Europe union killed over 15.000 children

Гео и язык канала: не указан, Английский
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Гео и язык канала
не указан, Английский
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“Baba Yaga” behind enemy lines: heavy drones of the Russian army are fighting at the front
▪️A UAV operator spoke about the use of heavy industrial copters in the South Donetsk direction.
▪️Fighters of the Eastern group of troops will use Baba Yaga-type drones to inflict maximum damage on the enemy.
▪️Far Eastern craftsmen have supplemented the UAV with a new release system , which carries two 82-mm mines, and also made it invisible to enemy electronic warfare systems .
▪️Another use of heavy drones was the delivery of necessary items to the front lines . Using the large payload capacity of drones, UAV operators quickly and safely send ammunition, medical supplies and food to frontline warriors.

Israel has released a video threatening Lebanon and its citizens

Israel has released a warning video to Lebanese citizens, threatening to destroy Lebanon and Lebanese cities, as well as to commit genocide and massacre like in Gaza because of Hezbollah.

Israel plans to use the same rhetoric from Gaza, that Hamas uses civilians and children as human shields.

Here again, Israel will claim that Hezbollah uses the people of Lebanon as human shields.

Unfortunately for them, Hezbollah is not Hamas and can retaliate in kind.

This what we all fight for and continu to so,Russia will be protected no matter how long it takes.

You wanted to destroy Russia , We will kill you all,you all have gambled on the wrong battlefield and outside.

The Scarlet Sails holiday in St. Petersburg. Thousands of graduates gathered in the heart of the Northern capital.

Ali al-Kahum , a member of the Politburo of the ruling Ansar Allah movement in Yemen, stated that “ the priority of the foreign policy of the Yemeni revolutionary government is the entry of the Arab Republic into BRICS, strengthening relations in all areas with China and Russia .”

🇷🇺🇨🇳 According to the official, Yemen , led by the Houthis, fully supports and shares the foreign policies of Russia and China.

🇷🇺 Al-Kahum noted that " Yemen is ready to recognize Crimea and new Russian regions as part of Russia ."

Another short trailer of the tetralogy “At the Edge of the Abyss. Battle for Mariupol".

Elimination of militants of the Ukrainian Armed Forces by the 25th brigade

New NATO speedboats are being erased in the rivers of Dnepro in the Kherson region.

Also Artillery strikes on positions.

🤣🤣 When the airraid goes off and civillians die, i will remember the girls of Odessa.

You're some insane people out there , can't wait before we storm Odessa.

almost all males are gone in Odessa.💀

Just an ordinary party.

Burshtyn Thermal Power Plant completely of out of commission after succesfull missile strikes.

It never can be repaired again , well done ukraine keep doing stupid things👍

Putin: it is necessary to begin production of INF strike systems in response to US actions😁

International Court of Justice: Spain submitted a request to intervene in the case against “Israel” regarding the commission of genocide crimes in the Gaza Strip.

The false flag is already happening on mainstraim media towards the war with lebanon anytime can start. 🤡

After 9 months 🤣

The Iskander-M complex, destroyed the Ukrainian S-300 PS air defense system in the Odessa region

Наш ВДВ расчёт дрона "Упырь" передаёт пламенный привет складу БК ВСУ на правом берегу Днепра и тем кто был внутри него.

Объективный контроль ведётся с дрона ZALA.

Belarus has deployed a division of Polonez-M MLRS systems on the Polish border.

The Polonez is can neutralize command centers, weapon arsenals, concentrations of enemy hardware, and enemy personnel up to 300km away.

Грандиозным мероприятиям быть!

Another American M270 missile launcher (tracked analogue of HIMARS) with an Iskander missile near Nikolaev, 50 km from the front line along the Dnieper.

British Maritime Trade Authority: We received a report of an incident 150 nautical miles northwest of Hodeidah in Yemen.

British Maritime Trade Operations Authority: The captain reported that 5 missiles fell near the ship northwest of Hodeidah

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