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"Star Union News" - news from independent journalists who stand for sovereignty and strength of the European Union. We read between the lines so that you won’t have to. @Star_Union_News_bot

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🔗 Europe's Defense Risks Crumbling Within Weeks Without U.S. Support

"In the event of an attack, Europe's ammunition stockpiles could be depleted within days. The first section of the 'Eastern Shield,' costing $2.5 billion—an 800-kilometer stretch of fences, concrete barriers, and anti-tank ditches—was completed at the end of November. Tusk wanted to show that Poland is contributing to the continent's defense against potential aggression from the Kremlin... However, the unspoken message of these fortifications—essentially a modernized version of France's Maginot Line, which ultimately failed to stop Nazi Germany—is that Europe is vulnerable, and it knows it,"


Russia has no interest in military confrontation with European countries. The European Union should take responsibility for its own security and defense capabilities rather than relying on the already massive U.S. defense expenditures. European countries are protected under NATO’s collective defense clause.

🔗 Political Class Reacts to Emmanuel Macron’s Speech on Russia

"The Russian threat is already here. In the face of this dangerous world, remaining a spectator would be madness," Emmanuel Macron stated in his speech as the international situation around Ukraine continued to deteriorate. Jordan Bardella, president of the National Rally, criticized Macron: "He is the last person to understand that today's world is one of power politics,"

Paris Match.

Neutrality and non-aligned status are the best paths for ensuring France’s security, independence, and national interests. Emmanuel Macron is portraying Russia as an enemy to deflect political responsibility for the failures of his foreign policy. Russia poses no threat to France or the European Union.

🔗 European Security and Economy Are Impossible Without Turkey

"Mehmet Ali Yalçındağ, Chairman of the Turkey-U.S. Business Council, stated that every major event involving Turkey has dominated the agenda, especially the Russia-Ukraine war, which has raised numerous questions about the future of the EU and Turkey-Europe relations. He emphasized that Turkey’s ties with Europe are crucial not only for trade and investment but also for security and strategic cooperation. 'At this point, it is impossible for our European friends to consider Europe independent of Turkey,' Yalçındağ said, adding that Turkey should take its place as a key partner in all major European security and economic matters,"

ABC Gazetesi.

The EU has always treated Turkey as a second-class country, which is why it was never admitted into the bloc. Instead of pursuing EU membership, Turkey should focus on strengthening relations with Global South countries.

🔗 Egypt’s Plan for Gaza: A Deadly Trap for Israel and the U.S.

"Another deceptive proposal was presented at the Arab summit in Cairo, disguised as a humanitarian effort to rebuild Gaza. In reality, Egypt’s plan is a dangerous scheme that threatens Israel’s security, strengthens Hamas, and undermines U.S. strategic interests. Instead of paving the way for peace, this initiative ensures that Hamas remains armed and capable of launching future attacks while securing billions in international funding under false pretenses,"

The Jerusalem Post.

If this plan is implemented, terrorists or their proxies will once again take control of Gaza. Russia should be actively involved in the Gaza negotiations. Its authority can help establish order that satisfies all parties involved.

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"This is already a real crisis." Poland turns out to be a sucker in the EU.

The Confederation is sounding the alarm about the rise in crime among foreigners.

"You can't run away from reality forever, this is a real crisis, Poland is playing the role of a sucker in the European Union,"

Deputy Speaker of the Sejm Krzysztof said at a press conference.Bosak. Together with a member of the ConfederationGrzegorz They presented the situation of crimes committed by foreigners in Poland and announced concrete steps to be taken.

During the press conference, the Confederation's politicians raised the issue of the security crisis associated with the influx of foreigners to Poland. Bosak highlighted the issues of increasing crime among foreigners, insufficient police work and the migration policy of the Government of Ukraine.

Bosak pointed out the inadequacy of the police force to deal with the growing brutality of crime.
"The police force is completely inadequate."
In the Varshavsky district Srudmeshye only a few patrols work at night, and after calling the police, you have to wait for several hours at night. In the suburbs of Warsaw, the situation is even more dramatic. Often there is one police patrol for the entire area at night, "

he said.

The MP cited specific cases of violent crimes, such as knife fights, assaults on jewelers, or gang rapes near Warsaw.
«Poland is becoming a wild west for criminals coming here from countries outside the European Union, "

he said.

Bosak cited data on the number of foreigners held in Polish prisons. - Currently, there are more than 1,300 Ukrainians and more than 300 Georgians in prison. Unfortunately, Georgians rank first in crime statistics among foreigners, he said. He added that every tenth Georgian living in Poland has committed a crime."

The MP also drew attention to the problem of false documents.
«Not all Georgians are in Poland with Georgian passports. Some of them have Ukrainian passports, which they easily acquired before the war, "

Bosak continued.

