Children’s Health Defense

Гео и язык канала: не указан, Английский
Категория: Политика

Mission: End childhood health epidemics by exposing causes, eliminating harmful exposures; seeking justice for injured and establishing safeguards.

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не указан, Английский
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“If you presented in a hospital with COVID if you were unvaxxed versus people who were vaxxed — there were a different set of protocols?” — Jimmy Dore

Hear the truth for yourself TOMORROW at the world premiere of Vaxxed III: Authorized to Kill.



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“More than half the adult population of the world are anti-vaxxers.” — Dr. Andy Wakefield

Watch the full interview with Mary Talley Bowden M.D., Dr. Jack Kruse, and Dr. Andy Wakefield by Nicole Shanahan:

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📽 TOMORROW: Vaxxed III: Authorized to Kill

💉 COVID vaccine deaths and injuries.

🏥 Deadly hospital protocols targeting the unvaccinated.

Please don’t ignore their powerful testimonies.


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We’ve released our entire Food Symposium online for free!

Small farmers’ land rights, GMOs, regenerative ag, raw milk, disaster preparedness, pesticides, geoengineering — it’s all right here. Dive in!

Bill Gates Defends Free Speech — Unless It Hurts His Investments 🤨

“No individual, and certainly not the state, has the authority in our system to be the arbiter of what can be read or said. Our First Amendment has very few and limited exceptions, such as threats of violence. ‘Misinformation’ is not one of them. History shows that censorship never works ultimately to repress the truth.” — Naomi Wolf, DailyClout


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Was this what Florida’s Gov. Ron DeSantis was referring to when he signed legislation for “fighting back against the global elite's plan to force the world to eat meat grown in a petri dish or bugs to achieve their authoritarian goals”?

Full interview of Whitney Webb by Neil Oliver:

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A veteran pharmacist — who’s worked for years at a pharmacy chain you’ve probably heard of — reached out to CHD and asked us to let her talk anonymously about the dark changes that have been going on at her company.

Full interview by Polly Tommey starts at 30:00:

We are thrilled to announce that CHD will have a presence at Rescue the Republic!

“Rescue the Republic” embodies so many of the values core to our mission, including: protecting children’s health, exposing regulatory capture and ultimately holding those responsible accountable for these abuses.


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2 DAYS: Experience the film that exposes what really happened during COVID, behind hospital closed doors and beyond.

Vaxxed III: Authorized to Kill


‘Forest of the Fallen’: Tribute to Australians Killed or Injured by COVID Shots ‘Planted’ in Front of mRNA Factory Site

“None of the guilty parties have been punished for things that they’ve done. In fact, they’ve been given medals, for example, Dan Andrews presided over the longest lockdowns almost in the world.” — Alison Bevege, journalist


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Digital currencies ​are fully traceable + programmable, meaning authorities can control what you purchase + own.

Sounds like the WEF’s slogan, “You’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy,” doesn’t it?


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Some people talk about “the news” as though it’s something that simply exists — as if news stories somehow rose to the surface all on their own.

That’s not how it works. Take Fox News, for instance.

Watch More:

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When it comes to cancer in young people, we could not have said it any better than Casey Means, M.D.

Are you currently “cleaning up” anything in your or your family’s life?

Full interview by Jillian Michaels:

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Is the planet warming? Or is it cooling?

It depends on exactly where you are, says Dane Wigington, because there’s a machine that can and does change your weather remotely.

Full video (Geoengineering Report is in the second half):

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There’s a rising trend of doctors writing prescriptions for higher-quality foods, nutritional supplements, and gym memberships for their patients instead of pharmaceutical pills.

Patients are using their HSAs and FSAs to pay for the prescriptions, and Calley Mean’s company Truemed has been helping them to do it.

Now the IRS has something to say about it.

Full interview by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. ⬇️

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