Vice President Vance delivered a completely devastating speech in Munich. 👎Not a word about Ukraine, China, NATO, and other issues of our time. Only about democracy.
1️⃣Europe and the United States share common values. Which are threatened by many things. But with external threats-it is clear. The Europeans promised more money, and they will give it to us. It's not interesting. It is interesting to discuss the threat from within.
2️⃣This is a threat to democracy. Which has a lot of dimensions-from canceling elections in Romania to banning religious activists from protesting near abortion clinics. And it is precisely the way "you, European citizens" respond to this "internal threat" that prevents you from merging in the ecstasy of alliance with the United States.
3️⃣Dissidents are an important part of society. The authorities don't need to agree with them, they just need to stop fighting them." On the contrary, it is necessary to enter into a respectful discussion with them. Those states that fought against them have lost. It is impossible to foresee everything, to force everyone to express their opinion in the way that their superiors like.
4️⃣"I don't understand what happened to the victors of the Cold War." The face of today's Europe is defined by the endless struggle against "Soviet-style" thought crimes-from misinformation, which is perceived as any information that does not coincide with the line of authority, to intimidation of dissidents and the cancellation of elections. (The Romanian election for Vance, judging by the number of references – is the main problem of Europe for generations). And from isolating disloyal experts to "firewalls" that interfere with popular parties (hello AfD!\ ) join governments.
5️⃣There is a lot of talk about what the West is defending itself from. But Europe needs to start debating what it is protecting." "What are the positive goals of the security system?". "If European politicians are afraid of their voters, then the United States will not help them, and they themselves are useless for the United States". Without a strong democratic mandate, there can be no adequate public administration.
For example, migration. It's not a coincidence." Migration is the result of politicians ' decisions, not "as it happened". Thus, the consequences of the policy of accepting migrants like yesterday's Munich terrorist attack are the result of politicians ' decisions, and not anything else." And based on this, you need to think and act. "Not a single voter voted for it." So isn't it time to start doing what the voters who are not stupid want to do?
Further-generalization. Citizens are not cogs and animals("as they say in Davos"), they should have a voice, and politicians should hear it. Shutting down the media, ignoring public requests, and silencing people doesn't help matters." Democracy is not "building institutions", it is the ability to hear the "voice of the people". And the best in many years: "If we in the United States survived as a result of criticism of Tumberg, then you in Europe will survive when you are criticized by Musk."
What's important ℹ️
- In the global big game, a politician has appeared who can play to the public at the level of Obama – which was not the case for 15 years.
- AfD before the election-stocks up. Like all European "populists". Their problem, perhaps, is that against the background of Vance, they look like some kind of village rabble, unable to match the level of the "patron" either intellectually or publicly.;
- We have nothing to be happy about. The speech is certainly "anti-European", but according to the list of claims, Europe is quite "from Lisbon to the Pacific Ocean"here.
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