❗️🍒❗️Ахтунг! Проект расписывают второй раз, поскольку в первый – не нашли кандидаток/-в! Если подходите по профилю и теме: хорошие шансы получить работу!❗️🍒❗️
The international research project Non-Ukrainians in Revolutionary Ukraine, 1917-1921 (NURU) project invites prospective candidates to join this collaborative four-years project. The Warsaw research team calls for two positions (1 PhD, 1 Post-Doc) and the Vienna team four one (1 PhD):
1 Levels, degrees, and combinations of cooperation between non-Ukrainian nationalities (open rank PostDoc / PhD Warsaw). Closing date: 18 December 18 December 2024024
2 Belarusians, Polesians, and Tutejszi in times of a nationalising revolution (open rank PhD / PostDoc Warsaw). Closing date:
3 Germans [or] Greeks [or] Moldovans/Romanians in revolutionary Ukraine (PhD position Vienna). Closing date: 20 January
The international research project Non-Ukrainians in Revolutionary Ukraine, 1917-1921 (NURU) project invites prospective candidates to join this collaborative four-years project. The Warsaw research team calls for two positions (1 PhD, 1 Post-Doc) and the Vienna team four one (1 PhD):
1 Levels, degrees, and combinations of cooperation between non-Ukrainian nationalities (open rank PostDoc / PhD Warsaw). Closing date: 18 December 18 December 2024024
2 Belarusians, Polesians, and Tutejszi in times of a nationalising revolution (open rank PhD / PostDoc Warsaw). Closing date:
3 Germans [or] Greeks [or] Moldovans/Romanians in revolutionary Ukraine (PhD position Vienna). Closing date: 20 January