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Dear Future Generations,
- sorry that we started a war in Ukraine and Israel / Palestine
- sorry that people give a shit to facts
- sorry that people have no empathy at all
- sorry that we create border walls with no sense to contrast illegal migration creating ecocide
- sorry that people keep eyes closed, thinking only about themselves and money
- sorry that we create ecocide and we agree with that
- sorry that we don't put criminals in prison
- sorry that we give a shit to most important countries worldwide
- sorry that we prefer to discriminate people instead of living in peace
- sorry that our politicians just pollute our planet with shitty laws
- sorry that we give priority to humans
- sorry for no proper human rights!
- sorry that we just see "now" ignoring the future
- sorry that we still believe in bullshit religion creating tons of crimes
- sorry that we take just excuses

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Alternative für Deutschland Facts - Wissenschaftliche Kanäle gegen AfD Bullshit - Telegram Channel Lists https://t.me/AfDFacts

Telegram is science and rights, not bullshit and discrimination! https://t.me/addlist/k9KpFJ8y1nJmODQx

Alle wissenschaftliche Kanäle gegen AfD Deutschland https://t.me/addlist/k9KpFJ8y1nJmODQx
🖇🌍 https://t.me/addlist/PnM6poGtTtwwMzcx

🙅‍♂️ Breivik-mania! 🙅‍♂️ ☪️fobia 🙅‍♂️ discrimination!

🙅‍♂️ crimes against human / animal / planet rights by ☪️ ✡️ ✝️

✅ Freedom of following religious principes, even if based on bullshit, but without doing crimes

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This is a good example how people are acting like sheeps, even if in such case the goal is to save our planet. Related to the previous posts. Such things happens even with many professionals!!!!

1) don't believe all shit you hear / read / see
2) consider multiple point of views (sheeps are even people that just look from one point by ignoring all other things)
3) verify almost all important informations
4) don't act just because someone other is doing that. Not just because a celebrity etc. is doing something, means it's correct too!

Don't be ignorant about climate change like this dude. So don't act like a sheep without knowing why? #StopDieWelle @DieWelleTelegram

Be informed properly


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The main question that puts most people in fear and shit "ok, well, now tell me exactly why are you doing that or are you thinking in that way? or better what really are the benefits and disadvantages of doing that?" Most people remain silent after that, obviously because they don't verify, search, compare, etc. things properly and they believe every shit they see, hear, listen. Don't act like sheeps! #StopDieWelle

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Exactly! Everyone can do the shit he wants! No matter if about starting a life or ending a life!

If one want to end the life tomorrow for various reasons, NO POLITICIANS (or other people) need to take part of such decision!

If a mother doesn't want the baby, exactly the same!

Meanwhile we already answered that previously

showing 🇺🇸 opinions of what a fetus exactly is = 🧪 is a baby! 🤦‍♂️ = JUST RIDICOULUS!

Yes, obviously before abortion the girl NEEDS TO GET ALL PRO AND CONTRAS!

So this decision should not be made with ignorance, complaining later that the kid is not there anymore ...

Backup by @EthicalDilemmaHumanRights
A @grttme project - Other backups: https://swiy.co/tgme

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Dear Future generations, we are sorry that 99% OF THE PEOPLE HAVE AND WILL CONTINUE TO GIVE A SHIT TO THIS VIDEO even after watching that multiple times.

We are sorry that most people DON'T CHECK ANY RELEASED CHANNEL being like zombies on Telegram, the same for other socials!

We are sorry that Telegram is used by WHITE PEOPLE TO PROMOTE THEIR TERRORISTIC VIOLENT PROPAGANDA against the government, just think about Germany!

We are sorry that TELEGRAM IS STIL USED LIKE SHIT in 2023 by most people

We are sorry that IN FRONT OF FACTS, PEOPLE STILL CONTINUE TO GIVE A SHIT! because they don't even check the channels, don't visit / search previous posts and don't check even a single link cited on posts! being again like zombies on Telegram

We are sorry, that even by providing tutorial, people are still ignoring and using / searching things like shit!

We are sorry, that people continue to promote bullshit on Twitter and other socials, giving a shit to serious channels

We are sorry that Telegram get discriminated just because is full of illegality, spam, porn and such people still don't understand that this is the reason why all newspapers talk in bad ways about Telegram and NO ONE is using Telegram too ... except 3 cats

We are sorry, that people not investing MONTHS IN RESEARCH, think to be more expert with their 2 second opinions

We are sorry that people give a shit to all good projects worldwide, no matter who created them or the language or the topic

We are sorry that people only think about themselves, giving a shit to what happen outside the 3x3 m area in front of their eyes.

We are sorry that in front of crimes, people continue to give a shit! being part of such crimes too!!!

