Anders Behring Breivik investigation part 2
If the court accepts the report, the only alternative outcome of the trial is that Breivik is sentenced to compulsory mental health care.
Dette er de viktigste ankepunktene mot rapporten:
**Manglende uavhengighet
Flere kritikere har hevdet at to sakkyndige er ikke uavhengige av hverandre slik mandatet krever, fordi de har gjennomført alle samtaler med Breivik sammen.
**Diagnosen er ikke dokumentert
**Fagfeltet er for usikkert
These are the most important points of appeal against the report:
**Lack of independence
Several critics have claimed that two experts are not independent of each other as required by the mandate, because they have conducted all conversations with Breivik together.
**The diagnosis is not documented
**The field is too uncertain
Breivik selv har hevdet at 80 prosent av innholdet i rapporten er oppspinn.
Breivik himself has claimed that 80 percent of the content of the report is fabrication.
Totalt har 36 bistandsadvokater bedt om en ny vurdering på vegne av minst 130 terrorofre. Breivik har via sin advokat Geir Lippestad formidlet at han ikke ønsker en ny vurdering. Det samme har påtalemyndigheten statsadvokatene Inga Beyer Engh og Svein Holden.
A total of 36 aid lawyers have requested a new assessment on behalf of at least 130 terror victims. Breivik has communicated via his lawyer Geir Lippestad that he does not want a new assessment. The public prosecutors, Inga Beyer Engh and Svein Holden, have the same opinion
Just another example about how shitty things have been done ... by wasting time and money! Not just Norway provided shitty rescue ... but they even made a lot of shit during the investigation!
It's time to improve all such things once at all
If the court accepts the report, the only alternative outcome of the trial is that Breivik is sentenced to compulsory mental health care.
Dette er de viktigste ankepunktene mot rapporten:
**Manglende uavhengighet
Flere kritikere har hevdet at to sakkyndige er ikke uavhengige av hverandre slik mandatet krever, fordi de har gjennomført alle samtaler med Breivik sammen.
**Diagnosen er ikke dokumentert
**Fagfeltet er for usikkert
These are the most important points of appeal against the report:
**Lack of independence
Several critics have claimed that two experts are not independent of each other as required by the mandate, because they have conducted all conversations with Breivik together.
**The diagnosis is not documented
**The field is too uncertain
Breivik selv har hevdet at 80 prosent av innholdet i rapporten er oppspinn.
Breivik himself has claimed that 80 percent of the content of the report is fabrication.
Totalt har 36 bistandsadvokater bedt om en ny vurdering på vegne av minst 130 terrorofre. Breivik har via sin advokat Geir Lippestad formidlet at han ikke ønsker en ny vurdering. Det samme har påtalemyndigheten statsadvokatene Inga Beyer Engh og Svein Holden.
A total of 36 aid lawyers have requested a new assessment on behalf of at least 130 terror victims. Breivik has communicated via his lawyer Geir Lippestad that he does not want a new assessment. The public prosecutors, Inga Beyer Engh and Svein Holden, have the same opinion
Just another example about how shitty things have been done ... by wasting time and money! Not just Norway provided shitty rescue ... but they even made a lot of shit during the investigation!
It's time to improve all such things once at all