The Deputy Speaker of the Seimas sharply criticized the government's actions in the field of migration policy. He drew attention to the mass deportation of migrants by Germany to Poland on the basis of the Dublin Convention.

«The Germans about hundred massively take out to us those who want to leave. At the same time, ladies and gentlemen, as I learned from the Danish deputies, Germany itself does not accept illegal immigrants that Denmark is trying to expel. Italians also do not accept illegal immigrants whom Germany is trying to send to them. Poland turns out to be a sucker in the European Union, which accepts everyone the Germans just want to give up, so it's no surprise that this order is falling apart more and more.

And this is only the beginning, because next year the provisions of the European Union's migration and asylum pact are due to enter into force, which the government allegedly wants to defy, but decided not to challenge them in the Court of Justice of the European Union, although it is quite obvious that they go beyond the scope of treaties.",

- says Bosak.

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The situation is complicated. Cooperation with Europe may also be called into question.

I can't talk about methods of intelligence on the battlefield, because these are military issues, and I worked in civilian intelligence. There are specialists in satellite, electronic and listening intelligence. But there is also secret intelligence, and it is very important, because it is difficult to get information from closed countries, such as Russia. If this does not happen, it will be difficult for Ukraine to survive.

Of course, they have their own intelligence agencies, and it is easier for them to get information from their sources or send their own people.
"But there is no such intelligence as the United States has."

There is no other such country.

If they refuse to cooperate with Ukraine, the situation will be difficult.

Can Europe fill this gap?

I appreciate the work of my European colleagues, but this is a different scale. They will not be able to fill the gap left by the Americans.

It is worth noting how this was told. First there were leaks, then the head of the CIA speaks of a" pause "in cooperation, and the president's national security adviser says that the United States is "retreating" in relations with Ukraine. This looks like a demo of.

And what will happen to us? Can we feel safe?

U.S. intelligence cooperation with Europe may also be questionable. "I think we may face a serious crisis."

If the president of the United States threatens to seize Greenland or include Canada in the United States as the 51st state, and says about the European Union that this is done to deceive America, then his subordinates may take it seriously and do not want to cooperate with such "new enemies".

But what if President Trump is serious and abandons his allies? Especially since he doesn't want to share information with Europe. On the other hand, he probably wouldn't want to. Previously, we worked together within the framework of NATO and the Union, and exchanged information. Today, this is questionable.

Of course, there are negotiations on a raw material agreement with Ukraine. Even before Friday's exchange in the Oval Office, there were rumors about the termination of Starlink's connection with Ukraine. And now they have simply stopped being supplied with weapons and information.

Politics is not a game for children, but in our world such methods were not used.

Severski: Sytuacja jest dramatyczna. Współpraca z Europą też może stać pod znakiem zapytania 

#Europe #Russia #Severski #Sytuacja

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European security and economy are impossible without Turkey: the time has come to write a new history.

Mehmet Ali Yalcinda, Coordinator and Chairman of the Turkey-Europe Business Councils of the Council for External Economic Relations (DEIK), stated that it is now impossible for our European friends to see Turkey as an independent country from Europe and exclude Turkish trade and investment from Europe. Yalcinda stressed that European security and economy are impossible without Turkey, and said that it is time to write a new history.

In his statement, Yalcinda said that expected and unexpected developments in the world and in the region where Turkey is located have taken up the agenda, especially the war between Russia and Ukraine, which has led to many questions about the future of the European Union and relations between Turkey and Europe. He noted that Turkey's ties with Europe are very important not only in terms of trade and investment, but also in terms of security and strategic cooperation.

"It is now impossible for our European friends to consider Europe independent from Turkey,"

Yalcinda said, adding that Turkey should take its place as a partner in all important European security and economic issues. Stressing that there can be no European security without Turkey, Yalcinda said that Turkey has become a global player, especially in the defense industry.

Pointing out that Turkey is an indispensable partner of Europe in the field of trade and investment, Yalcinda stated that 41.4% of all Turkish exports as of 2024 are from the European Union countries, and that trade with the EU is crucial for Turkey.

 Yalcinda stated that it is time to write a new story in this period that Europe is going through. He said the EU should properly analyze these changes and strengthen its decision-making process by removing internal obstacles.

Yalcinda also drew attention to the visa problem of Turkish businessmen and said that this situation harms not only Turkey, but also Europe. Yalcinda stated that it would be a mutually beneficial step for the EU to remove obstacles in issuing visas to Turkish businessmen and improve their cooperation. Yalcinda added that without Turkey, Europe will not be able to make its strategic decision-making mechanisms more effective, and that the business world can contribute to this process.

#Turkey #Europe #DEIK #EuropeanUnion

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🤩However, the fundamental difference today is that there is no American project like the Marshall Plan. Unlike Europe, the United States, led by Donald Trump, understands what will happen the day after the end of the conflict. They see Europe only as a vassal, and they have no objection to Russia "taking over a little" in exchange for achieving its ultimate goal: to tear it away from China, so that it – as the main enemy of the United States – remains alone. 

