Фильтр публикаций

የእስራስ ሥራዎች
Pencil arts
We post funny stuff,
New things like,news,moves
Art of ours and other guys
Even we can send your art
Just join this channel @ourarts

Join guys pls🙏🙏🙏 join and understand how much ur hands mean.

Join. The channel. Guys

Репост из: ⱡáƶáȓⱸş

Репост из: ⱡáƶáȓⱸş
አስደሳች ዘና ✅ fb lite መስራት መጀመሩን ያዉቃሉ 👌 lite አሰራሩን ለማወቅ ከ ፈለጉ ''start'' ይንኩ✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅

Son: Mom, why do good people die so early?
Mom: If you are in the garden, which flowers do you pick?
Son: The most beautiful flowers

Показано 20 последних публикаций.


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