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Google Freeze Extended

focT38 @ Amazon

Just received a call from my recruiter informing me that the Google hiring freeze "will continue company-wide with no known length." Think this is getting a bit ridiculous. I have an offer elsewhere that I am going to accept with the possibility of reneging/leaving quickly once the freeze is over. I would advise others to do the same, I get the sense that we are being strung along.

I was initially a fringe L3/L4 SWE candidate with HC approval for L3. Through one of my connections, I found a team (outside of the product area for which I interviewed) willing to take me on as an L4 two days before the freeze was enacted. The manager of this team has written me a statement of support for the L4 level and my packet was in line to be re-reviewed by HC for formal L4 approval.

YOE: just shy of 3 yrs
TC: $155k

#tech #google #freeze #swe


Mistake choosing swe as a career

ACAn05 @ Palo Alto Networks

Here’s why

1) it’s going to be a blue collar job in the future. Everyone and their dog is now entering the market , meaning way more supply and even a harder arms race in preparing constantly

2) The opposite gender (women) doesn’t respect it honestly. It doesn’t have the appeal a pilot, lawyer, doctor , i banker or private equity does. You pretty much get immediately disqualified from the pool as soon as you tell them you are a swe ( oh one of those weird tech guys who don’t shower and can’t hold a convo, probably is obese , bad back, no social skills.)

3)limited growth prospects. For vast majority of swe doing just development, they will always just be considered tech support and not really included in business or product decisions. Who actually become the ceos or executives running companies? Product managers , strategy people etc, never swe. Ex . Sundar pichai was never an engineer at google

4) your job is a race against time. There’s 19 year olds doing more leetcode than you and 1000s of international students who are willing to do 1000+ lc to get a visa by getting an offer from a top firm. This pool is just increasing
Look at any role models of “attractive or sought after men” in the media. When has it ever been a swe? No woman is dreaming in her childhood to marry a keyboard warrior getting excited over a leetcode hard.

Examples in movies / shows

Harvey spectre - lawyer

For the TC police ,

5 yoe , 🥜 for tc


Show some empathy to people who have been laid off

mschjh @ Zoom

Basically what I said in the title. If you can’t be helpful, atleast don’t be a troll. I saw people trolling OPs who got laid off from Robinhood etc. You don’t know what’s going in their minds and lives rn. Be thankful that you are not in their position. If you can’t help, don’t be an asshole atleast.


Repeat after me - Managers don't work.

RvuI52 @ Uber

All that managers do is empire building in the name of growing people. All they do is work as a cop. Reward people for hard work, PIP people for bad work.

Play politics with upper management and stakeholders, build cartels of people in management that look like them, that are their buddies/pals. That's why managers can't switch easily. Because it's hard to break into an existing cartel.

Anyone who thinks the work of a Manager is hard is fooled.

TC - 310k.


Daily Rant | Blowing My Money In Doordash

artvandla @ New

OK folks, the last couple of months I've been prepping for interviews and doing Leetcode. I don't feel like going out and been ordering food though Doordash thrice a day - breakfast, lunch and supper. Spend about about $150 a day. Hoping that it pays off in the end. Is this too much? It feels like I'm spending a lot.

Am I going nuts? Any advice is greatly appreciated.

TC: peanuts 🥜

Update: thanks everyone for the reality check. A good way to start the day.


Let me tell you about Vick

filterrr @ New

I have a guy named Vick at my company.
Loud mouth. Loves to talk about sports. Young. He's 25. Makes about 140k. How do I know? You'll see soon.

I sit next to him. In a corner of the office where people can't see us. We are on different teams but same manager.

From 10 am to 4pm he's on his phone. He usually does tik tok or phone calls some girl. And this is where he says 'HAVE YOU EVER BEEN *UCKED BY A MAN WHO MAKES 140K? LEMME SEND YOU MY PAY STUB'
He's a unique guy.

One day his manager came to him and asked him to learn how to do a vlookup on excel. He said OK ok and as soon as manager left he was on his phone all day.

3rd day manager asks if he learned it and he goes 'learn what?' He says Vlookup. He goes oh yea, forgot. I'll learn it tho. He takes Friday off.
Monday comes around manager asks again and he says he was sick so he didn't have time.
Manager at this point is upset so he Googles it for him and then tells him to read it.
He goes he will but says he has to go home cuz he is still sick.

Doesnt show up for the rest of the week.

Vick comes back! Manager says does he know now how to do a vlookup and he says no but he knows now it's a function that does 'shit' and stuff.