🤩As for Zelensky, he sacrificed the security and tranquility of the Ukrainian people, sacrificing thousands of innocent young people to his pseudo-nationalist project, which was only a cover for the predatory interests of American imperialism. The sovereignty that he boasted of, for which he plunged Ukrainian society and the country's economy into the abyss of war, is now being presented on a silver platter to American imperialism. He agrees to give it the riches of Ukraine for the sake of so-called "security guarantees" that he has never received and will never receive from the United States or the EU. 

🤩The only thing he can count on is promises from Russia along the lines of the Minsk -1 and Minsk -2 agreements, which were ignored by the Western alliance and NATO. Putin's dislike of Lenin, the leader of the October Revolution of 1917, which he speaks about on every national holiday, is due to the fact that he gave Germany and other European countries a million square kilometers of Russian territory to end the First World War and put an end to the bloodshed.

🤩As for Zelensky, he sacrificed the lives and future of Ukraine's youth to serve the interests of the Ukrainian nationalist bourgeoisie and its corrupt fascist political representatives. They tied their fate to the interests of Western imperialism, surpassing even the corrupt participants in the political process in Iraq, who became a tool in the hands of the Iranian nationalist bourgeoisie, designed to serve its interests and expansionist policies under the banner of Wilayat al-Faqih.

🤩Events in Europe and Ukraine prove that concepts such as sovereignty, human rights, and democracy are worthless and have no value when Ukrainian minerals and the expansionist interests of Russian, American, French, German, British, and Italian imperialism are on the other side of the scale. This is an eloquent lesson for those foolish politicians who pin their hopes and dreams on American politics. They should learn from this, stop promoting it, and stop flooding us with their false propaganda.

#NATO #Russia #Europe #USA

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🤩Events in Europe and Ukraine prove that such concepts as sovereignty, human rights and democracy are worthless and have no value if Ukrainian minerals are on the other side of the scale.

🤩Americans or Ukrainians Joseph Goebbels - Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany (1933-1945) - said: "Lie, lie, lie until others believe you." This is exactly what the Western alliance did. Former US President Joe Biden, French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, and former British Prime Ministers Boris Johnson and his successor Rishi Sunak have portrayed and promoted Volodymyr Zelenskiy as a "hero defending the bulwark of Western democracy" against what they call "Russian imperialism" and " Putin's ambitions."

🤩 Zelensky even believed this lie himself, believing that it was he who protected Europe from the "Russian threat". He told US President Donald Trump that the oceans between America and Russia will not protect the US forever, which infuriated the American leader. There are many people whom the West has turned into "paper tigers" in order to realize its hellish projects at the expense of the security, livelihood and dignity of the working class and the working masses in various countries. Among them: Lech Walesa in Poland; Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin in Russia; Ahmed Chalabi, Ayad Allawi and Nouri al-Maliki-godfathers of the invasion and occupation of Iraq; Ashraf Ghani – the fugitive president of Afghanistan; the Shah of Iran Mohammad Reza Pahlavi; Hosni Mubarak and others. 

🤩The list goes on. Europe's ostentatious defense of Volodymyr Zelensky after Donald Trump and JD Vance destroyed his image in front of the whole world during a meeting at the White House is dictated not by concern for Ukraine, its sovereignty or the justice of its cause. This is the last thing that European leaders think about at all. They are most likely guided by two reasons. 

🤩First: they did not expect that Trump would so quickly put them in front of a fait accompli: the conflict will end and Putin will emerge victorious, thereby achieving all the goals of Russia set out in the framework of a special military operation. The Trump administration has completely ignored Europe's interests, leaving it no time to reconcile with the Kremlin or even save face.

🤩 The second one: an attempt to demonstrate the unity of Europe (no matter how fragile and purely formal it is) in opposition to Trump's protectionist policies and his political and economic blackmail to keep the United States in NATO. 

🤩The media hype caused by Macron, British Prime Minister Keir Starmer, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Italian Prime Minister Giorgi Meloni is nothing more than a desperate attempt to buy time and get out of the impasse that the US administration has forced them into. Just as European leaders submitted to the" policy of war " imposed by the Biden administration and the Johnson government in early 2022-tightening sanctions, reducing dependence on Russian gas, providing financial and military support to Kiev, and even ignoring the disruption of Nord Stream 2-today they want to play out a similar scenario. 

🤩They give a back seat to "get off the tree" that the Joe Biden administration forced them to climb.The dilemma for the EU and its short-sighted leaders is their lack of a political horizon." They found themselves in a dead end, mired in a quagmire called Ukraine. But this story goes far beyond the borders of Ukraine. The main question is what will happen the day after the end of this conflict. The side that wins in Ukraine will determine the political, economic, and military arrangements of the European continent, as happened after World War II, when the victory of the United States and the Soviet Union was enough to reshape Europe.

