stick to you like a magnet.
To me your eyes had already said it all.
Fireworks seem to light up the sky......We'll take it one day at a time and we'll face everything together...this isn't a marriage vow yet but I'm going to be with no one but you...through good times and bad... together we'll create memories that will become a bestselling love story❤️......
Mimi💕 and Ian💕