John F. Kennedy Jr.

Гео и язык канала: США, Английский
Категория: Блоги

⚠️ Warning: Many users report that this account impersonates a famous person or organisation.

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США, Английский
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🔔 Reminder, Patriots!

Donald Trump Jr :”The Trump Golden Medal 🏅 is selling fast! Only 5,000 were made, and once my father is re-elected, they’re expected to skyrocket to $200,000 each! Don’t miss your chance to own a piece of history.”

Grab yours now before they’re gone! 👇

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🚨 Major Announcement from Donald Trump Jr. 🚨

I’m thrilled to share something truly special: my father, President Donald J. Trump, has just launched the Trump Golden Medal 🏅—a powerful symbol of our patriotism, courage, and unbreakable American spirit!

🔥 ONLY 5,000 of these limited-edition medals have been made to honor his incredible survival of the recent assassination attempt. These aren’t just any medals—they’re pieces of history, a tribute to everything we stand for!

💥 And here’s the big news: Once my father is re-elected, these medals are expected to skyrocket in value to $200,000 each! This is your chance to own a part of the legacy and make a smart investment for the future.

👉 Don’t wait! Get your Trump Golden Medal today—for you, your family, and every true Patriot you know. These medals are going fast, and once they’re gone, they’re gone forever!

Get yours here 👇


1) They lied to u about Russia Collusion
2) They lied to u about the Ukraine War
3) They lied to u about the Ukraine Biolabs
4) They lied to u about Cov-i-d 19 Plandemic
5) They lied to u about Lockdowns
6) They lied to u about Useless Facemasks
7) They lied to u about Vaxxeens
8- They lied to u about Ivermectin
9) They lied to u about Hydroxychloroquine
10) They lied to u about Twitter Censorship
11) They lied to u about the Fake Steele Dossier
12) They lied to u about the 2020 Ele-ct-io-n
13) They lied to u about the 2022 Midterms
14) They lied to u about Hunter's Laptop
15) They lied to u about Hillary's Emails
16) They lied to u about the FBI/CIA spying on your social media
17) They lied to u about Fast & Furious
18) They lied to u about Election Interference
19) They lied to u about 9/11
20) They lied to u about Saddam & Iraq having WMDs
21) They lied to u about PizzaGate
22) They lied to u about Child S-e-x Trafficking
23) They lied to u about Epstein S-e-x Island
24) They lied to u about The Patriot Act
25) They lied to u about The Global War on Terror
26) They lied to u about The Southern Border
27) They lied to u about Jan. 6th
28) They lied to u about Vietnam
29) They lied to u about Watergate
30) They lied to u about JFK
31) They lied to u about RFK
32) They lied to u about MLK, Jr.
33) They lied to u about Benghazi
34) They lied to u about Afghanistan
35) They lied to u about The War on Drugs
36) They lied to u about HIV/AIDS
37) They lied to u about Cancer
38) They lied to u about Climate Change
39) They lied to u about The Green New Deal
40) They lied to u about Food, Water, Cleaning Products
41) They lied to u about The Federal Reserve
42) They lied to u about The Washington Act of 1871 where Congress cut a deal w/foreign powers and intl. bankers and took the $ making 10 sq. miles of DC sovereign and changed us from the Republic FOR The United States of America to the United States Corporation where we're all "citizens" w/privileges instead of rights given by God!
43) They lied to u about Mass Shootings
44) They lied to u about The Great Reset
45) They lied to u about Agenda 21
46) They lied to u about Agenda 2030
47) They lied to u about the Anthony Weiner Laptop
48) They lied to u about Wikileaks and Julian Assange
49) They lied to u about Waco
50) They lied to u about Ruby Ridge
51) They lied to u about Nashville
52) They lied to u about Las Vegas
53) They lied to u about Hollywood
54) They lied to u about the OKC Bombing
55) They lied to u about Andrew Breitbart's Death
56) They lied to u about Gold
57) They lied to u about Michael Obama
58) They lied to u about Obama's kids
59) They lied to u about Margaret Sanger
60) They lied to u about Joan Rivers' Death
61) They lied to u about Haiti
62) They lied to u about Hunter's Cocaine
63) They lied to u about Investing on Wall St.
64) They lied to u about Chinese Spy Balloons
65) They lied to u about 15min. Cities
66) They lied to u about Feminism
67) They lied to u about Antarctica
68) They lied to u about Freemasons
69) They lied to u about Operation Mockingbird
70) They lied to u about MK Ultra
71) They lied to u about Chemtrails
72) They lied to u about the Earth, Roswell, NASA, Outer Space, Moon Landing??

