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From this academic paper on the relations between the Rothschilds and China… hmm I thought this story of Nathan crashing the market and buying it all up again after the battle of Waterloo was just an antisemitic hoax?

876 0 25 2 11

The Rothschilds cut my damn power during the stream

We are minutes away from my appearance on Millenniyule!


This idiotic blue pilled take on the fall of Russia and the communist revolution is the kind of take I’d expect from a lot of other popular alt righters too

You guys know I’m not a Christian but this song has such a powerful spirit to it that I have to fully belt it out opera style at least once a year around Christmas

New free substack article - Notes from Powell's "Masters of Europe", an overview of a great expose, something to share with normies. The specific names are named, specific mechanisms of power identified- for those who wish, many rabbit holes can begin here.


Pure Speculation on “Pure Imagination”:

Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory is a movie steeped in freemasonic symbolism and motifs… one Freemason in particular named Bradley Kime wrote a whole book on the subject. What then, is the meaning of “Pure Imagination” in this context?

The most salient lyrics here which present a puzzle are:
“if you want to view paradise, simply look around and view it. / anything you want to, do it! / wanna change the world? There’s nothing to it.”

Why would Wonka be instructing the children at the start of their trip in the factory to do “anything they want to”… when he is fully aware that the whole trip is designed to test their character? The song is even sung immediately after they all signed an enormous contract governing acceptable behavior.

Could it be alluding to a secret doctrine of freemasonry wherein complete social “freedom” is required to permanently sort the human wheat from the chaff? Is it an alchemical cleansing process to socially permit everything, thus separating those who are genuinely internally GOOD from the bad, many of whom would have only appeared good and followed rules in a traditional society from external pressures alone?

In his Millenniyule appearance today, Ed Dutton mentioned how the current conditions today where leftism promotes everything that could inhibit reproduction, and that in our environment, only the GENETICALLY predisposed religious, traditional, conservative people are reproducing at above replacement levels. He argued that we are living through an evolutionary selection event that will, within a couple generations, result in conservatives outnumbering liberal types, and that those conservatives will be TRUE conservatives with characters that are genetically reinforced.

We know the elite rulers and planners of our world are fully aware of evolutionary principles like the one above. If we assume they KNOW this is how things will turn out, is it possible that socially “liberating” society was done to draw out the “fakers” among the masses who only upheld morality because of social pressures, rather than being internally oriented toward it? Could it be an intentional “purification” process?

Could this be what is meant in the symbolism of Willy Wonka? The children who were allowed total freedom and abused it were eliminated… but Charlie, who walked the narrow path and stayed good and true among so many temptations, was in the end rewarded with paradise.

Don’t mistake me here, even if I believed this was the case, I am not endorsing it or trying to say “maybe the elites are secretly BASED”… its just conjecture meant to stimulate thinking on the topic.

Lol speak of the David and he shall come.

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Is Philosophicat actually a crypto-feminist that has insinuated herself into “trad/right wing” circles? What the hell, she frequently seems to become quite defensive about any criticism against women and it’s wild to see PearlyThings upholding a general critique of women while cat spins apologia for them.

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Got through half this video thinking “damn these are some real hood niggers” then I realized this happened only a few blocks from my house

Just finished a great chat with Patrick on SurvivingWeimerika that should be uploaded later this week. We talked about a wide range of subjects, such as growing up a white kid in the suburbs, the strengths and weaknesses of the white race, and finally passed the 2nd hour discussing esotericism and the occult and how it has influenced the elites (my favorite topic, as you all know). Some of it I’ve discussed before, but a lot of it touched on things from a new angle and I think you all will enjoy it once it’s up.

I’ll link the video once he uploads it and makes it public, but keep an eye out for it on his Odysee: https://odysee.com/@SurvivingWeimerika:f
And YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBWLLexOxehCa6ASa_0fCeQ

Leftist morons: “poor homeless people are down on their luck. Also, work is oppressive and if people didn’t work they’d do wonderful artistic creative things!”

Homeless people in reality:


What is Bad in life? A hermaphrodite, an effeminate man.

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Quantum becomes so patently absurd when an “expert” tries to explain it in simple, common-sense term. This dude is literally saying “because our theory uses probabilities to describe an electron’s location, reality itself is some kind of “fuzzy probability field”… and what’s more, the fact that our experience shows that all physical objects exist in only a SINGLE location is at odds with the theory, and instead of just accepting the theory is wrong, irrational, or incomplete, we have to assume reality is a “fuzzy probability field” until we interact with it and therefore [some gobbledeegook about consciousness]”.

Since I’m not on Twitter I can’t retweet the post going around about one’s ideal house and car, so I’ll post mine here:

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