Polestar wins Car Design and Auto Trader awards on the back of record order demand https://perma.cc/K8NK-LUPA
Polestar 2 is Norway's Car of the Year https://perma.cc/7G3V-NHGM
Polestar vinner Årets bil 2021 – Folkets Favoritt https://perma.cc/H4U2-X5Q7
Der Polestar 2 ist das «Schweizer Auto des Jahres» https://perma.cc/ZU9V-S39H
Polestar 2 is Norway's Car of the Year https://perma.cc/7G3V-NHGM
Polestar vinner Årets bil 2021 – Folkets Favoritt https://perma.cc/H4U2-X5Q7
Der Polestar 2 ist das «Schweizer Auto des Jahres» https://perma.cc/ZU9V-S39H