Anything Else?? 🤔🤬

JOIN: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
JOIN: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
JOIN: Robert F. Kennedy Jr

Репост из: Julian Assange

Aging is a program of mind control. It is a lie that people die of old age because there is no "age" for our DNA in cells.
The cells in our bodies are constantly renewing themselves, even in older people.

There are many errors in cell reproduction, but there is always a biological-emotional reason for our death.

It is not so easy for a person to die until the heart and lungs stop working.
People don't die of old age or disease, people die of their emotional conflicts that have led to this aging and later death.

There is no age for our DNA, we create boundaries with the years our bodies die.
Aging comes from negative thinking and a low vibrational state of dominance.

If we do not have the limited belief that it is normal to grow old, we will not grow old, or at least not at such a rate that aging is "normal".

This is because

- our skin regenerates every 3 months
- blood every 6 months
- the lungs are renewed every year
- the liver heals in 18 months
- the brain completely renews its cells every 3 years
- the skeleton regenerates completely in 10 years
- every muscle and tissue regenerates in 15 years
- even our personality renews itself every 7 years

We have to ensure our regeneration by all means - food, air, water that we bring and above all thoughts and information about ourselves.
A secret that has been carefully kept from us is that our DNA contains no data about our ageing.

The aging program is created solely by us in our minds, through our beliefs and convictions gained in the environment we were born, raised and live in.

We are so ingrained to believe that this is a normal way to live, age and die.
Fortunately, the reality for us is quite different. It's no secret that when we are lost in the past, we are always looking to the future.

And it's actually important to leave the past behind and move forward, live and change the present in your mind.

Join and share my channel immediately:

Репост из: Julian Assange
BREAKING! White Hats Lead the Greatest Sting Operation Ever—Military Units Mobilize Worldwide to Wipe Out the Globalists!

This is it. The final showdown. The deep state and globalists are on the ropes, and the White Hats are about to deliver the knockout punch that will change everything.

The military is on the brink of executing an unprecedented operation to take back control from the shadow government. Forget what the mainstream media tells you—they’re just puppets. The real action is happening behind the scenes, and the gears are already in motion.

GESARA's promised wealth transfer—the biggest in history—is here. This isn’t just money; it’s the liberation of trillions of dollars from the secret vaults of the elites. The old financial system, built to enslave humanity, is crumbling. Wealth will be returned to the people where it belongs. Prepare now—secure your assets and align yourself with the truth. This is the moment we’ve been waiting for!

Elite military units are on high alert, mobilizing across strategic locations worldwide. This isn’t a drill. It’s Operation Stormbreaker—a coordinated military strike to obliterate the globalist power structure. The deep state is about to lose its grip on power. Leaked satellite intel shows unusual military activity in the Nevada desert—this is the staging ground for a massive crackdown on deep state facilities used for illegal operations.

As of today, September 17, 2024, military transports have been spotted landing at Nellis Air Force Base and Fort Bragg. Insiders report this is Phase One of a larger operation targeting key deep state strongholds in Washington, D.C., New York, Los Angeles, and beyond.

The Pentagon is done waiting for compromised bureaucrats. Orders are coming directly from a clandestine command center deep within Cheyenne Mountain. And it’s not just the U.S.—forces overseas are joining the fight. Bases in Germany and Italy are preparing for joint operations with loyal NATO factions. The global purge is about to begin.

The elites are panicking. Private jets have been tracked flying into remote hideouts—they’re running scared. CEOs are stepping down, politicians are "retiring," but there’s no escape. The storm is here, and it will show no mercy.

The time for change is now. The White Hats are moving, and the people are rising. The deep state is crumbling. We are taking back our world, and there’s no turning back.

This is war. The reckoning is upon us. Stay strong, patriots. We will win.

Join and share my channel immediately:

💬 Don’t Miss Out! 💬

Patriots, make sure you’ve seen the latest announcement about the Trump Golden Medal—a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to own a piece of history. This exclusive, limited-edition medal is more than just a symbol; it's a statement of unwavering loyalty to President Trump.

