Q's Wifearoo

Гео и язык канала: не указан, не указан
Категория: не указана

Unite and Lead with love Spread Truth

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Фильтр публикаций

: of, relating to, or being a hypothetical particle whose existence is inferred from indirect evidence


Definition of virtual

1: being such in essence or effect though not formally recognized or admitted

Virtual Inauguration doesn't even sound right! Will we see Jack Dorsey putting on a Hollywood Biden Mask?...Will the rehearsal be at the Cloning station: Clone Biden opening his eyes for the 1st time and Hitler's concious being transfered into him? Will they get the eye color right this time? Or maybe a plastic surgeon installing a voice box on a double that's being Mk Ultraed... Will we see several Bidens all at once finally and see what Billions can buy ? At this point nothing would surprise me! Looking forward to hidden spy cameras broadcasting live on the EBS

Does the Virtual inauguration come with behind the scenes and outtakes ?

Not just because of our relationship...Juan O Savin is by far the best telegram for A to Z info and the energy I feel on his chat there is no word for ....Truly a feeling of Unity I've never felt before ! God has his ways of choosing his people and I believe this may be one of them ! So different than and other social media...full of trolls and bots trying to spread misery and division...Pure Patriot Energy here. Thank you God for creating such a place for us all to connect with each other and dive deeper into who we truly are meant to be ...United Brothers and Sisters !

Репост из: Project Veritas
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It's no surprise to me that police have been bending altering and using the law in wrongful ways but this video shows how valid our rights are ! Now not wearing a mask is a disturbance and standing up for your rights is criminal! Where are the police that need to tell these people who call 911 and this instance that wearing a mask is not a law!!!!

that video says LIN WOOD IS CORRECT... and now Mike Adams is reversing himself and realizing the troops in the Capitol are under TRUMP....see above for what I said yesterday on this...

I think we should schedule a prayer on the 19th( pre inauguration) and also on the 21st( first day of Aquarius) and pray for a world of truth where evil can't survive or grow! Both at 8pm so all can join in !

I just think it's time that we start asking questions again but this time do some research and use our instincts. A wise man taught me to always ask "who does this benefit most?" and go from there ....

According to the Bible only people that are saved get to heaven... So when God has to fill heaven does he choose the saved pedophile that spends his life torturing children and hurting people or the gay man that saves these children and helps others at his own expense ?

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