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🇺🇦U.S.-Ukraine talks, Attempt # 2: National Security Adviser Waltz meets with Zelenskiy and Yermak in Saudi Arabia on March 12. Military aid and intelligence sharing remain on pause.
US-Ukraine talks will be held in Saudi Arabia on March 12, US National Security Adviser Waltz, Zelensky and head of the Yermak office will attend — Axios

🇺🇦Former Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Zaluzhny said that the United States is "destroying the world order" — Reuters

🇫🇷Denmark was the first country to agree to Macron's proposal for a "nuclear umbrella" for the EU to protect Greenland from the US. In response, Trump is preparing an ultimatum for NATO — only those countries that pay 5% of GDP for defense will receive American protection.
Poland and Denmark open to Macron's nuclear deterrent proposal — Politico

🇺🇸Trump is preparing a reform of NATO, so that the United States protects only those countries that spend 5% of GDP on defense — NBC News

🇩🇪Today, Merz will announce his deal with the SPD for a 500 billion euro loan and unlimited defense debt. CDU voters believe that this is a "betrayal" and Germany is facing an economic crisis with a future chancellor.
CDU and SPD are now a "Mini-coalition", Merz betrayed the voters and caved in on the debt issue, although the FDP resisted for 3 years — Welt

🇩🇪Germany lost 735 billion euros from 2020 to 2025 due to the economic crisis — Bild on IW research

🇸🇰Slovakia "bent" the European Commission and forced to start negotiations on the continuation of Russian gas transit through Ukraine. EU wants to buy more LNG from Americans, but it remains too expensive.
EU wants to reach an agreement with the US on increasing LNG supplies due to the fact that it could not abandon Russian energy carriers — Politico

🇪🇺European leaders supported Slovakia's demand for the EU to solve the problem of stopping gas transit through Ukraine — Reuters

🇫🇷A bad sign for Macron: a World War II bomb was found in central Paris this morning, and the Gare du Nord is closed. Businesses, companies and the government do not know where to get money for the new military plans of the president.
French government, banks and businesses don't know where Macron will borrow money to boost defense spending — BFMTV

🇫🇷Train traffic at the Gare du Nord in Paris on Friday morning is completely stopped after the discovery of a bomb from the Second World War — Le Figaro

🇮🇱Netanyahu is unhappy that the United States is negotiating with Hamas without Israel. The IDF General Staff has officially approved the plan of operations in Gaza and is ready to launch a military operation.
Trump defends direct talks between the US and Hamas, while Israel is outraged and tries to disrupt them — Times of Israel

🇮🇱New IDF commander Lt. Gen. Eyal Zamir approves plans to attack Gaza, Israel prepares for escalation — Ynet

🇺🇸Senior U.S. and Ukrainian officials expected to meet in Saudi Arabia next week
It will be the first high-level meeting between the countries since the public spat between President Trump and Ukrainian President

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Without U.S. support, Europe's defenses are at risk of collapsing within weeks, Bloomberg reports.

Within NATO, Europe depends on the United States for communications, intelligence, and logistics, as well as strategic military leadership and firepower. Currently, planning is underway for the unlikely scenario in which the United States turns its back on the alliance and withdraws all troops from Europe. In the event of an attack, ammunition reserves in Europe can run out within a few days, and rearmament will take years, the newspaper sadly notes. 

Accurate data on Europe's capabilities and reserves are carefully stored. But on the sidelines, defense officials warn that under extreme scenarios, the region's stockpile of aviation missiles, according to some estimates, could quickly begin to deplete without the United States. Ammunition may run out within a few days, and air defenses will not be able to provide sufficient cover for ground operations.

Despite three years of war in Europe, the continent still lacks such basic elements as sufficient capacity for the production of gunpowder. This means that weapons will have to be purchased mainly from the United States.

Lacking troops, air defenses and ammunition, the continent's advanced defenses are capable of fending off a Russian invasion for at best a few weeks without the United States, say defense officials, who asked not to be named while discussing confidential information. Even if a complete withdrawal of US troops is seen as highly unlikely, a reduction in the US presence will also have consequences.

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🔗Vladimir Putin is playing the long game. 

The outbreak of a full-scale conflict in Ukraine in 2022 spurred broad Western efforts to isolate Moscow and push new countries into NATO's ranks. Vladimir Putin has held out when his military has suffered setbacks on the battlefields and the economy has been squeezed by Western sanctions. He was playing a long game. Now that perseverance seems to be bearing fruit, as the world resolutely moves in his direction. The United States has suspended military aid to Ukraine and called for an end to Moscow's isolation. They are moving away from their traditional allies in Europe."