We are sorry that this post will not change anything, because most people haven't read that at all!

There is just one main difference between Telegram and your girlfriend. Telegram doesn't complain, your girlfriend would already say 🖕. Does this mean that if Telegram doesn't complain, all is perfect and correct? NOPE!

One thing is sure, if Telegram would be your girlfriend, she would be REALLY UNHAPPY with your performance. No sex or bad sex!

Pavel Durov? Well, Durov is saying anything, but probably he thinks the same! (and obviously cannot say that ...)

Not only how most journalists are shit writing only about the shit they want, removing what they prefer!


things that we see day by day! Just Telegram? NOPE, EVERY SOCIAL! 🤦‍♂️
No matter which topic, influencer or language ... DAY BY DAY!

How we can call the average Telegram usage? A master! But not a real Master where you spend 5 years+ of school!, but a 💩 Master in 🇮🇹 style, means a fucking weekend course!, like they call "dottore" everyone getting a bachelor 🤦‍♂️.
100% 🇮🇹 💩 quality!

Well, you know what? There is always time TO IMPROVE! and stop being ignorant!

It's just up to you! Ignorant for your whole life! or SMART from today! Just remember one thing: if you prefer to be ignorant, don't come here with So Sorry!

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👨‍💻👔Job Facts👨‍💻👔

better "30 years done properly than 100 years done wrongly!" (Rich Piana)

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🤜⁉️Ethical Dilemma🤜⁉️

Why people don't change mind in front of facts - part 2

Part 1: https://t.me/IsraelWarBullshit/952

The human mind is a social mind, and we live in a community of knowledge in which we depend upon one another to think effectively to support complex and productive action (Sloman and Fernbach, 2018).

The human mind is a social mind that is embedded in social, cultural, and ecological contexts, and as such is wired to act in accordance, rather than in con ict, with social cues and values in one's environ (Schill et al., 2019).

Recent research in social network analysis has found that while novel ideas that are disseminated across large, unstructured networks (e.g. Twitter) may spread more quickly, such information ows rarely result in widespread behavior change (Centola, 2021). Rather, this research suggests that change starts and spreads in the peripheries of societies, where new ideas take hold among smaller social networks by means of strong social ties, which then connect to other social networks, and then eventually they are adopted by the centers (Centola, 2018, 2021).

In this sense, social networks are key both for openness to change as well as resistance to it.


Have we said some bullshit? No problem, you can tell us, for example in the comment, and we have no problem to recheck that and in case say "we said bullshit" ... since we don't believe anything, even things said by scientists, and maybe such scientists said bullshit ...

We have not checked every single sources cited, like we did with a nutrition paper

It's not the scope! Like said, we NEVER visited Israel / Palestine too ...
We have no problem to say that.

This instead is not be done be most people ... that prefer to defend bullshit, even if they discover it's a bullshit.

Best example? We discovered only after a while this video is bullshit https://t.me/IsraelTelegramChannels/10 but we have no problem to say we did an error

Why people don't change mind in front of facts - part 1

Well the fact is THAT BOTH ARE AGGRESSIVE, instead of thinking with the brain.

Means even Israel, just think this example, but there are many more https://t.me/IsraelWarBullshit/579

It's pretty ridiculous that in 2023 PEOPLE ARE NOT ABLE TO REFLECT ON INFORMATIONS THEY GET OR TO TALK ABOUT ... they need to fight directly. At least Ben did it better in this scene https://t.me/IsraelWarBullshit/753 but such things are not done by many people

They have their ideas and they continue to keep such ideas, because reflecting and maybe changing mind is to difficult. Obviously this doesn't happen only with the war, but all things. Just think how many people are still using WhatsApp, even if Telegram is offering more and all things are better. Once people fell "this is perfect" it's difficult to put such people away from their idea "this is perfect", even if in reality "this is not perfect" ...

Conclusion (from a research done in 2023): This article (post) may not change your mind
As argued above, decades of research in multiple elds have demonstrated the limited effectiveness of scientific evidence for shifting social norms, creating uptake of new behaviors, or even generating effective solutions.

Most attitudes and behaviors regarding conservation decision-making are not based on the rational evaluation of evidence, but determined instead by a host of contextual, social, and cultural factors and values. Therefore, providing additional information – even in accessible formats - is not likely to lead to significant changes.

Similarly, it is questionable whether an evidence-based article such as this one will serve to change minds, as accepting the claims above may challenge one's prior beliefs about science communication, and perhaps even one's sense of how the world works. Attitudes and beliefs are highly resistant to change, and scientists are as prone as anyone else to “seeing what we believe” (Gorman and Gorman, 2016).

