Репост из: Facts behind Terrorism and Telegram by GRT ( ISIS / Hamas / Gaza - Palestine / Al-Qa'ida )
It's time to reimplement the death sentence worldwide - Utøya massacre example - part 5
Part 1: https://t.me/TerrorismTelegram/341
Men jeg synes nesten det skumleste er hvor utydelige grensene er når det kommer til hvem som får dødsstraff og hvem som ikke gjør det https://perma.cc/GLF4-VXVE
= But I think the scariest thing is how unclear the boundaries are when it comes to who gets the death penalty and who doesn't.
Yes, this is the main problem! but even not a reason to remove that at all. There are still cases who we know exactly such things ... Again, death sentences should be done with brain and facts, not shit and personal interests
Remember that a lot of misinformation is spread from Amnesty using bullshit stats
and using studies financed by people that are fighting the death sentence!
Keep in mind what we wrote previously: we agree to NOT KILL A TERRORIST!
& that a death sentence for example could maybe not reduce criminality, BUT WE HAVE NO RECIDIVISM PROBLEM ANYMORE!
Plus remember that homicide is not homicide, like we wrote here (see bottom)
so it's time to make a clear distinction ..
Grusomme handlinger fortjener straff, men i det norske straffesystemet skal innsatte også rehabiliteres og hjelpes tilbake til samfunnet så godt det lar seg gjøre https://perma.cc/BR93-MJJ2
= Cruel acts deserve punishment, but in the Norwegian penal system inmates must also be rehabilitated and helped back into society as best as possible.
—> remember that Norway spend tons of money, what other countries are not able to do that!
and not always rehabilitation can help ... so again, depends from case to case
Part 1: https://t.me/TerrorismTelegram/341
Men jeg synes nesten det skumleste er hvor utydelige grensene er når det kommer til hvem som får dødsstraff og hvem som ikke gjør det https://perma.cc/GLF4-VXVE
= But I think the scariest thing is how unclear the boundaries are when it comes to who gets the death penalty and who doesn't.
Yes, this is the main problem! but even not a reason to remove that at all. There are still cases who we know exactly such things ... Again, death sentences should be done with brain and facts, not shit and personal interests
Remember that a lot of misinformation is spread from Amnesty using bullshit stats
and using studies financed by people that are fighting the death sentence!
Keep in mind what we wrote previously: we agree to NOT KILL A TERRORIST!
& that a death sentence for example could maybe not reduce criminality, BUT WE HAVE NO RECIDIVISM PROBLEM ANYMORE!
Plus remember that homicide is not homicide, like we wrote here (see bottom)
so it's time to make a clear distinction ..
Grusomme handlinger fortjener straff, men i det norske straffesystemet skal innsatte også rehabiliteres og hjelpes tilbake til samfunnet så godt det lar seg gjøre https://perma.cc/BR93-MJJ2
= Cruel acts deserve punishment, but in the Norwegian penal system inmates must also be rehabilitated and helped back into society as best as possible.
—> remember that Norway spend tons of money, what other countries are not able to do that!
and not always rehabilitation can help ... so again, depends from case to case