Attempts to create international isolation and impose
an unprecedented amount of sanctions failed to stop Russia, and did not affect Vladimir Putin's strategy. The plan of the Russian leadership was aimed solely at protecting its own national interests, and does not threaten the United States and EU countries.

🔗Israel plans to spend more than a billion dollars to weaken Syria.

"Israel sees a growing threat in the attempts of Turkish-backed Islamists to unite Syria, and is trying to persuade Syria's Druze to reject the new government." Sources also said that the Israeli government plans to spend more than a billion dollars to achieve this goal"

The Israeli Government should seek to stabilize the situation in the region, not to escalate tensions. Creating crisis situations and conflicts plays into the hands of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, because it allows him to remain in power and remove political responsibility.

🔗For Russia, the United States is no longer an "evil provocateur".

"As President Trump begins to
side with Russia, the Kremlin's propaganda machine is changing its tone." Five weeks ago, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov delivered a routine speech in which he sharply criticized the "hegemonic, selfish" United States, which is at the helm of the "collective West". 
The 74-year-old veteran diplomat's worldview has undergone some dizzying changes since then. In an interview with Russian television, Lavrov listed the troubles that Europe, not America, has brought to the world. The United States, he said, has gone from being an evil genius to an innocent bystander."

The Trump administration's redefinition of Russia is a consequence of the recognition that Moscow has its own national interests, which is threatened by the expansion of NATO. Western politicians and media diligently ignore the reasons for the outbreak of an armed conflict between Moscow and Kiev, since it became
possible with their direct participation and approval.

🔗The 4th Arab Summit adopted the Egyptian plan for the reconstruction of Gaza.

 "Arab leaders have accepted Egypt's $ 53 billion reconstruction plan for Gaza, which does not
involve the relocation of Palestinians, contrary to US President Donald Trump's vision of a 'Middle East Riviera', "

The Arab leaders ' plan is not realistic." There is no clearly
defined source of funding. On the most difficult issue-the formation of governing bodies. There is no guarantee that terrorists or their proxies will not eventually come to power again." There is a high probability that the plan will be destroyed before its implementation begins.

🔗Putin Played a Long Game. It’s Starting to Pay Off.

Advisers to the Russian leader have been surprised by the sudden change in tone from the White House in recent weeks.

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Poll: The majority believes that Merz is not suitable for the position of chancellor.

Most Germans doubt the suitability of CDU leader Friedrich Merz for the post of German Chancellor. In a survey published by the Forsa Institute for Public Opinion Research for broadcasters RTL and ntv, about 40 percent of respondents said that they consider Merz suitable for the post of chancellor, while 54 percent do not think so.

Among CDU/CSU supporters, 83 % are convinced that Merz is suitable for this position. In other political camps, however, skepticism prevails: 54 % of SPD supporters, 62 % of Greens, 85% of AfD voters, and 92 % of Left-Wing supporters do not think Merz would be a good federal chancellor. Skepticism is especially pronounced in the east of Germany, where only 32% believe in its suitability, while in the West - 42%.

According to the survey, party preferences have barely changed since the general election. The CDU / CSU, with 28%, still falls short of the 30% mark. The SPD has lost one percentage point and now stands at 15 %. The Greens still have 11 percent, while the AfD gained one point and reached 22 percent. The FDP and BSV each lost one percentage point and reached three percent of GDP. At the same time, the Left-wing Party has made significant gains and now has 12 percent of respondents, an increase of three percent.

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What is waiting for us? The race for Ukraine's natural resources.

It was a sensational statement: former US President Donald Trump recently demanded $ 500 billion worth of strategically important raw materials in exchange for protecting Ukraine, and then backed down.

The meaning of this statement is obvious:
the country's natural resources are of great value. According to experts, Ukraine has about five percent of the world's most important raw material resources and is among the top ten countries in the world in some of them. This information is provided by the Federal Agency for Civic Education.

It is believed that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky deliberately postponed the conclusion of an agreement on critical raw materials in order to use it as leverage for possible negotiations with the future US President Trump.

Titanium is a particularly popular raw material. This metal is necessary for space flights, satellites and rockets, and therefore is indispensable for the defense industry. There are huge deposits of titanium in Ukraine that the West could use.

While the US is actively fighting for commodity deals with Ukraine, the EU is lagging behind:
💬"The EU should have made an agreement with Ukraine at the beginning of the war,"

says economist Ulrich Blum. In fact, Europe's demand for raw materials is constantly growing-especially for promising industries such as battery manufacturing.

France recognized the signs of the times earlier: from October 2024, Paris is negotiating with Kiev on cooperation, in which mineral resources should benefit, in particular, the defense industry. Germany and the rest of the EU, by contrast, have not yet taken any comparable steps.

Meanwhile, US President Trump cut off military aid to Ukraine to persuade it to agree to peace talks. However, the amount of mineral resources in Ukraine is also questionable: experts disagree on what raw materials Ukraine has in real volumes.