🔥 Act Now: Secure your Trump Golden Medal before it’s too late! With only 5,000 made, this remarkable 24K - Pure Gold Medal is sure to become a treasured piece with skyrocketing value.

Get your Trump Golden Medal

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🚨 Introducing the Trump Golden Medal! 🚨

🇺🇸 A Symbol of Strength and Resilience 🇺🇸

President Donald J. Trump launched the exclusive Trump Golden Medal following his survival of a shocking assassination attempt and his historic re-election as the 47th President of the United States. This special edition medal is a powerful reminder of the strength, courage, and unwavering spirit that defines our leader.

🛒 Limited Edition Alert! Only 5,000 of these exclusive medals have been made. With Trump’s re-election on the horizon, their value is expected to skyrocket, potentially reaching $200,000 per medal!
🎖These medals are made of 24K - 100% pure gold and are officially certified.

👉 Order your Trump Golden Medal now and proudly show your support for President Donald J. Trump, a leader who stands tall in the face of danger. 🇺🇸 👇

🚨 URGENT: Trump & RFK Jr. Breaking Their Silence! 🚨

The world is buzzing—Trump and RFK Jr. are about to go LIVE, and what they’re planning to drop will send shockwaves across the globe! There’s no stopping it now—this is THE LIVESTREAM that will expose what’s been hidden from us for decades.

There’s limited time to join—spots are filling up FAST! Patriots are lining up to be part of this groundbreaking reveal. Get your private link NOW before it’s too late, and prepare for the most unforgettable moment of our time. History is about to be made.


This is NOT a rumor, Patriots—Trump and RFK Jr. have announced a LIVESTREAM that will rewrite the course of history! Confidential insiders say what’s about to be revealed will change EVERYTHING we know. The deep state is trembling, and this is the moment we’ve been waiting for.

Access is limited—only a few will make it in. Don’t miss your chance to witness the TRUTH as it’s unleashed LIVE. Get in NOW and make sure you have a front-row seat to this monumental event! This is going to be the most explosive reveal of our lifetime! 💥

🔥 EXPLOSIVE REVELATIONS: Rothschilds and Rockefellers in Free Fall as Banks Collapse! 🔥

In a stunning turn of events, the corrupt [DS] regime of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers is crumbling before our eyes. Desperate to conceal their massive corruption, they are resorting to private banks and covert tactics. The aftermath is becoming painfully clear as hundreds of banks in the US, along with major US stock agencies controlled by BlackRock [Rockefellers], are collapsing.

💥 NATO and the UN on the Brink of Bankruptcy 💥

As the dust settles, it becomes evident that the collapse of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers has far-reaching consequences. NATO and the UN are teetering on the edge of bankruptcy, with their financial lifelines severed. Shockingly, even the US military, the backbone of NATO, declines to support them in a potential war against Russia. Classified military reports reveal that without US military backing, NATO and the UN would crumble within a month.

🚫 Closed and Boarded Up: The Federal Reserve and the US Capital 🚫

Unprecedented scenes unfold as the US Federal Reserve remains closed and boarded up, while the US Capital sits behind barricades. Meanwhile, China, Russia, India, and the Middle East have abandoned the US fiat money banking system, refusing to sell oil to the US. The global financial landscape is shifting, and the implications are profound.

🛡 Inside Military Operations: Unmasking the Truth 🛡

For two and a half years, we've been warning you that we are amidst military operations led by white hats. The continuity of government is at play, with a shadow government running parallel to the facade. Patriots, Anons, and Q were the first to expose the fake White House studio where Biden is filmed. The truth is being concealed behind the fortified fences of the White House, where even the State of the Union address was never filmed.

⚔️ The Military's Silent Stand: Biden Left Isolated ⚔️

The plot thickens as it becomes clear that Biden is an isolated figurehead. The military never escorted him in Air Force One to the White House after his supposed election. He lacks access to the prestigious Cheyenne Mountain military base, and top US generals refuse to engage or brief him. Biden's presidency is nothing more than a charade orchestrated by the deep state, while the real power rests in the hands of the white hats.

