EXACTLY, this is how our world should work! Increase prices and prices until people will have no money to buy / do such things! No matter if increasing price for 🍸, 🚬, 🚙 😶🌫️, etc.
Høyere priser medfører lavere alkoholkonsum og dermed mindre alkoholrelaterte problemer
https://perma.cc/TZ95-3SHTHigher prices mean lower alcohol consumption and thus less alcohol-related problems.
I tillegg til alkoholavgiftene, er omsetning av alkohol også gjenstand for emballasjeavgifter, miljøavgift og en merverdiavgift (MVA) på 25 %.
In addition to the alcohol taxes, sales of alcohol are also subject to packaging taxes,
environmental tax and a value added tax (VAT) of 25%.
For en halvliter boks med øl som inneholder 4,7 % alkohol og koster 30 kroner i butikk, er alkoholavgiften i 2023 omtrent 11 kroner og MVA 6 kroner, det vil si at avgiftene til sammen utgjør mer enn halvparten av utsalgsprisen. For en flaske brennevin (0,70 liter) som inneholder 40 % alkohol og koster 350 kroner, er alkoholavgiften 237 kroner og MVA 70 kroner, - det vil si at avgiftene i dette eksemplet utgjør mer enn 85 % av utsalgsprisen.
For a half-litre can of beer that contains 4.7% alcohol and costs NOK 30 in the shop, the alcohol tax in 2023 is approximately NOK 11 and VAT NOK 6, which means that the taxes together make up more than half of the retail price. For a bottle of wine (0.75 litres) that contains 12% alcohol and costs NOK 150 at Vinmonopolet, the alcohol tax in 2023 is approximately NOK 45 and VAT NOK 30, and these taxes together make up half of the retail price. For a bottle of spirits (0.70 litres) that contains 40% alcohol and costs NOK 350, the alcohol duty is NOK 237 and the VAT is NOK 70, which means that the taxes in this example make up more than 85%!
Well, now is time to implement huge taxes for
- driving cars with no sense
- polluting
- wasting food
- etc.
So yes AfD, CO2 taxes NOW!
https://t.me/EthicalDilemmaHumanRights/119https://t.me/NatureFreaksFacts/837POLLUTING SHOULD COST HUGE MONEY! More rich you are, more 📈!