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Covering Lebanon and occasionally MENA's conflicts. And currently, the war in Palestine.
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📷 After refusing to sound sirens throughout the morning, despite ATGM and drone attacks, they did now.

Hezbullah took credit for the drone attacks on Biet Hillel and Ya'ra.

Israeli casualties today, injuries and some carcasses, is about a dozen.

4.1k 0 4 14 120

📷 Israeli airstrikes took place in Taybeh, Mays al-Jabal, and Khiyam a short while ago.

(Photo not confirmed)

📰 Since yesterday, there has been a lot of details about the Hungarian front-company that was involved in the pager incident.

A simple due diligence would have uncovered many faults, and saved countless lives and avoided sabotage. There was criminal negligence, which we all hope Hezbullah's leadership will punish.

What we know is that Israel started this plan a couple of years ago, and had started selling these faulty pagers to Lebanon in 2022. Their plan preceded 7-October and the current war. Israel was planning a kill switch on Hezbullah.

Back to the company: The Hungarian company that produced exploding pagers for Lebanon generated a revenue of €665,000.00 with 1 employee.

The production was not even done in Hungary, but most likely in Israel.

The company was registered in Hungary in 2022, at a shady location with a CEO whose LinkedIn is clearly a fake. Read somewhere that the CEO had "spirit possession" on her CV under learned skills or degrees.

4.6k 0 50 29 99

🥀 Jaafar Ahmad al-Hussein, 1989, Sohmor, Western Beqaa
🥀 Bassam Hussein Fatouni, 1975, Kherbet Selem, south Lebanon

📰 Hezbullah mourns additional members, murdered in yesterday's sabotage attack

🥀 Natheer Yousef Noun, 1971, Ram, Beqaa
🥀 Fadallah Shehadeh Msheik, 1970, Beit Msheikh, Beqaa
🥀 Hussen Ali Amhaz, 1971, Nabha, Beqaa

🇮🇱l🇱🇧 According to the IDF, one of the drones impacted outside of the northern community of Ya'ara in the Western Galilee. Several people were reportedly wounded by the impact.

Several more drones struck outside the northern community of Beit Hillel near Kiryat Shmona, the IDF says.

The IDF says the impacts near Beit Hillel sparked fires, but no injuries. (Material damage)

✍ in total two events that caused casualties in the ranks of the Jewish army, beyond the border.

⭕️ No statement yet, but a drone hit a military base near Yara, 3 soldiers were injured, one of them in critical condition.

Another attack in Biet Hilell base. There are casualties.

5.4k 0 13 31 145

⭕️ In its first statement today, Hezbullah takes credit for an attack on Al-Marj base, targeting soldiers' staging grounds.

At least eight soldiers were wounded, acording to Rambam Hospital in Haifa and Ziv Hospital in Safed.

Two are in moderate-to-serious condition, while the rest are lightly hurt.

6k 0 18 13 180

🥀 Ahmad Ali Hassan, 1998, Aitaroun village lives in Hay Madi
🥀.Ali Mohammad Sulaiman Samhat, 1994, Aynatha, south Lebanon

Hezbullah, mourned yesterday, 20. The Lebanese Shia community mourned 20. The blood of 20 was spilled yesterday around Lebanon.

May mercy be granted to them, and may their death be a cause of misery to the enemy.

7.1k 1 16 1 168

🥀 Abbass Hassan Saifeddine, 1987, Halbata, Beqaa
🥀 Hassan Adel Jaber, 1970, Bani Hayyan, south Lebanon
🥀 Saleem Abbass Shhadi, 1974, Ma'toub, south Lebanon

🥀 Ali Hussein Hamoud, 1991, Toulen, south Lebanon
🥀 Mohammad Ali Salemeh, 1983, Adloun, south Lebanon
🥀 Ali Ahmad Haidar, 1986, Kfardan, Beqaa

Current death toll today reached 15

9.2k 0 16 63 336

🥀 Ali Fawaz Al-Haj Hassan, 1991, Sha't, Al-Beqaa
🥀 Jawad Yasir Abu Khalil, 2005, Kawthareyet el Rez, south Lebanon
🥀 Mohammad Hassan Kourani, 1982, Yatar

9.5k 0 15 29 288

📷 Mays al-Jabal, Blida, and Aitaroun were also affected.

📷 Wanted to post the martyrs all together, but attacks are ongoing.

