NatureFreaks: Nature, Animals and Mission Erde Freaks Telegram Channel by RTP [Natura / Animali / Tiere / Ozeane / Oceani]

Гео и язык канала: Весь мир, Английский
Категория: Природа

NatureFreaks: Nature, Animals and Mission Earth by @roadtopetabyte and @tgmefreaks Discord Server - Mission Erde @MissionErdeDE @NatureFreaksDeutsch

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Гео и язык канала
Весь мир, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

If you are reading this scheduled message, means we are now representing Telegram in paradise, but still here too. We will share a message we wrote almost 1 year ago, that we never changed in the last times. We released tons of updated messages to our family. It's their decision if they want to share worldwide such messages or not. Our new update are our channels!

No matter what, we will continue to fight for facts, human / animal and planet rights where we are now.

For us the most important thing you need to do is to treat the world in proper way @MeteoTelegram @ClimateChangeTelegram and act rationally @DieWelleTelegram with facts @FactsTelegramChannels

It's time that this planet get a revolution @LawsTelegram @HumanRightsChecklist @EthicalDilemmaHumanRights @MissionPlaneta because we ignored too many things for too much time and our planet is just full of missing rights and discrimination! But there is a good news! We can improve!

We already know that no one can replace what we did, in the same way, but at the end such decision was done by evaluating multiple factors.

Again, treat the planet in proper way, because we are @WinterFreaks and @AnimalFreaks and this is our planet!

Ciao ciao from Nature Freaks and all our 100+ brands we launched in the last 10+ years in 10+ languages about tons of topics.

If such project will continue or not, it's a decision of our family. At least for 1 year they should work, where we are not posting things manually.

You can find such message on @LastMessageNatureFreaks

It's time to love our planet. It's time for a worldwide revolution!

For your planet. For YOUR future!

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Dear Future Generations, WE ARE SORRY!

Backup by @AnimalFreaks
A @grttme project - Other backups:

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Mission 🌍 worldwide revolution is starting to reach 100% after months / years of hard work to archive such goal - Now is time to go to the next level.

You can be part of this mission too! by don't keep eyes closed!

Not just about climate change! but EVERYTHING!
🤜🤜 (2)

🙅‍♂️ 🙊 🙅‍♂️ 🙈 🙅‍♂️ 🙉 🙅‍♂️ 💴🤯 🙅‍♂️ 🤡
✅ 🤜 ✅ 🧬

For a better planet. For better laws. For better security. FOR A BETTER FUTURE! FOR YOU! FOR FUTURE GENERATIONS!

Because we cannot keep eyes closed and because we never forget the past! Because we want to learn from errors making things better than what they are now.

Backup by @AnimalFreaks
A @grttme project - Other backups:

Our position is pretty clear:

a) dimission of all corrupted politicians with NO WAY TO BE ACTIVE IN POLITICS AND SIMILAR JOBS ANYMORE! and prison for theriocide and mafia!

b) drug test for politicians and people with responsibility!

c) MORE CONTROLS!!! Instead of private organisations! No matter which topic and if related to animal or not! WE NEED MORE CONTROLS EVERYWHERE!

Even related to migration we need more controls!

d) more money for police!

e) dimission and prison for corrupted people inside governments too! exactly like a)

f) again, implement theriocide and ecocide once at all!

g) more scientists and professionals in politics and more collaboration with private organisation / scientists that need to approve specific things! so we can remove mafia once at all!

h) in general, more right for animals and nature!

In 2022 atmospheric levels of greenhouse gases reached new observed highs with globally averaged concentrations for carbon dioxide (CO2) at 417.9 ± 0.2 parts per million (ppm), methane (CH4) at 1923 ± 2 parts per billion (ppb) and nitrous oxide (N2O) at 335.8 ± 0.1 ppb, respectively 150%, 264% and 124% of pre-industrial (1750) levels.

The global mean near-surface temperature in 2023 was 1.45 ± 0.12 °C above the 1850–1900 average. 2023 was the warmest year in the 174-year observational record, clearly surpassing the previous joint warmest years, 2016 at 1.29 ± 0.12 °C above the 1850–1900 average and 2020 at 1.27±0.13 °C.