2 days later manager comes back and he puts down his phone and asks if he knows vlookup and this time he's pissed.

Manager is stunned. I'm stunned.

Manager quietly goes away.

He looks at me and says 'Who does he think he is? I was on the phone dammit'.
He goes back to his phone, calls his girl and says his manager is being a dick and work is so difficult. He says the only thing he' ll do today is vHookup' and laughs.

Well folks, one week later our company decided to fire some people. And that manager got let go. Basically everyone who knew how to do a vlookup at least. And the long story short is, Vick is now a manager of that team starting today. And I feel sick.

Life is a funny thing huh?

Tc 280k.


Laid Off at RH and I’m the only one on my team who does any work!!

cxap42 @ Robinhood

Furious. My position was impacted today after getting nothing but solid reviews from my peers and assurances from my manager and former manager about the scope and impact of my contributions!

Leading up to the layoffs, several team members on our Eng squad were not putting in any effort what so ever to the extent of multiple missed deadlines for stakeholders. Literally not lifting a finger or pushing any code for weeks. I was doing the work of 2 Eng each sprint to make up for missing contribution from my peers.

It got the point where I had to bring it up with my manager and he had to escalate the lack of effort with their manager and higher ups because it was so egregious.

THOSE people stayed on while I got let go…Unbelievable :/

#Robinhood #layoffs


Retention offer

jjhuuukkj @ JPMorgan Chase

Hey guys, wanted some advice. Recently got an external offer for 20% raise. I brought it up to my manager and wanted to see if current company match and got word that they would. Any input on whether its a good idea staying? Some worries is that I am currently at a 300ish sized company so not that big and now upper management knows Ive been trying to leave. (Had to talk with CTO about matching offer).

The new company is Atlassian and I really like the culture and wlb but also have good culture and wlb at my current place. One thing though is that the recruiting process left a bad impression which I know isn’t representative of the company. Stuff like me having to stay on top of recruiter, following up , being stuck in team match for months then given an exploding offer with only the weekend to decide, and no budging on the initial offer at all.

Appreciate any input! Thanks guys

New tc:255. Role is swe. Im considering staying bc honestly the recruiter left a bad taste in my mouth as well as atlassian unwilling to budge on anything. New tc is also not soo much higher than my current tc. I also dont think I get promoed at Atlassian anytime soon and even though apparently Atlassian has really good culture and wlb, there is still some inherent risk in joining a bad team. At my current place, I know who Im working with and its been good and am left alone/trusted here to do/complete work.

Note:also not currently at JP. At a startup


Robinhood 31% Layoffs Discussion

Warsong @ Databricks

Robinhood has just announced 31% of employees will be laid off. Communications are going out as we speak. Video calling has been disabled. Appears to affect all orgs.


Uber is now counting diffs per engineer.

vjkjgf @ Uber

FYI some VP had the bright idea of counting diffs at Uber. Originally it was just tracked as a proxy for general developer productivity but now it’s being used as a stick. If you don’t want to be micromanaged by directors that haven’t coded in years, best to look at other companies.

If you do interview and turn down the offer, do those still at Uber a favor and tell your recruiter that diff counting is an engineering culture red flag.


Does being an attractive woman help at work? (Especially product/swe/design)

good soup @ New

Or is it worse if you're too attractive (people assumes you can't be intelligent and attractive )?

I'd argue being an attractive (especially white) man, the world is your oasis. All pros. almost no cons...

Now want to know what it's like for attractive women in tech, ESPECIALLY in core product teams.

Bay area tc 250k


Why the hell would anyone move to Seattle when you can WFH?

havak @ Amazon

Extremely expensive and some of the worst weather in the country. If the housing market in Seattle doesn’t crash it’s totally rigged. If you moving to Seattle I hope you ready for 9 months of rain almost every single day. Also the few days that it doesn’t rain are always not on a weekend. There are 2 weekends and 5 weekdays. The odds aren’t in your favor.


Fire the M2s

pot-smoker @ Stripe

If you’re an M1 and can’t do the job of your manager, you should be fired, if you can the M2 should be fired.

There’s so many layers of management in this industry, these managers are just paper pushers and slow the org down.

Fire the M2s , hire some top devs and let’s make development fun, safe and fast again!

