وكما يقولُ صديقي المبادراتُ لا تعرف الاستأذان" فإن نوينا خيراً لِنقم به، وإن فَعلنا شراً لنُكَفرُ عنه، وإن أحتجنا ضميراً فالنُربيَ منه..
As my friend says, the initiatives do not know the permission of God, that we have good, so we will do it, and if we do evil to forgive him, and if we need a conscience, we will be raised from it.
As my friend says, the initiatives do not know the permission of God, that we have good, so we will do it, and if we do evil to forgive him, and if we need a conscience, we will be raised from it.