📰 Mainstream Media in Meltdown: The Fall of the Cabal 📰

The fake mainstream media, controlled by BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street, is in a rapid downward spiral. The truth is breaking through their web of deception, causing their empire to crumble. Meanwhile, Trump fearlessly takes on the CIA in a public showdown, exposing their covert operations to the world.

🌐 The Unseen Battles: Behind the Scenes 🌐

A whirlwind of events is unfolding behind the scenes. Nothing is a coincidence in this grand chessboard of power. The military, standing as the last line of defense for truth and justice, holds the key to our salvation.

Stay vigilant as the world transforms before our eyes. The military's silent revolution is the only path to reclaiming our freedom and dismantling the deep state's stranglehold on our society.

JOIN: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
JOIN: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
JOIN: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

BQQQM!!! MH370: The Secret Battle for Humanity’s Future
Unveiling the staggering reality behind Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370: this was no ordinary crash. It marked the beginning of a covert war between White Hat forces and the Deep State. What the world saw as a tragic disappearance was, in fact, an intricate military operation that changed everything. This isn’t just another conspiracy—this is the truth they don’t want you to know.

Superconductivity Microchips: The Deep State’s Power Source
MH370 was carrying more than passengers—it held 20 elite semiconductor engineers transporting technology worth trillions. These superconductivity microchips were a game-changer. We're talking antigravity propulsion, military weapons that could rewrite the rules of warfare, and even cloaking tech that could hide entire planets. That’s right—this was no simple accident. The Deep State had plans to deliver this tech to China, using the flight as cover. But White Hat forces were already two steps ahead.

A Global Operation to Expose Corruption
The U.S., China, Russia, Mossad, MI6—they all knew what was really happening with MH370. The stakes were monumental. The Rothschild-affiliated globalists and CCP elites were about to receive tech that could shift global power in their favor forever. But White Hat forces, including patriots like Admiral Rogers and General Flynn, were ready to counter this global scheme. The plane didn’t just vanish; it was a military operation to strike at the heart of the Deep State’s corrupt empire.

The Space Force and the Truth Hidden from Us
MH370 didn’t go down without leaving a trail. Advanced surveillance systems like the Space-Based Infrared System (SBIRS) had their eyes on the flight the entire time. They know everything that happened—but the truth has been kept from the public. Over 3,000 satellites tracked MH370, yet we’re told it simply “disappeared.” The Deep State worked overtime to bury the truth, but the White Hats had already infiltrated their networks.

This Isn’t About a Plane—It’s About Control
The Deep State's agenda was always about controlling humanity. By capturing these superconductivity microchips, they could control military systems worldwide and keep their global stranglehold intact. But White Hats turned the tables. MH370 was a turning point, and the fight for humanity's future began in the skies that day.

The War Isn’t Over—But We're Winning
We’re in the midst of a battle for the soul of the world. The U.S. Space Force is leading the charge, dismantling the Deep State’s underground operations. Their time is up. The truth is emerging—fast. Stay alert, stay vigilant. The White Hats are winning, and the storm is closer than you think.

Join and share now, support my channel:

Репост из: Julian Assange
All of these people stepped down within 24 hrs of P. Diddy arrest.

Kevin Liles (Music Exec)

Eric Pryor (President of Fine Arts)

Johnathan Halloway (Rutgers President)

Robert B. Davis (General Manager of Martha's Vineyard)

Chris Cameron (LaCrosse Coach)

Kathy Newsham (Bay City Mayor)

LaMonica McIver (Newark City Councilman)

Allyson Green (Tisch Dean)

Craig Maladra (5th Ward Geneva)

Joseph Kerschner (Doctor)

Mike Foster (President of Nexian Travel)

Suzi Williams (Executive Director)

Romain Mazeries (CEO)

Henry Leventis (Chief Prosecutor)

Matthew Teitelbaum (MFA Director)

Darren Lehmann (Assistant Coach)

Arvind Kejriwal (Chief Minister)

Giuseppe N. Colasurdo (Doctor UTH)

~Not Damning But Peculiar

Join and share my channel immediately:


🔔TRB Holders do their cash out according to the instructions of the AMF Managers.

📈The number of successful cash-outs is increasing! React now!⚡️

Contact your AMF Manager to receive cash-out instructions:

AMF System Finance Team.



JOIN: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
JOIN: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
JOIN: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

What do these all have in
common ❓❓❓

Be a shame if you researched these….

