SpyGate Down 🇺🇸 🇷🇺 🇮🇱 🇧🇷 🇫🇷

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Категория: Политика

We're gonna need more rope.
Wir brauchen noch mehr Seil.

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Репост из: Midnight Rider Channel 🇺🇸
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Well, well, well the Biden regime and the FCC is fast tracking George Soros acquiring hundreds of radio stations why would that be?

Репост из: Defender of the Republic 🇺🇸
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“Why we MUST win 🇺🇸🇺🇸”

Репост из: Dot Connecting Anons
Conservatives and liberals have different brain structures — here’s how

Forget crowd sizes — a new study confirms that conservatives boast slightly larger amygdalas, the part of the brain that plays a key role in identifying and reacting to potential threats, compared with liberals.

“A slightly larger amygdala simply highlights a brain’s increased sensitivity to issues related to [the] need for security, reduction of uncertainty and threat, or perhaps more careful processing of negative stimuli,” study author Diamantis Petropoulos Petalas told The Post.

The amygdala is about as big as a shelled peanut — and the difference between conservatives and liberals is about the size of a sesame seed, Petalas said.

Having a larger amygdala could be attributed to genes, the environment, or most likely, a combination of the two, he added. It is possibly related to a “larger proclivity for understanding danger.”

Репост из: Captain Keshel's 2024 Election HQ
Let’s see if I have this right.

*Teamsters won’t endorse Harris but members support Trump nearly 2:1.

*63 of 67 counties have a GOP registration trend since 2020, Dem lead down from 686k to 344k.

*Biden ran 605k off the registration edge in final margin in a quasi-election

*Trump holds many polling leads including MSM polls

*Mail ballot requests are way down…

And I am supposed to believe Trump can possibly lose by 5%?

This is why MSM polling is sick propaganda.

Репост из: Dot Connecting Anons
An Alaska man has been charged with threatening to torture and murder six Supreme Court justices — including two of the high court’s best-known conservatives — as well as their relatives, the Justice Department revealed Thursday.

Panos Anastasiou, 76, was nabbed Wednesday in Anchorage and is facing 22 federal charges stemming from 465 alarming messages he sent via the Supreme Court’s website between March 10 and July 16, prosecutors say.

The justices are not identified in the indictment, but details about Anastasiou’s messages indicate he targeted Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas.

In one alleged message, sent May 17, Anastasiou said he wanted to drive by a justice’s house with fellow Vietnam War veterans and spray the property with AR-15 gunfire.

“Hopefully N—– [Supreme Court Justice 1] and his white trailer trash n—– loving wife insurrectionist wife are visiting,” he wrote, according to the indictment.

Репост из: Badlands Media
Brazil’s Supreme Court has ordered Elon Musk’s platform X not to bypass a previous ruling that suspended the platform in the country, warning of a daily fine of 5 million reais ($921,726.95) for non-compliance.

Badlands Media
X / @badlandsmedia/113165410181019889' rel='nofollow'>Truth Social

Репост из: RealTimeNews™
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JD Vance: "The reason why all these popular things don't happen -- deporting illegal aliens, stopping sending American kids to die in pointless war is because right now we don't live in a real democracy. The people who call the shots in this country have further and further divorced themselves from any real democratic accountability."


Репост из: Patri0tsareinContr0l ️️️
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President Trump with some key words on the 2024 Election:

“Too big to rig is a big deal, and that’s true. AT A CERTAIN POINT, YOU CAN’T GET AWAY WITH IT.”

He’s basically telling you they won’t be able to pull off the steal bc his support is too overwhelming for them to sell the lie.

And this is why we all have to VOTE, even in a rigged system.


Репост из: Dot Connecting Anons
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RFK Jr: See you there! 🇺🇸

It's our time.

We must unite. It's time to RESCUE THE REPUBLIC.

Join us in Washington D.C on 9/29/24

Репост из: Badlands Media
A federal judge ruled on Wednesday that the South Carolina State Election Commission must grant the conservative group, Public Legal Interest Foundation, access to the state’s voter registration list.

Badlands Media
X / @badlandsmedia/113165013612466631' rel='nofollow'>Truth Social

Репост из: No BS kNews
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Will They Let Trump Win? JD Vance Answers.
https://youtube.com/shorts/tAlB0bH5NfM 09/19 TCN
They took full control of military

Репост из: We The Media
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👀 Tucson Trump Rally Sparks Backlash as roughly 20 attendees, primarily members of the “Latinos for Trump” group who had been onstage, reported becoming ill with mysterious symptoms shortly after the rally concluded. All those who reported falling ill were seated on the side of the stage where Trump made his entrance before approaching the podium.

Pastor Eli Moreno, who opened the rally with prayer, and his wife, Francesca Moreno, were among those affected. Pastor Moreno said that he experienced mild discomfort, but his wife’s symptoms were far more severe. On their drive home, Mrs. Moreno’s nose began to run, her vision blurred, and her face swelled up. They stopped at a Walgreens and encountered another rallygoer with similar symptoms. Mrs. Moreno stated that emergency room doctors flushed her eyes earlier and referred her to an ophthalmologist. Five days later, she was just beginning to feel better.

Mayra Rodriguez, another attendee, also fell ill 30 minutes after leaving the rally, experiencing burning eyes and a severe headache. By the time she arrived at the emergency room, she could no longer open her eyes. After performing a dye test, the doctor informed her that she had suffered a chemical burn. Days later, she continued suffering from blurry vision and light sensitivity.

Several other attendees shared similar stories with The Arizona Globe.

The rally in Tucson, a predominantly left-leaning city. The event took place at the Linda Ronstadt Music Hall, drawing attention to Trump’s new policy announcement and the controversy surrounding the rally before and after.

Before the rally, Pima County Supervisor Adelita Grijalva sparked backlash by posting a profane sign on social media. The sign, which read “F you MAGA, no more Orange” in Spanish, was captioned, “Welcome to Tucson.” At a subsequent Pima County Board of Supervisors meeting, constituents demanded an apology from Grijalva. However, she stood by her actions, stating, “I’ll acknowledge wrongdoing when Trump apologizes for the racist, misogynistic, sexist, inflammatory comments he’s made about women, people of color, LGBTQ…”

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