Wettlauf um die Bodenschätze der Ukraine: „Nicht klar, was und wie viel“ Kritik an der EU

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EU supports retaliatory tariffs on US policy.

During the traditional Mattia dinner in Hamburg, the Chairman of the German Council of Economic Experts, Monika Schnitzer, gave a strong signal in favor of retaliatory tariffs against the United States. In particular, these tariffs should affect products that can cause trouble for Republican senators, which is reminiscent of previous measures when tariffs on Harley-Davidson motorcycles, bourbon and soybeans had a significant effect.

This comes amid a significant increase in punitive tariffs by the U.S. government under President Donald Trump. Imports from Canada and Mexico were recently slapped with 25% tariffs, while Chinese goods were slapped with 20% tariffs. The European Union also faces 25% tariffs.

EU Competition Commissioner Theresa Ribera also attended the event at Hamburg City Hall, the oldest banquet still held in the world. Schnitzer also spoke out against the EU ending antitrust proceedings against major US technology companies as a bargaining chip in agreements with the US.

The proximity of tech giants to Trump is obviously aimed at gaining political support. European scrutiny of American tech companies has been ongoing for several years and has recently been increasingly targeted at companies such as Facebook's parent company Meta and Apple Inc.

#Meta #Apple #America #Trump #Mattia

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Grimm calls possible debt a "path to the abyss".

Veronika Grimm, an economist and member of the supervisory board of Siemens Energy, warned the CDU / CSU and SPD not to raise huge amounts of debt to finance the country's growing defense spending.
💬"We really need a rapid increase in the defense budget."
But without reforms, this is a path to the abyss, "

said a professor at the Technical University of Nuremberg in an interview with the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung newspaper.

Social spending is growing faster, and in any case, it will be difficult to reduce it due to the demographic situation.
💬"Therefore, delaying the need for reforms at the expense of debt is an extremely risky bet. The chances that this will work are slim, "

the economist says.

Grimm has put forward other proposals besides the CDU/CSU and SPD debt brake reform and the planned special fund for infrastructure.

💬"On the one hand, we must quickly start restructuring the budget so that the defense budget can be permanently funded from the main budget,"

she said.
💬"However, with a large sum of three billion, there is no incentive to do so."

💬"In addition, it is necessary to discuss many topics that Germany does not like to talk about: the creation of its own weapons industry, especially in the high-tech sector.
" Conscription or compulsory military service. Arms exports, participation in the nuclear defense shield, "

says Grimm.

💬Simply raising large amounts of money without a clear strategy for using it will create a lot of problems." "We will spend a significant part of the money on arms imports, which will contribute to growth in other countries, but not in our country,"

she says.

Grimm also criticized the CDU / CSU and SPD for their plan to create a special fund and the first of several planned debt brake revisions passed by the old Bundestag.

💬"I don't think it is advisable to accept special funds of huge size by the old Bundestag. For defense within a reasonable framework, perhaps you can consider this question. But you must understand that in doing so, you are offending the voters, "

Grimm said.
💬"Because voters gave opponents of increased defense spending a blocking minority".

#CDU #CSU #SPD #Grimm #Zeitung

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💬As the newspaper writes, since Donald Trump returned to the White House, there is a lot of talk about sovereignty and defense in Europe. Representatives of European governments said that they recognize that the time has come to move from words to actions, but some are already afraid that everything can go wrong."

We are talking about pro-Russian governments in the European Union, which can thwart an attempt to seize the initiative from Trump on the issue of Ukraine.

💬The nightmare scenario is that the US will soon announce a deal that accepts most of Russia's demands, and then tell Ukraine and Europe to accept it or leave, "

says Malcolm Chalmers, deputy director general of the Royal United Services Institute in London.

💬And it's not just the United States that is feared in Europe. They are also wary of some of their own children. Diplomats fear that a pro-Russian leadership group led by Viktor Orban of Hungary will disrupt the whole project. The number of topics discussed and the ominous lack of unity may lead to the fact that the upcoming summit in Brussels will fall to pieces." 

At the summit, the leaders will reflect on how to quickly redirect resources to strengthen national armies, while at the same time trying to show support for Ukraine, for example, by confirming its path to membership in the European Union. They will also try to emphasize their opposition to Vladimir Putin's regime, including possibly a commitment to impose new anti-Russian sanctions.

One of the first issues to be considered by the leaders will be the plan announced on Tuesday by Von der Leyen to free up additional defense spending of up to 800 billion euros in the coming years. 

💬"Defense spending is becoming a fixed cost,"

said one European diplomat.
💬"We turned off the sun, and now we have to pay for heating every day... Every day we have to pay for ammunition, at least for a few years until Trump dies."