Project Bluebird
Project Bluebeam
Project Evergreen
Project Artichoke
Project Monarch
Operation Chaos
Operation Gladio
Operation Mockingbird
Operation Paperclip
Operation Northwoods
Operation Ranch Hand
Operation Popeye
(Doomsday Project)
Operation Project Seal
Operation Stargate
Operation Highjump
Operation Delirium
Project Rainbow
Operation Midnight Climax
Project Woodpecker
Project Stagate - Grill Flame, Sun Streak
Operation Cloverleaf
Operation Fishbowl
Project Bluebook
Project Coast
Musical Control ( Rockefeller )
Project Groom Lake
Jekyll Island
The creation of the Federal Reserve
Fiat currency
Rear Admiral Richard Evelyn Byrd
Flouridation effects
Agenda 21
Agenda 30
The Getty Research Institute
B G H (Bovine growth hormone)
Rothschild’s family history
Albert Pike
Adam Weishaupt
Council of Foreign Relations (CFR)
Committee of 300
13 families
Skull and Bones Society
The Bush family’s business dealings
General Wesley Clark
Bill Cooper
William Guy Carr
Nibiru (Planet X)
Ninth Circle Cult
Nazi eugenics
Council of 13
Council of Nicea
Library of Alexandria
Vatican Catacombs
Emperor Constantine
Bloodlines of the Illuminati
Knights of Malta
Sabbatean Frankists
Phil Schneider
Protocols of the learned Elders of Zion
Tavistock Institute
Frankfurt subversion techniques
Fabian society
Satanic ritual abuse
Elm St Guest house
788 - 790 Finchley Road, Hampstead
Christchurch Primary School, Hampstead
The Samson Option

JOIN: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
JOIN: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
JOIN: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Репост из: Julian Assange

💫Taylor Street San Francisco direct route to Fishermans Warf Pier 33 to Alcatraz (Rock)

💫Taylor Swift is the clone of Zeena Lavey, daughter of founder of the Church Of Satan Anton Lavey. How do you make 14 Million people around the world worship Satan without their knowledge, make her the most famous POP Star in the world🌎

First Indictment will trigger a mass POP Awakening - Taylor Swift🔔

💫Taylor St is a direct line from the Church of Satan, which is .3 miles away from Golden Gate Bridge & the Presidio, where they made many of their satanic sacrifices. The FAKE NEWS covered the Church & its members by ruling the Murders as suicides over the years. 1500 people jumping off the bridge over 30+ years 🌉

💫On Taylor St is the Boheiman Club, a local club tied to the Free Masons, Satanists, & Bohemian Grove. Grace Cathedral is also located on Taylor St, in which I wrote a post on discovering that it was their Mars Worshiping Satanic Cathedral with Labrynths & Tunnels underneath. Connecting Grace Cathedral to both David Bowie, the movie Labrynth, & the Bush Family. Along Taylor St is the Robert Levy tunnel🧐

💫What streets cross Taylor St by Grace Cathedral? Bush St, & California St. Church of Satan Black House is located North on California St.

💫Next to Taylor St is Mason St. which connects to Columbus Street, leading up to Pier 33, make sense yet? 33 Degree Free Masons. Columbus ties back to Columbia = CIA & the country actually being the Republic of Columbia, which was overtaken by the United States Of America Corporation, which is owned by...THE CROWN🤯👑

💫Taylor St turns into 6th street just before crossing Folsom Prison & what used to be the Mars Hotel, which is now the Moscone center. Folsom Prison > Johnny Cash via Columbia Records. They were telling us. The Ring of Fire. They created movies to sway us into believing their narrative thru Operation Mockingbird.🐦

💫What Street is on the other side of Grace Cathedral? Leavenworth, like the Maximum Federal Prison located in Kansas. So Dorothy starts in Kansas....ends up in Oz & follows the Yellow Brick Road to get home to Kansas. In this case children are trafficked thru Alcatraz, into the San Francisco underground Yellow Brick Road come up thru Grace Cathedral with their keeper, then they walk them 2 minutes down the road on Taylor St to the Bohemian Club? Or do they load them into a van & drive 2 hrs North along the actual above ground Yellow Brick Road in SF right up to Bohemian Grove?🦉

💫Disgusting, isn't it? When the bridge is destroyed, it will lead to the discovery of all the dead bodies & tunnels & take down all the elite members of the Church of Satan. This is Hollywood & Governments 911 because once this new information is released legally to the publicly, they will never be able to walk down the street again.

