Well let we check such new plant based products https://perma.cc/L7GG-6YF3
Vanilla Chocolate Maxi Balls
16.1 g Carbs 10 g Sugars 3.4 g Protein
Strawberry & Pomegranate similar with 1.5 g Protein
So it's good that they are starting to launch more vegan products, but not just because it's written vegan means it's healthy!
Like we previously wrote
There is huge difference between brands and many product contain too less protein.
Currently there is almost no decent "high protein, low fat, low carb" product, that can be easily eaten in few seconds, without being just for rich and without considering protein powders or shakes.
Even if not exactly the same, and not being the best product to offer more protein in small quantities, let we just check "High Protein Crunchy Banane Choco"
8.4 g Carbs, 3.5 g Sugars, 11 g Protein pro 100 g = a whole difference.
Let we check a no high protein and no vegan product, like "Milk Chocolate Digestive"
20 g Carbs, 16.8 g Sugars, 4.9 g Protein
So even the "normal version" is shit. In such case the vegan version is almost better, but we still need to consider that Carbohydrate != Carbohydrate (which is not topic of this post ...)
These New Vegan Products Confirm That the Future Is Vegan https://perma.cc/D2PU-AJEJ
A lot more products are coming.
Let we check alpro, one of the best brand for "healthy food". Alpro drink has 5 g Protein (vs 7-8 of High Protein Milk, which is not bad), 5.3 g sugars (vs 2.5 - 5 of HP Milk, again not bad), 3 g Fat (vs 0 g HP Milk) They offer even an alternative with 2.5g carbs https://perma.cc/QM8G-TETA
alpro is offering (not in all countries!) high protein yoghurts, like this one with 6 g protein and 60 kcal https://perma.cc/KJ8M-Z6ZP or this one (pudding) with 93 kcal (vs. 80 kcal Aldi not vegan version, which is good) and 10 g Protein (=!) https://perma.cc/VV29-WKLV
So the point is again: check always the food label!
Vanilla Chocolate Maxi Balls
16.1 g Carbs 10 g Sugars 3.4 g Protein
Strawberry & Pomegranate similar with 1.5 g Protein
So it's good that they are starting to launch more vegan products, but not just because it's written vegan means it's healthy!
Like we previously wrote
There is huge difference between brands and many product contain too less protein.
Currently there is almost no decent "high protein, low fat, low carb" product, that can be easily eaten in few seconds, without being just for rich and without considering protein powders or shakes.
Even if not exactly the same, and not being the best product to offer more protein in small quantities, let we just check "High Protein Crunchy Banane Choco"
8.4 g Carbs, 3.5 g Sugars, 11 g Protein pro 100 g = a whole difference.
Let we check a no high protein and no vegan product, like "Milk Chocolate Digestive"
20 g Carbs, 16.8 g Sugars, 4.9 g Protein
So even the "normal version" is shit. In such case the vegan version is almost better, but we still need to consider that Carbohydrate != Carbohydrate (which is not topic of this post ...)
These New Vegan Products Confirm That the Future Is Vegan https://perma.cc/D2PU-AJEJ
A lot more products are coming.
Let we check alpro, one of the best brand for "healthy food". Alpro drink has 5 g Protein (vs 7-8 of High Protein Milk, which is not bad), 5.3 g sugars (vs 2.5 - 5 of HP Milk, again not bad), 3 g Fat (vs 0 g HP Milk) They offer even an alternative with 2.5g carbs https://perma.cc/QM8G-TETA
alpro is offering (not in all countries!) high protein yoghurts, like this one with 6 g protein and 60 kcal https://perma.cc/KJ8M-Z6ZP or this one (pudding) with 93 kcal (vs. 80 kcal Aldi not vegan version, which is good) and 10 g Protein (=!) https://perma.cc/VV29-WKLV
So the point is again: check always the food label!