Reiner Fuellmich 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺

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Official engl. channel, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, German/American Lawyer and co-founder:
Responsible in terms of press law: Dr. Reiner Fuellmich.

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Репост из: Official ICIC.LAW 🌎NEWS


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A new statement from Dr. Reiner Füllmich on current world events, the situation in the prison and the prospects for a positive future ...💥🔥📣💬📬❤️



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Репост из:
Durov still does not get it — Strategic Culture

Stephen Karganovic

Durov’s recent statements which indicate that he is labouring under grave illusions about the nature of his predicament. (...)

Pavel Durov should stop wasting his time attempting to lecture his French captors on the wrongfulness of the persecution to which they are subjecting him. They are completely uninterested in the philosophical and legal principles to which Durov is referring. Like their transatlantic colleagues, who display juridical virtuosity by indicting ham sandwiches, with equal facility and with as little professional remorse French prosecutors are prepared to indict bœuf bourguignon, if that is what the system they serve demands of them. Far more than a legal strategy, Durov now needs an effective negotiating position (and perhaps also a crash course in poker) to preserve the integrity of his enterprise and to regain fully his freedom without sacrificing honour. For an excellent introduction to the Western rules based order, Durov need look no further than the woeful predicament of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, the German-American lawyer who for months has been languishing in a German prison after being targeted on trumped-up charges for exposing the fraud of the recent “health emergency” that we all vividly recall.

Properly understood, the Durov affair should come as a sobering lesson not only for its principal but more importantly for the edification of the frivolous Russian intelligentsia who still entertain adolescent illusions about where the grass is greener and continue to nourish a petulant disdain for their own country, its way of life, and culture.



The Resurrection of Nazi Germany |

The 21st century version is worse than the 20th century version.

(...) During the years of the Covid hoax, Dr. Fuellmich organized a committee to investigate the lies about Covid and the “vaccine,” and was preparing to bring a lawsuit in behalf of those whose health and lives were lost to the “vaccine” that authorities said was “safe and effective.” This was going too far, and the ruling establishment took steps to stop him.

Possibly Washington was a participant in the plot against him. Dr. Fuellmich, who lives in Germany and in California, on his way to his California home was prevented from entering the US, and had to go to Mexico while waiting to sort out whatever the difficulty was. In Mexico he and his wife were tricked by the German embassy into going to the airport to have their passports renewed. The German government illegally kidnapped Dr. Fuellmich and flew him to Germany where he was arrested and since has spent much time in solitary confinement, which is used for the purpose of wearing down a victim’s will to resist.

All of this was done in violation of the German constitution and German law. His pre-trial detention is now double the length of pre-trial detention permitted under German law. (...)

During the long proceedings against Dr. Fuellmich, the judge has refused Dr. Fuellmich’s right to confront the “witnesses” against him with cross examination or even to allow them on the stand. The judge has refused the defense’s use of the evidence in its possession and has protected the fake evidence against Fuellmich from examination. Evidence is beside the point. The point is conviction of Dr. Fuellmich “at all costs.”

When the original charge fell apart despite the judge blocking evidence of innocence, the judge concocted a new charge, one completely nonsensical and said that he intended Dr. Fuellmich’s conviction. (...)

The purpose of the false proceedings against Dr. Fuellmich is to teach all others not to interfere with the agendas of the ruling elites.


The Persecution of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich

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A new statement by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, together with thanks for the sympathy of all friends, supporters and companions in difficult times.❤️🕯💬📬

Without truth there can be no justice and without justice there can be no peace.”


By special request from Reiner 👇🎶

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Part 4

The verdict has already been reached

At around 2.30 p.m., the revised motions for evidence were finally submitted to the court. After about 10 minutes, it was announced that the motions for the examination of the witnesses present would be decided in the judgment, which means that they were again rejected.
The statement according to 257 StPO on the witness examination of Roger Bittel, which took place last week, was made by attorney Wörmer and Reiner Füllmich.
Attorney Wörmer filed a motion for recusal against the entire chamber because the presiding judge said in between that there was no need to get upset that the witnesses were not heard or that the motions for evidence were not granted; after all, the legal opinion of the chamber would be known and the defendant would be free with the defense to appeal to the BGH and have the verdict reviewed, or, with regard to the refusal to revoke the arrest warrant, to the OLG Braunschweig.

