At the other end of the spectrum, Mediterranean countries (Italy, Malta and Greece) and Nordic Countries (Norway, Sweden and Iceland) have relatively lower levels of consumption, in the region of 7–8 l of pure alcohol per adult person.
Menn drikker oftere enn kvinner
Unge drikker mer, men voksne drikker oftere
Men drink more often than women
Young people drink more, but adults drink more often
25 prosent av befolkningen 16-64 år har prøvd cannabis en eller flere ganger i løpet av livet. Men de fleste av disse har bare prøvd en eller noen få ganger. 4 prosent har brukt cannabis i løpet av det siste året.
25 percent of the population aged 16-64 have tried cannabis one or more times during their lifetime. But most of these have only been tried once or a few times. 4 percent have used cannabis in the past year.
I 2022 er statens samlede inntekter beregnet til 1 553 milliarder kroner, og samlede utgifter til 1 576 milliarder krone .
In 2022, the state's total revenue is estimated at NOK 1,553 billion, and total expenditure at NOK 1,576 billion
Holdes også petroleumsvirksomheten utenom, er inntektene 1 250 milliarder kroner og utgiftene 1 550 milliarder kroner.
If the petroleum activities are also excluded, the income is NOK 1,250 billion and the expenses NOK 1,550 billion.
22.8 mio from 🍸🚬 = 8% of 🛢total oil revenue
Back to homicides
Youth homicides are primarily the result of altercations or occur in the course of other crimes such as robbery, sexual assault, arson or child abuse. Although not the dominant cause of homicide, revenge homicides are more frequent among juveniles than other age groups.
Here we go again HOMICIDE IS NOT SYNONYM OF HOMICIDE! Such things are influenced from so many things!!!
So yes to same prison for teens and women!
and 🙅♂️ 🍸🚬!
Menn drikker oftere enn kvinner
Unge drikker mer, men voksne drikker oftere
Men drink more often than women
Young people drink more, but adults drink more often
25 prosent av befolkningen 16-64 år har prøvd cannabis en eller flere ganger i løpet av livet. Men de fleste av disse har bare prøvd en eller noen få ganger. 4 prosent har brukt cannabis i løpet av det siste året.
25 percent of the population aged 16-64 have tried cannabis one or more times during their lifetime. But most of these have only been tried once or a few times. 4 percent have used cannabis in the past year.
I 2022 er statens samlede inntekter beregnet til 1 553 milliarder kroner, og samlede utgifter til 1 576 milliarder krone .
In 2022, the state's total revenue is estimated at NOK 1,553 billion, and total expenditure at NOK 1,576 billion
Holdes også petroleumsvirksomheten utenom, er inntektene 1 250 milliarder kroner og utgiftene 1 550 milliarder kroner.
If the petroleum activities are also excluded, the income is NOK 1,250 billion and the expenses NOK 1,550 billion.
22.8 mio from 🍸🚬 = 8% of 🛢total oil revenue
Back to homicides
Youth homicides are primarily the result of altercations or occur in the course of other crimes such as robbery, sexual assault, arson or child abuse. Although not the dominant cause of homicide, revenge homicides are more frequent among juveniles than other age groups.
Here we go again HOMICIDE IS NOT SYNONYM OF HOMICIDE! Such things are influenced from so many things!!!
So yes to same prison for teens and women!
and 🙅♂️ 🍸🚬!