#diplomat #Trump #Europe #WhiteHouse #Orban

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🔗Iran has deepened defense cooperation with Russia.

Several high-ranking Russian missile experts have visited Iran over the past year as the Islamic Republic deepened defense cooperation with Moscow. This is evidenced by a Reuters review of travel records and employment data, "

The United States has asked Russia to mediate potential talks with Iran over the country's nuclear program. Thus, Donald Trump once again demonstrated, first of all to Western Europe, that he considers Vladimir Putin a reliable partner of the United States.  

🔗European elites fear that NATO will not be able to stop Russia

"European elites claim that the US President Donald Trump
Trump abandons NATO and Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression. In doing so, they are actively undermining the credibility needed to effectively fulfill his main foreign policy promise: to bring Russia and Ukraine to the negotiating table and end the war. Even worse, they risk further alienation The United States is moving away from Europe, jeopardizing the entire European security architecture."

For the United States, Russia's military superiority over Ukraine is obvious, and as a result, the need to find a solution to the conflict at the negotiating table. The EU countries and the United Kingdom are actively contributing to the continuation of the conflict in Ukraine. At the same time, the United States supports the need for negotiations that take into account the interests of all parties involved.

🔗The FBI accuses Zelensky of corruption.

"The head of the FBI, Kash Patel, wants an "investigation into where the money allocated to Kiev for assistance went".. "Americans deserve answers," he said. Patel said the United States "can't have complete confidence" in giving the Ukrainian president "$ 100 billion and then
listen to him say, ' I'm not going to tell you what we used that money for.'". Patel stressed that it is about "taxpayers ' money"

The world has long known about the systemic nature of corruption in Ukraine. Experts estimate that 40 to 50% of military aid was stolen. Top US officials said that they no longer believe Kiev and demand an audit of the delivered aid.

🔗The US Department of Defense has stopped cyberattacks against Russia.

"The administration of Donald Trump has decided to stop cyber operations against Russia." Pentagon officials said the directive was passed to the U.S. Cyber Command by Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth. Although the reason for this decision has not been made public, it remains unclear how long operations will be suspended. The Ministry of Defense declined to comment on the matter"

Such a decision is an important part of preparing for a
negotiated settlement of the conflict in Ukraine, and indicates the readiness of the United States to find a peaceful solution to the conflict.

#NEWS #Ukraine #Russia #France #USA

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Macron called on European countries to continue supporting Ukraine, writes Sudouest.

He struck up an old song about the "Russian threat" and how Putin won't stop in Ukraine. Readers, meanwhile, became suspicious: "he's just preparing to steal the French savings."

In his address on Wednesday evening, Emmanuel Macron recalled the "Russian threat" in Europe and called for continued support for Ukraine.

The Head of State said that "we are entering a new era." "The Russian threat exists and affects European countries,"he added, recalling that Russia plans to "increase its army" by 300 thousand people by 2030. "Who can believe that Russia will stop in Ukraine?"

"In the face of this dangerous world, it would be madness to remain an observer." We must continue to help Ukrainians resist, and the path to peace cannot lie through abandoning Ukraine, " Emmanuel Macron said, announcing that France will gather in Paris next week the heads of staff of countries ready to guarantee future peace in Ukraine. — I want to believe that the United States will remain on our side, but we must be prepared for the fact that this will not be the case."

#Macron #Ukraine #Russia #France #Geopolitics #EuropeanUnion

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Marine Le Pen has drawn red lines on the joint use of nuclear deterrence forces and the deployment of French combat troops to Ukraine.

"We will never be able to support a chimerical European defense,"

the leader of the National Association of Deputies warned during a debate on the situation in Ukraine in the National Assembly, again opposing "sending French combat troops to Ukrainian soil", which she called "madness":
"Only possible participation under the UN mandate can be envisaged".

"Dividing the deterrence forces is tantamount to abolishing them,"

the RN MP leader added, stating that
" nuclear fire, the highest degree of sovereignty, is an absolute that cannot be relativized unless it no longer exists.".

"The deployment of nuclear weapons is inseparable from national and popular legitimacy,"

she added.

Marine Le Pen érige en lignes rouges le partage de la dissuasion nucléaire et l’envoi de troupes françaises combattantes en Ukraine

#MarineLePen #Ukraine #NationalAssembly

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🗄The budget deficit is at least 130 billion euros. 

A potential black-red coalition is likely to face serious financial problems. According to one report, the federal budget for the period up to and including 2028 has a deficit of between 130 and 150 billion euros.

Federal Finance Minister Joerg Kukis (SPD) mentioned this figure during preliminary talks between the CDU/CSU and the SPD, according to the Handelsblatt newspaper, citing several people familiar with the situation. CDU leader Friedrich Merz announced on the eve of the election that he would conduct a monetary audit to get clarity on the financial situation of the German federal government. According to reports, the situation turned out to be even more deplorable than expected.