This alone leads to the conclusion that the chamber has already passed the verdict and is clearly biased against the accused and has already mentally convicted him.

The deadline for submitting reasons for Wörmer's application for bias against the chamber was 11.00 a.m. on Monday.
The presiding judge then formally closed the taking of evidence.
Attorney Wörmer announced another present witness for the next day of the hearing on September 20, 2024. The presiding judge saw no problem with this, in which case the taking of evidence could be reopened.
He asked StA Recha and adhesion plaintiff's representative attorney Frank Großenbach (Antonia Fischer was absent) about the pleadings, whereupon both confirmed that they remained unchanged.
The presiding judge invited the defense to plead.
Attorney Wörmer stated that there were still additions to be made and that the taking of evidence would be reopened at the next hearing.
The hearing was closed at around 3.00 p.m. and will continue on Friday, 20.09.2024 at 9.15 a.m.

Pictured in the photos:

Attorney Katja Wörmer
Attorney Dr. Christof Miseré
Dr. Reiner Füllmich

from K. Heusinger


Part 3


The defense responded in a counterstatement and replied that the prosecution had so far refrained from clarifying the case and that it was rather the court that was delaying the proceedings due to its procedural methods.

Moreover, the maxim of the trial was not to be completed particularly quickly. Against the background of the time aspect that the client is in pre-trial detention, the trial maxim cannot be to finish particularly quickly in order to keep the pre-trial detention as short as possible and the criminal detention as long as possible, since the prosecution had already applied for a prison sentence of 3 years and 9 months and for the arrest warrant to be upheld. This means that the defendant would not be released, not even when the verdict is announced. The maxim of the trial could only ever be the thorough clarification of the facts of the case. The defendant has a right to this. In this case, this is being trampled underfoot by the public prosecutor's office and the court with the current procedure. Today's trial day lasted six hours, during which the four witnesses present could have simply been questioned instead of reading the motions for evidence themselves and then rejecting them. By summoning witnesses, the defense does not delay anything at all: the witness statements are not redundant, i.e. they are not repeated, but it is precisely about the questioning of witnesses, including Viviane Fischer, after the legal notice of 3.5.24 by the court and after the resulting changed assessment of it. Therefore, in order to clarify the facts, it would have been absolutely necessary to hear the witnesses present and also to hear Viviane Fischer again on the changed basis of the court.


Part 2

Everything is to be rejected

The witnesses present were:
Viviane Fischer, her lawyer in the present proceedings Gert-Holger Willanzheimer, Andrea Henning and Nicole Wolf.
Attorney Katja Wörmer had previously sent the motions for evidence to the court and had the witnesses summoned in due form by the bailiff.
As mentioned above, the motions for evidence were rejected by the chamber in the morning after 1 1/2 hours of deliberation. The defendant had also submitted handwritten motions for evidence.
The defendant's handwritten revised motions for evidence were not legible, so attorney Wörmer had to write them down in a readable version by dictation from Reiner Füllmich. This email did not go through after half an hour, neither to the presiding judge nor to the clerk, whereupon the presiding judge had the content of the email burned onto a CD.
StA Recha was conspicuous for his clearly disgruntled counter-statements to the defense. He expressed his opinion that the defense intended to delay the proceedings. He also insinuated that the defense was not interested in the case, but only in delaying the trial.
He went on to say that the motions for evidence were not such motions and that they should all be rejected.


30th day of trial on September 11, 2024 in the matter of Dr. Reiner Füllmich before the Göttingen Regional Court

Brief info - that means a more or less short summary of what happened in the courtroom today, which does not claim to be comprehensive or could be in this format.
This contribution from “We are Greek- What's your Superpower?” is for those people who follow Reiner's fate and would like to be kept up to date.
We do not claim to know all the connections and legal details or the whole truth.
This report must not be taken out of context!

-Until the lunch break, all motions for evidence by the defense were rejected by the chamber.
-The defense used the lunch break to revise the motions for evidence again, to submit them and to send them off.
-All present witnesses who were named as such are present.