TC: 620k
Staff SDE


Industry made fake slowdown ?!?! 🤔

pBdn73 @ LinkedIn

Sometimes I really think that the CEOs and the other bigwigs wish and will in these “slowdowns” so that they can make more money 💰 for executives, themselves and their board of directors and shareholders at the expense of lowly software engineers. You know the old “these times are so bad and we don’t want to have to fire anyone so work harder and kindly manage with less bread 🥖 so that there is some for everyone” speech.

Did you know the following ?

Alphabet net income for the 12 months ending 03/31/2022 was $74.539B, a 45.12% increase year-over-year. Alphabet annual net income for 2021 was $76.033B, a 88.81% increase from 2020. Alphabet annual net income for 2020 was $40.269B, a 17.26% increase from 2019. Also Alphabet made a profit of $16.4B in Q1 itself.

and Sundar [1] says “… Like all companies, we’re not immune to economic headwinds … In Q2 alone, we added approximately 10,000 Googlers, and have a strong number of commitments for Q3 start dates which reflects, in part, the seasonal college recruiting calendar. These are extraordinary numbers, and they show our excitement about long-term opportunities, even in uncertain times.

Because of the hiring progress achieved so far this year, we’ll be slowing the pace of hiring for the rest of the year, while still supporting our most important opportunities. For the balance of 2022 and 2023, we’ll focus our hiring on engineering, technical and other critical roles, and make sure the great talent we do hire is aligned with our long-term priorities. “


Today is 1st August & a good day to start new life ❤️

djdbdbsj @

I am going through tough days in last few months. I think today is great day to start & you can also do the same.

Let's do what makes us happy.
Start doing things we wanted to do.

It can be a fitness goal or art or any sport which you want to start.

We all deserve happiness. Be kind to others.
Forgive others & let it go all ur pain.

Comment down if you have start doing something or ur experience.



TC chasing on blind is a loser mentality

confusiam @ Apple

Once you break past 300k , rest of the grind isn’t worth unless you are earning mil +.
This chase will take up your life and for what .. maybe drive a model y instead of bmw 3 series, own a 4br house in east bay instead of 3br.
It’s all in vain unless you break into exec roles or start your own sh*t.
Relax, focus on your job and enjoy life.

TC: 440k


Age and net worth

pahaadi @ Amazon

What is your age and net worth?

TC : 310 K

Net worth - 400k age 30


Tipping Culture

くえびこ @ Google

I almost always tip, but I waited an hour for food just now because the server just forgot my table existed. Waiting at the table made me curious about people's thoughts on tipping culture, so here's a poll.


BIGGEST DAY in LIFE: Got our Green Cards today!!

Made-It @ Amazon

Priority Date: 16 Jan 2012
Country: India
Priority I-140: EB2 and EB3 - both approved
No interviews for GC thankfully

TC: $480k

- Original EB2 I-140
- Oct 2020 - Applied AOS with EB3 downgrade
- Jan 2021 - Received receipts of AOS
- Mar 2021 - Received AP/EAD valid for 1 yr
- May 2021 - Got Biometrics done
- Nov 2021 - Upgraded to EB2 since EB3 retrogressed
- Jan 2022 - RFE for Medicals
- Feb 2022 - Medicals sent
- March 2022 - Applied EAD and AP extensions
- April 2022 - Received 2 years EADs. No APs
- July 30 2022 - Received GCs

Oh my God - where do I start?
Been a 10+ year long wait but what a relief!!!

No more H1-B extensions, RFEs, stamping appointments …
Free to change jobs, can start business and have multiple jobs if desired
Come and go to the US easily

I have tears of joy in my eyes.

I wish everyone waiting in line a speedy processing of their GCs

I had a question: What to do with the plethora of immigration documents collected over the last 10 years..they are actually taking half of my walking closet space right now 😂


Do you support diversity in Tech ?

zzzzbbbb @ Amazon

Tech jobs are skill dependent and competition to grow in career should be fair and equal to everyone.
I am seeing huge disparity towards hiring and evaluating female candidates, even in promotions/hiring, managers are forced to fulfill their diversity quota.

I totally support female growth but why dont we should invest in learning and development trainings/coaching for them, instead of free bees.

Irrespective of gender, everyone has their own problems/challenges in their life, and ai really dont see any bias towards female compare to male ( in fact there is lot of bias other way around ), at least in tech jobs ( India, US or any other countries ).

TC 540K

PS - my sis is neuro surgen and she is just an year elder to me, no difference in her/ mine grow up, we grew up in small town in India.

Edit - New l6 SDM here, i had to roll out couple of l5/l6 offers in biased manner, forced by HR, heard similar things at microsoft.


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