💥Nuremberg Trials 2.0 to begin November 20, Popcorn ready🍿

Goodbye Yellow Brick Road > Elton John 👋

💫Robin Williams lived in Marin just across the Golden Gate Bridge which is .3 miles from the Church of Satan Black house. They named the Rainbow Bridge in his honor. The Robin Williams Tunnel connects to the Yellow Brick Road follow it North to Bohemian Grove. Robin Williams died Aug 11, 2014 1️⃣7️⃣ Still think he's a good guy with a house that close to the Church of Satan & a tunnel leading to the yellow Brick Road? Nope he is part of the AWAKENING. No false idols🌈

💫Who else is from Marin County? Mike "Super Jew" Epstein, Nicolas Cage, George Lukas, Francis Ford Copola, Julia Robert's, Robin Wright (House of Cards falling),Sean Penn (Follow the Pen),Gavin Newsom,Carlos Santana, Charles Schwab (The Securities Dealer), Tupac🤯

Q: FIND the Bridge thru Linking, one FALLS another RISES. 🌉

💥Golden Gate Bridge falls & Bridge Currency rises. Taylor Alisson Swift dies & the Swift financial system upgrades to XRP backed by GOLD.

Time to go down the rabbit hole ALICE 👋

Join and share my channel immediately:

Репост из: John F. Kennedy Jr.
ALERT! 700,000 Indictments Exposed, Arrests Already Underway: EBS Documentaries and QFS Activation—Global Military Checkpoints to Enforce NESARA/GESARA During 10 Days of Darkness!

The Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) is coming, and it will change everything. Every move has been calculated, and now the global military alliance is in place to dismantle the corrupt power structures that have oppressed humanity for too long. This isn’t business as usual—the storm is here, and there’s no stopping what’s coming.

Military Movements are happening right under our noses. High-ranking generals, experts in psychological and cyber warfare, have been called back to duty for this mission. Special forces from across the globe, including Navy SEALs, Delta Force, and British SAS, are now deployed within their borders, ready to neutralize key Cabal operatives. This is a coordinated, global takedown, happening in over 100 countries. These military movements aren't random—they’re surgical, designed to strike at the heart of the Cabal's leadership.

A Worldwide Communication Blackout is imminent. This isn’t just about preventing the Cabal from coordinating—it’s about installing a secure, quantum internet that’s immune to their manipulations. The old internet, full of backdoors and surveillance, will be replaced. Military forces have already seized control of satellites, ensuring global communication is locked down when the time comes.

The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is in motion. It’s more than just a financial reset—it’s the death knell for the Cabal's financial stranglehold. Their secret bank accounts, offshore havens, and illicit wealth are being exposed. Trillions in assets are being seized as the world shifts to a new credit-based system that will eliminate debt slavery once and for all. Imagine waking up to find your debts—mortgages, student loans, credit cards—wiped clean. This isn’t speculation; it’s happening right now.

EBS Broadcasts will reveal the darkest truths. Get ready for documentaries that expose the Cabal's most evil acts—human trafficking, ritual abuse, and more. Whistleblowers have risked their lives to bring this evidence to light. The EBS will broadcast non-stop, delivering these revelations directly to the people. High-profile arrests, confessions, and trials will be shown to the world. The elite’s crimes are about to be laid bare for everyone to see.

Global Arrests are in full swing. Over 700,000 indictments have been filed, and arrests are happening. Private jets grounded, passports seized, and high-ranking officials taken in the dead of night. This isn’t just happening in the U.S.—it’s global. Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East—no corner of the world is untouched. The global military alliance is on the march, and the Cabal is being dismantled, piece by piece.

This is the final countdown. Prepare now. Follow the EBS instructions, stay vigilant, and brace for what’s coming. The Cabal is desperate, and there will be attempts to spread disinformation and create chaos. But remember: nothing can stop what’s coming. We are witnessing the great awakening, and the storm is here.

The old world is ending, and a new world is rising. Stay strong, stay united, and trust the plan. You are the storm.

Join now, while it's not too late:

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