Qfs Die weißen Hüte

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Категория: Политика

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[Das ist alles nur eine Illusion]
Deine gesamte Gesellschaft, die du schon immer gekannt hast, wurde konstruiert, um dich alle im Labyrinth zu halten, das endlos nach dem Käse jagt 🧀
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Репост из: Midnight Rider Channel 🇺🇸
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German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said on Saturday “a new era of nefariousness” had begun in the wake of Trump’s treatment of Zelenskyy at the White House, but vowed that it would only increase her country’s commitment to Ukraine.

🚨Lindsey Graham fordert Zelenskyy auf, nach Trump-Streit zurückzutreten oder sich zu ändern - Guardian


🚨👀WTF!! Sie sind alle auf dem Weg nach London!!! Justin Trudeau reist am Samstag vor einem europäischen Verteidigungsgipfel am Sonntag nach London, um die Bedingungen für einen dauerhaften Frieden in der Ukraine zu schaffen.‌‌

Репост из: MIR payment | STELLAR (NSPK)
⚠️‼️A major change is coming to the global stage, and a global economic transformation is underway❗️
⚖️Events are unfolding that will have a significant impact on international politics and financial systems.

➡️The KILLNET team is on the verge of launching a revolutionary program, and with active involvement in the development of the Mir payment system, a new economic and political era is taking shape.☄️This is a global reset that will bring extraordinary opportunities for all investors. 💼

💿As for the investors of our Mir and KILLSWIFT assets, they will benefit from significant political influence over Europe and substantial dividends that will reshape the global economy! Everything aligns with the vision we have shared over time. 🕓

We are on the brink of a colossal transformation! 📈
🔴Australia will be one of the major economic hubs.


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 ❌Price: 2 XLM
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BREAKING: Der norwegische Treibstoffriese Haltbakk Bunker hat die Betankung der US-Marine eingestellt und fordert Europa auf, diesem Beispiel zu folgen.

@Allgemeine MCNEWS

🚨🚨🚨Warnung: Das US-Militär bereitet sich auf Luftangriffe auf mexikanische Drogeneinrichtungen und Waffenlager für Terroristen vor!! Sie werden ohne Vorwarnung zuschlagen!!🔥🔥🔥


Alles ist ne Show... alles ist illegal...

Ostern ist unser Zeit.

4 März ist sehr wichtig.

Wir sind in die letzten Tagen der 30 Tage.

3.1k 0 150 12 93

3.Weltkrieg Szenario Vorbereitung wird gestartet....

Königreich London und die EU gegen Russland und Co.

Innerhalb von 24 Stunden wird Trump alles beendet.

Papst muss noch offiziell sterben.

König Charles muss verhaftet werden oder sein tot muss noch offiziell bekannt gegeben werden.

PS: und Sie sind schon alle tot🫢😁...

Wir sehen uns einen Film 🎥 an.

Man kann nur einen Krieg beenden , wenn man einen Krieg führt.

Der einzige Weg ist das Militär.



Репост из: Midnight Rider Channel 🇺🇸
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LONDON, ENGLAND, UNITED KINGDOM - The United Kingdom and Ukraine sign a new loan to support Ukraine's defence capabilities.

LONDON, ENGLAND, VEREINIGTES KÖNIGREICH - Das Vereinigte Königreich und die Ukraine unterzeichnen ein neues Darlehen zur Unterstützung der Verteidigungsfähigkeiten der Ukraine.‌‌

3.6k 0 63 1 116

Die Trump-Regierung / das Kabinett hat einstimmig dafür gestimmt, die Verhandlungen mit Zelensky einzustellen - Waltz berichtet‌‌

Репост из: END TIMES
Folks, just so you're tracking. Retired officers at the rank of General who were also former SECDEFs have come out criticizing President Trump for his firing of CQ Brown, Franchetti, Slife and others. https://www.nytimes.com/2025/02/28/us/politics/trump-military-firings-defense-secretaries-letter.html What people in the general population don't know is that most of these people who are rebuking the president are retired General officers. Contrary to popular belief, Retired military members can still be court marshalled. If you don't think that's possible, think again - https://fedsoc.org/commentary/fedsoc-blog/the-prosecution-of-military-retirees-under-the-uniform-code-of-military-justice The MCM or Manual for Court Marshalls says "The MCM states any service member may be prosecuted under Article 88 (Contempt Toward Officials) if they use “contemptuous words against the President, the Vice President, Congress, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of a military department, the Secretary of Security, or the Governor or legislature of any State, Commonwealth, or possession in which he is on duty or present.” People can argue and say that retirees are immune, but when you ask an officer, when they commission, they commission for life. That nice retirement paycheck we all get for serving 20 years comes with strings attached. Be careful what you say Mattis, it could lead to your undoing!!!!!