Airstrikes in Khiyam, Sheheen, and Taybeh. Reports of even more airstrikes.

15.4k 1 22 20 239

🥀 Hafez Hussein Ali Melhem, 1976, Kabrikha, south Lebanon
🥀 Ali Hasani Zaiter, 1999, Hadath, Baalbek
🥀 Ahmd Ali Lama', 1982, Adhseet, south Lebanon

🥀 Abdul Men'em Jamal Abdul Men'em, 2008, Aitaroun, south Lebanon
🥀 Fadl Abbas Bazi, 1991, Bint Jebil, south Lebanon
🥀 Mohammad Hussein Arab, 1979, Faraway, Beqaa

9.8k 0 27 60 304

📰 Hezbullah mourns in today's widescale sabotage attack the following of its honorable heros

🥀 Ali Mohammad Shalbi, 1993, Kfarmelkeh, south Lebanon
🥀 Ali Mohammad Tarhini, 2001, E'ba, south Lebanon
🥀 Ibrahim Abdul Kareem Zeiniddine, 1995, Safad al-Batikh, south Lebanon

9.7k 0 17 1 275

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🇱🇧l🇮🇱 Israeli channel 12 reports Israeli War Cabinet has given the total approval to Prime-Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Gallant full control over the peace and war state in Lebanon.

This means they can start all-out offensive operations against Hezbullah, or plan any small operation without having to consult the government or the security cabinet.

13.4k 3 84 48 313

Репост из: ٱلْوَلَاءُ وَٱلْبَرَاءُ‎
Dua against the oppressor

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم،

لَتَجِدَنَّ أَشَدَّ ٱلنَّاسِ عَدَٰوَةًۭ لِّلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ ٱلْيَهُودَ وَٱلَّذِينَ أَشْرَكُوا۟ ۖ

You will surely find the most intense of the people in animosity toward the believers [to be] the Jews and those who associate others with Allāh


بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ,

اللَّهُمَّ شَتِّتْ شَمْلَهُمْ وَ فَرِّقْ جَمْعَهُمْ وَ قَلِّبْ تَدْبِيرَهُمْ وَ بَدِّلْ أَحْوَالَهُمْ وَ قَرِّبْ آجَالَهُمْ وَ اشْغَلْهُمْ بِأَبْدَانِهِمْ وَ خَرِّبْ بُنْيَانَهُمْ وَ سَوِّدْ وُجُوهَهُمْ وَ بَيِّضْ عُيُونَهُمْ وَ نَكِّسْ أَعْلَامَهُمْ وَ أَغْرِقْهُمْ كَإِغْرَاقِ فِرْعَوْنَ وَ أَهْلِكْهُمْ كَإِهْلَاكِ شَدَّادٍ وَ خُذْهُمْ بِأَفْوَاهِهِمْ أَخْذَ عَزِيزٍ مُقْتَدِرٍ يَا جَبَّارُ جَبِّرْ عَلَيْهِمْ يَخَافُونَ فِي عَهْدِي يَخَافُونَ كُلَّ كَلَامِكَ وَ عَقَدْتُكُمْ وَ قَيَّدْتُكُمْ وَ بِكُلِّ كِتَابٍ أَنْزَلَ اللَّهُ عَزَّ وَ جَلَّ عَلَى الْأَنْبِيَاءِ وَ الْمُرْسَلِينَ بِرَحْمَتِكَ يَا أَرْحَمَ الرَّاحِمِينَ

O Allah, scatter them and disperse their gatherings, overturn their plans, change their circumstances, shorten their lives, preoccupy them with their own bodies, destroy their structures, blacken their faces, blind their eyes, bring down their flags, drown them as You drowned Pharaoh, destroy them as You destroyed Shaddad. Seize them with Your might, O Mighty, O All-Powerful. O Compeller, compel upon them. They fear in my time, they fear all Your words. I have bound and restrained you by every book that Allah, the Almighty, has revealed to the prophets and messengers. By Your mercy, O Most Merciful of the merciful.

Meftah Al Jinan V1 pg. 528


10.7k 0 32 62 282

🥀 The Lebanese Health Ministry announced that the Israeli terrorist attack resulted in 450 injures and 14 martyrs.

Today less chaos was caused, but more deaths and much much more damages to civilian property

11.3k 0 33 19 214
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