Репост из: Official ICIC.LAW - International Crimes Investigative Committee
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9/11, UFO False Flags & Free Energy – Part 3

In this third and final episode of ICIC, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and British computer scientist and physicist Andrew Johnson talk about more shocking and strange details surrounding the complexities and hidden connections of the topics discussed at length. Both believe that these hitherto hidden circumstances, events, symbolisms and synchronicities must be made available to the public as widely as possible, without interruption, so that people can begin to see more clearly, use their own minds and finally stop just believing what they are told.

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13k 0 198 193

Репост из: Official ICIC.LAW - International Crimes Investigative Committee
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9/11, UFO False Flags & Free Energy – Part 2

In this second of three episodes of ICIC the conversation with Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and the British computer scientist and physicist Andrew Johnson continues, in which he uses numerous images and video material to establish the connections between the events surrounding 9/11 and many phenomena and events that at first glance appear to be independent of each other. He connects many dots in his vivid lecture that, when viewed over a longer period of time, create "aha effects" and a desire for further knowledge.

@ICIC:3' rel='nofollow'>

Thank you for your support!

Репост из: Official ICIC.LAW - International Crimes Investigative Committee
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9/11, UFO False Flags & Free Energy – Part 1

In this first of a three part episode ofICIC, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich talks with British computer scientist and physicist Andrew Johnson, who in the course of his detailed researchon the 9/11 attack and other topics also came across various conceptsof state-sponsored terrorism. It is now an open secret that secretgroups within governments, for example, fund terrorist groups such as Al-Qaeda or fundamentalist groups like the Taliban and others.

@ICIC:3' rel='nofollow'>
Thank you for your support!

30th day of trial on September 11, 2024 in the matter of Dr. Reiner Füllmich before the Göttingen Regional Court

Brief info - that means a more or less short summary of what happened in the courtroom today, which does not claim to be comprehensive or could be in this format.
This contribution from "We are Greek- What's your Superpower?" is for those people who follow Reiner's fate and would like to be kept up to date.
We do not claim to know all the connections and legal details or the whole truth.
This report must not be taken out of context!

-Until the lunch break, all motions for evidence by the defense were rejected by the chamber.
-The defense used the lunch break to revise the motions for evidence again, to submit them and to send them off.
-All present witnesses who were named as such are present.


15k 0 122 555

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What, if ... 😨


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Репост из: La Vérité Censurée


Et ceux qui dénoncent, comme l'avocat Reiner Fuellmich, finissent par être traités comme des criminels...

➡️🇨🇵 ARTICLE :
La persécution de Reiner Fuellmich, prisonnier politique
Détenu en Allemagne, l'avocat des "enquêtes Corona" est l'objet d'un traitement inhumain !

L’avocat bien connu Reiner Fuellmich est détenu dans des conditions terribles pour des raisons qui n’ont rien à voir avec ce dont il est accusé. Il a eu le courage de dire la vérité et il paie aujourd’hui pour ce courage. Il est, sans aucun doute, un prisonnier politique !

Nous devons faire connaître ce scandale afin de faire pression sur les orchestrateurs de ces événements en Allemagne...

Fuellmich a mené une vaste série d’entretiens (environ 400) et consulté près de 150 scientifiques et experts du monde entier dans tous les domaines, tels que :

Luc Montagnier (lauréat du prix Nobel), Dr Peter McCullough (célèbre cardiologue et épidémiologiste américain), Dr Mike Yeadon (ancien vice-président de Pfizer), Dr Judy Mikovits (scientifique), Dr. Robert Malone (biochimiste américain et pionnier de la technologie de l’ARNm), Dr Roger Hodkinson (médecin légiste), Dr Arne Burkhardt (médecin légiste allemand qui, avec un groupe de pathologistes, a pratiqué des autopsies sur des personnes vaccinées), Dr. Astrid Stückelberger (scientifique et chercheur), Dr Simone Gold (fondatrice d’America’s Frontline Doctors), Dr. Antonietta Gatti (scientifique), Dr. Mattias Desmet (psychologue), et bien d’autres...

Ses enquêtes ont permis de conclure que l'”urgence” Covid n’a jamais été une affaire de santé publique, puisqu’il n’y a pas eu de pandémie. On peut même parler d’une “pandémie de tests PCR”.

C’est précisément grâce à ces tests, qui ont généré plus de 95% de faux positifs, qu’il a été possible de gonfler le nombre de “cas” de Covid...
(La suite de l'article ➡️

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