Same Account Use unlimited Loot
⭕️👉2 account create. Both accounts Recharge 500Rs u Received Both account 600Rs after Fastparties game open and cross bet all amount
Eg: One account ♥️ full amount bet ,2nd account Bet 💚 After one account win Withdraw All amount After received payment Same procedure Do same account trick worked fine unlimited loot it
✅Per time 140Rs profits
👉Link: 🔗
⭕️👉2 account create. Both accounts Recharge 500Rs u Received Both account 600Rs after Fastparties game open and cross bet all amount
Eg: One account ♥️ full amount bet ,2nd account Bet 💚 After one account win Withdraw All amount After received payment Same procedure Do same account trick worked fine unlimited loot it
✅Per time 140Rs profits
👉Link: 🔗