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👍❤️ Positive points Last Generation👍❤️

Remember, a TelegramFreaks with such symptoms is not a True TelegramFreaks, but just like all sheep TelegramFreaks! Never be a sheep! #StopDieWelle Act rationally, don't follow the mass of people like chickens

7) how many hours do people waste time by liking, commenting and adding emoji to content, without additional benefit to their workflows? There is a difference between doing that with a goal behind that (like on TikTok, as we said previously) and doing that just to do that ...
8) AI already showed that "most people don't verify what they hear, see, read and believe such shit immediately" like @StopDieWelle
9) Using social networks doesn't mean directly to be an expert, because otherwise we would have many car experts just because people drive a car, sex experts just because people watch porn, food experts just because people need to eat daily, specific countries experts just because people do a trip there, virus experts just because people got COVID, sport experts just because they watch games, etc.
10) People don't check older posts at all
11) Like we wrote in 2. and 3. people are overevaluating TikTok. TikTok is definitely a new social, totally different compared to other. TikTok is one of the few socials focused on improvements (even if they implemented many shits too), compared to what other are not doing. But TikTok is not the only social and TikTok cannot replace many things available just on other socials.
12) without considering the topic iOS and MacOS now, or better features, possibilities and all limitations available on social using the desktop version compared to mobile version. We will go in detail about this, because such things depends from social to social, even if all socials have common characteristics
13) Using alternative socials is always a great way to discover content, but obviously people are not doing that. Without talking that such alternative (for example TikTok alternatives) maybe offer you more features, etc.
Conclusion: there is a difference between using a social (like all people are doing) and being able to use a social with all its facets. This obviously is not related to every single person ... "it's more what the mass of people is doing"

Let we check now the reality about social network usage in 2023, few points:
1) people don't search for channels, content and even on single channels. This is the most worse thing people are doing. Now with For You and similar things people almost don't search anything anymore. Remember that searching on social is totally different from social to social and is not enough just to write "xx yy zz"...
2) people are not comparing social networks, considering a social better than other without even knowing all features. Only people using all socials can tell which social offer better features. Multi account / brand usage is even important, because comparing the usage of 1 page with the usage of an agency is totally different.
3) Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Facebook? Nope, it's already too much for the people, most people are focused just on one service, even if the content is totally different between social networks.
4) redirection video or channel? People prefer to check such things without following the path to the content (even on YouTube, like we showed few days ago with a movie, but there are tons of examples).
5) like reading newspaper, people mostly just read the titles and after that they start to comment, without even knowing the topic of the content ... Links related to a post? Most people comment without visiting such links at all ...
6) short videos are cool, but in 2023 people are just focused on short videos, missing all other things (this especially for Facebook, YouTube, etc.). This include what we wrote in 4. too. On TikTok this is different, because there is no separation between long and short videos, but this doesn't mean that people are using TikTok to redirect you to longer videos on other socials. Here we go again with 4.

Average Social Network Usage (not done by all!): 1 high usage: most viewed content --> sexy / porn / (half) naked - 2 medium - high usage: bullshit / no sense (trends) / gossip / trash / mediocre quality videos - 3 medium / low usage: true professional / high quality content / facts / important videos

Who better can report the world how people are using social networks than us. Active like no one other in most countries / socials / topics (SFW + NSFW) in various language related to various quality (from bullshit to science, because yes, we keep track of bullshits too...) as consumer, but as producer with multiple brands in multiple topics too.
Now let we share what we see daily, no matter the topic, language or social.

Everyone should know that people are interested to see sexy content, no matter if this is a girl "repairing" an iPhone, some OnlyFans girls, some "fake dancers" in bikini moving a bit the arms, etc. Reason why PornHub, Xvideos and other websites are the most visited webpages ... Reason why ads show beautiful girls etc too.

Ok let we go to the next category: people following Italian content should know it really good, this means "just trash content" like all trash content showed in Italian TV. In this category we find no sense videos, fake information related videos, gossip and gossip, girls doing nothing on the video (not naked) and being not attractive too (but people still like such videos ...), low quality content, kid related content, trends (just think about "parlare in corsivo", "food wasting videos", etc.), etc.

Last category followed by few: true talents, videomakers, photographers, teaching videos, official government channels, researchers, professionals, high quality content, nature / animal / drone related videos, musicians / festivals, facts and informations, important videos, no limit social networks with better features, universities, real dancers (not just moving arms like most TikTokers ...) etc.

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🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️ BASTA ❌DIE WELLE→🧠✅ 🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️

People ignorance related to Israel Hamas Palestine War Facts - Ignorancia de la gente relacionada con Hechos Guerra Israel Hamás Palestina - Ignoranz der Menschen bzgl Gaza Palästina Krieg https://t.me/PalestineIgnorance

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