The past nine years, 2015–2023, were the nine warmest years on record.

In 2023, ocean heat content reached its highest level in the 65-year observational record.

The rate of global mean sea level rise in the past ten years (2014–2023) is more than twice the rate of sea level rise in the first decade of the satellite record (1993–2002).

Antarctic sea-ice extent reached an absolute record low for the satellite era (1979 to present) in February.

Ice extent was at a record low for the time of year from June till early November, and the annual maximum in September was around 1 million km2 below the previous record low maximum.

It was the warmest summer on record at the Summit station, 3.4 °C warmer than the 1991–2020 average and 1.0 °C warmer than the previous record.

Satellite melt-extent data indicate that the ice sheet had the third highest cumulative melt-day area43 on record (1978–2023), after the extreme melt season of 2012 and 2010.

Preliminary data indicate the annual mass balance of a global set of reference glaciers for the hydrological year 2022-2023 was –1.2 m w.e. This is nominally the largest loss of ice on record (1950-2023), driven by extremely negative mass balance in both western North America and Europe.

Conclusion? It's time to change!

EXACTLY, this is how our world should work! Increase prices and prices until people will have no money to buy / do such things! No matter if increasing price for 🍸, 🚬, 🚙 😶‍🌫️, etc.

Høyere priser medfører lavere alkoholkonsum og dermed mindre alkoholrelaterte problemer

Higher prices mean lower alcohol consumption and thus less alcohol-related problems.

I tillegg til alkoholavgiftene, er omsetning av alkohol også gjenstand for emballasjeavgifter, miljøavgift og en merverdiavgift (MVA) på 25 %.

In addition to the alcohol taxes, sales of alcohol are also subject to packaging taxes, environmental tax and a value added tax (VAT) of 25%.

For en halvliter boks med øl som inneholder 4,7 % alkohol og koster 30 kroner i butikk, er alkoholavgiften i 2023 omtrent 11 kroner og MVA 6 kroner, det vil si at avgiftene til sammen utgjør mer enn halvparten av utsalgsprisen. For en flaske brennevin (0,70 liter) som inneholder 40 % alkohol og koster 350 kroner, er alkoholavgiften 237 kroner og MVA 70 kroner, - det vil si at avgiftene i dette eksemplet utgjør mer enn 85 % av utsalgsprisen.

For a half-litre can of beer that contains 4.7% alcohol and costs NOK 30 in the shop, the alcohol tax in 2023 is approximately NOK 11 and VAT NOK 6, which means that the taxes together make up more than half of the retail price. For a bottle of wine (0.75 litres) that contains 12% alcohol and costs NOK 150 at Vinmonopolet, the alcohol tax in 2023 is approximately NOK 45 and VAT NOK 30, and these taxes together make up half of the retail price. For a bottle of spirits (0.70 litres) that contains 40% alcohol and costs NOK 350, the alcohol duty is NOK 237 and the VAT is NOK 70, which means that the taxes in this example make up more than 85%!

Well, now is time to implement huge taxes for
- driving cars with no sense
- polluting
- wasting food
- etc.

So yes AfD, CO2 taxes NOW!

POLLUTING SHOULD COST HUGE MONEY! More rich you are, more 📈!

Some propositions of important steps and at the same time applicable solutions include:
- Switching to renewable power sources in order to avoid the mass burning of fossil fuels for power generation.

- Making education digital and independent from paper books in order to eliminate deforestation.

- Implementing laws towards recycling and the responsible use of water.

- Close monitoring of the agriculture and livestock production sectors, as most decisions regarding environmentally friendly choices are currently up to each individual owner of farming businesses.

- Limit the number of cars that run on internal combustion engines

- Modify fuel powered car engines towards a more efficient burning of fossil fuels.

- Restriction of environmentally harmful activities related to local and international
customs such as: cutting down real trees for Christmas, tremendous food waste on the Italian battle of oranges custom.

Changes in daily life are necessary if any kind of positive change is to be seen in the near future. Those changes include committing to the use of public transportation, eliminating food waste in households, consuming less red meat, minimizing water, power and paper use as well as overuse of heating systems.

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