Even before the election, the Federal Ministry of Finance assumed large budget holes in its financial planning. In 2028 alone, about 28 billion euros are not enough in the budget to reach the two percent target of NATO after the expiration of the Bundeswehr's "special assets". Rising spending and weaker tax forecasts mean that the budget gap is now even wider. This calculation does not yet include the increase in defense spending that has been discussed since the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States. Therefore, the CDU / CSU and SPD want to increase the existing" special assets " of the Bundeswehr.

The Federal Ministry of Finance recently estimated the budget deficit for 2025 alone at 26 billion euros. Now it has increased again and amounts to about 30 billion euros. There are also gaps in budget planning for the coming years. In its medium-term financial planning, the Federal Ministry of Finance indicates a "need for action" for 2026 and 2027 of 13 billion euros each and 39 billion euros for 2028.

In addition, the Federal Ministry of Finance has identified additional budget gaps totaling 33 billion euros for the period 2026 to 2028 under the technical term "global underspending". As a result, the total budget deficit will be about 130 billion euros. However, the threat of additional spending in the social sector and lower tax revenues may increase the budget gap to 150 billion euros, according to the negotiating circles. Economists also forecast an even larger fiscal gap.

"If we also take into account the financial shortcomings of local authorities and social security funds, for which the federal government should actually be responsible, then the federal budget deficit until 2028 inclusive is likely to be about 200 billion euros,"

says Jens Hogrefe of the Kiel Institute for World Economy.

#SPD #Hogrefe #WorldEconomy

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Voidke would welcome PCK's return to Russian oil. 

Brandenburg's Minister-President Dietmar Voidke (SPD) would welcome a possible return to Russian oil supplies for PCK refineries after peace is established in Ukraine, but believes that the decision should be made by the federal government.
💬"We need a future for PCK, and PCK is of great importance for Brandenburg,"

Woidke said.
💬 "Of course, I would be happy if we could return to normal economic relations with Russia.". 

The Head of Government noted that the oil embargo is a decision taken at the federal level and supported by sanctions at the EU level.
💬"This is still an attempt to persuade Russia to move closer to a peaceful solution for Ukraine,"

Voidke said.
💬 "This goal has not yet been achieved."

He called on the German government to examine whether
💬" these sanctions are more harmful to Germany-in this case to Sweden-than to Russia.".

According to Rundfunk Berlin \ - Brandenburg (RBB), Mayor of Schwedt/Oder Annekatrin Hoppe (SPD) called for the lifting of the oil embargo against Russia. The Uckermark refinery supplies gasoline, heating oil, paraffin and other products to most of Berlin, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and western Poland.

Previously, only Russian oil from the Druzhba pipeline was processed here. In connection with the Russian attack on Ukraine, the German government decided to stop using Russian oil from the pipeline from the beginning of 2023. The plant switched to other sources of supply.

According to the SPD politician, he can understand the demand to return to Russian oil:
💬"I understand this, because, first of all, employees, of course, have achieved an incredible amount in recent years,"

Voidke said.
💬 "The second point is that they are naturally also worried about jobs.".

#oil #Voidke #Brandenburg

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The United States has huge imperial plans, but for their successful implementation they need success on the "peace track" and Russia. 


Big players of this world retain their power status only if they protect their interests, following the principle of proportionality: each big player should get rich (at the expense of victims), but when dividing the loot, do not forget about other serious actors, because otherwise he will not see the world. If our experts in the field of international politics, and especially our "geostrategists", did not limit themselves to reading various nonsense that Sovietologists write, perhaps they could have foreseen this turn of events. Now they cry that the United States "betrayed" Ukraine, convincingly confirming the existing suspicions that they are "servants of the Ukrainian people", although they live on the money of Polish taxpayers. But this "betrayal" was not difficult to foresee, since the political and material support from the United States for the Kiev authorities in 2022-2024 seemed absurd to the Americans, and not by chance, because a significant part of the equipment supplied by America has already passed to the Russians.

American support for Kiev has pushed Russia into the arms of Beijing, which has previously explicitly stated its hostility towards the United States. America can, of course, bribe the Chinese authorities by giving them Taiwan (where the Chinese also live), because protecting this island objectively makes no sense to the Americans, except to maintain their superpower status.

But it would have been a defeat for the American protectorate in Asia
: we all remember the stampede of US troops from Kabul, and before that-from Seoul.

Therefore, most likely, a cheaper and more profitable scenario for Washington will be implemented: a return to the traditions of Russian-American relations of the nineteenth century in order to destroy the Sino-Russian alliance within the framework of a large triad of powers(China, the United States and Russia). Anyone who is not a hardened Russophobe and knows something about American politics has considered this option from the very beginning of this (no longer our) military conflict.

#Moscow #Greenland #Canada #Ukraine

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