Репост из: Disclose.tv
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NOW - PM Starmer says Ukraine's Zelensky has the "full backing across the United Kingdom."


NOW - PM Starmer sagt, der ukrainische Zelensky habe "die volle Unterstützung im gesamten Vereinigten Königreich."


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einmal komplett auf deutsch

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Der Tag an dem die Welt die Wahrheit erfährt, rückt immer näher! 🙏

5.7k 0 484 13 146

Репост из: MT News - Deutsch
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Trump: "Selenskij will keinen Frieden, er will uns mit reinziehen – wir kämpfen nicht für dieses Land"

US-Präsident Donald Trump hat sich in einem Interview zu dem Fiasko im Zusammenhang mit dem Besuch des ukrainischen Machthabers geäußert.

Präsident Trump sagte, Selenskij überschätze seine Position und wolle keinen Frieden. Stattdessen versuche er, die USA in den Krieg mit hineinzuziehen und weiterzukämpfen. "Das werden wir nicht tun. Nicht für dieses Land", sagte der US-Präsident.

Trump kritisierte, dass sich Selenskij aufspiele, weil er die USA auf seiner Seite wisse. "Sie haben heute gesehen, was ich gesehen habe. Das war kein Mann, der Frieden schließen will", so Trump.

Mehr auf unserer Webseite: https://rtde.org/


4.9k 0 91 7 193

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„Das Video ist schon älter und spricht für sich“!

5.5k 0 235 4 56

Only those who know what to listen for will hear what REALLY happened in the meeting today between Trump, Vance, and Zelenskyy.

Donald Trump just got Volodymyr Zelenskyy, president of Ukraine, to admit that he made personal deals with Barack Obama AND with Joe Biden. Those deals are in someway, responsible for him, refusing to declare or honor a cease-fire with Russia. Those deals prevent him from seeking peace.

Zelenskyy came from an acting career and Broadway type shows. He went straight into the presidency without any type of experience in politics before being elected. That was May 20th 2019. Do you understand the problem?

Obama was president until January of 2017, leaving the White House almost 2.5 years before Zelenskyy was elected in Ukraine. So, if Zelenskyy made deals with Obama during Trump's first term, Obama would have been violating the Hatch Act - unless Trump gave Obama permission to make such deals on behalf of the United States. I'm fairly confident in saying we know Trump would never do so.

So, either Obama was illegally making deals with Ukraine while Trump was in office or, Obama was making deals with Zelenskyy while Biden was in office. No matter when Zelenskyy made those deals with Barack Obama, you must realize that Obama was NOT the president of the United States when he made those deals with Zelenskyy.

But here is the biggest problem for sure. Not one time in all of the press and in all of the media or in all of the internet, has there been a single statement or story or report that Barack Obama met with Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Not one time did the media ever document that Obama even met with Zelenskyy. Not one time did Biden state, or allude to the idea, that Obama had been asked to represent the United States in talks with Zelenskyy or with Ukraine.

Whatever meetings and agreements that Vladimir Zelenskyy of Ukraine had with Barack Obama, they appeared to have been made without government oversight. Whatever deals were made between Zelenskyy and Obama were made in total and complete secrecy and apparently were not supposed to become public knowledge.

Zelenskyy slipped today and boy did he get caught!

Zelenskyy admitted that he has made deals with Obama and that Biden has backed whatever deals Obama made with Ukraine. Not one single American citizen even knew that Obama had met with Zelensky. Not one American citizen knew that our tax dollars were paying for an agreement that Obama made without our knowledge.

The hundreds of billions of dollars that Biden sent to Ukraine, the billions upon billions of dollars that our Congress sent to Ukraine; were apparently all sent in order to satisfy whatever agreements Barack Obama made with Volodymyr Zelenskyy…behind closed doors, in complete secrecy.


5.5k 0 102 10 83
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