Фильтр публикаций

"የምንኖረው በዚህ ዓለም ቢሆንም፣ የምንዋጋው በዚህ ዓለም ስልት አይደለም። ደግሞም የምንዋጋበት የጦር መሣሪያ የዚህ ዓለም መሣሪያ አይደለም፤ ይሁን እንጂ ምሽግን ለመደምሰስ የሚችል መለኮታዊ ኀይል ያለው ነው።

በእግዚአብሔር ዕውቀት ላይ በትዕቢት የሚነሣውን ክርክርና ከንቱ ሐሳብ ሁሉ እናፈርሳለን፤ አእምሮንም ሁሉ እየማረክን ለክርስቶስ እንዲታዘዝ እናደርጋለን። መታዘዛችሁ በተፈጸመ ጊዜ አለ መታዘዝን ሁሉ ለመቅጣት ተዘጋጅተናል።"
-- 2 ቆሮንቶስ 10:3-6


The podcast now has more than 11k views in a day and half which's really impressive and I know it's all of you who've been sharing it and watching it so thank you!!

I've been getting an overwhelming amount of response from all of you. Compliments, feedbacks, blessings, TV shows and more have been reaching out, tons of job offers, a bunch of people have been following all my socials, been subscribing to my YouTube as well.

To everyone that's new here and on all my socials; welcome and make yourselves at home. Enjoy all the previous posts and feel free to engage in conversation with the community.

Thank you so much everyone. It means a lot. And I hope you understand the main take away of the show which's God is good, and He loves you. ❤️

#Podcast #GugutPodcast

God, I'm glad you leave the 99, for the 1.

Good night ✨

"እናንተ ግን ከጨለማ ወደ አስደናቂ ብርሃኑ የጠራችሁን የእግዚአብሔርን ታላቅ ሥራ እንድታውጁ የተመረጠ ትውልድ፣ የንጉሥ ካህናት፣ ቅዱስ ሕዝብ፣ እግዚአብሔር ለራሱ የለያችሁ ሕዝብ ናችሁ።"
-- 1 ጴጥሮስ 2:9


The episode already got like 3k+ views in just a few hours and I know it's all you guys. 🌷

I'm getting lovely and encouraging texts and mentions across all socials and I really am very grateful. 🥰

Thank you so much everyone. As u heard in the episode, u guys r the best and I really couldn't have asked for a better community than you guys. 😇

I love you all. Thank you so much for being so caring, supportive and encouraging. 🥲

I hope this has honored my loving God who's been so kind to me. ❤️

Here are some behind the scenes of the episode and the studio. The hosts, Biruk and Dagmawi were very engaging and fun to talk to. There's one coordinator called Kaleab behind the scenes who's like an avid coder 🌷

We recorded the episode last week and you're not gonna notice it but this episode was recorded later in the evening and into the night. We were talking so late I had to cut it and leave at some point and shegnitewgn minamin neber after cause it was late. 😅

We talked for like 4/5 hours. Infact
t some point they were just super curious (specially when we talked bout God) and off camera we were just having a blast talking about all things spiritual and work. It was definitely worth it and fun. 🥰

Also I've learnt that recording an in person podcast is way more difficult than what I do so cheers to them. 💯

Hope you enjoy the episode and learn a ton of things. Have fun! ❤️

#Podcasts #GugutPodcast #BTS

I had so much fun being on Gugut Podcast. The hosts were very kind and relatable. On and off camera I had so much fun talking to the hosts.

Check it out here

I loved the fact that it was an open ended podcast where we talk about early life, tech, hobbies, personal life, faith and more.

Enjoy! ❤️

#Podcasts #GugutPodcast

Good night ✨

#ChristianArt #Spiritual

One of the major things I want to work on while I'm taking a break is Christian Digital Content.

The world is going digital by the day and Christians should have gorgeous and outstanding content to spread the good news of God.

I will handle all the website, apps, servers, domains, channels, promotions and more to spread the work. But I need a small team of writers, graphics designers and artists.

If you are a Christian (Protestant) and have the heart and courage, skill and passion to write spiritual devotionals, create art, wallpapers, posters and more. Text me @dagmawibabi.

We will be creating scripture based devotionals, blogs, articles, social media posts and more to encourage, inspire, and call people onto God.

We will also create art, social media posts, wallpapers, comics and so much more visual content to catch the eyes and hearts of people.

አምላካችን ዘለዓለማዊ ነው፤ ወደፊትም ለዘለዓለም ይመራናል!

"የምትነግሩአቸውም “እግዚአብሔር እንዲህ ነው፤ አምላካችን ዘለዓለማዊ ነው፤ ወደፊትም ለዘለዓለም ይመራናል” ብላችሁ ነው።"
— መዝሙር 48:14

I thought long about it, talked with my team and I want to make Jamon the last guest for season one of my podcast.

We have now published 10 episodes, 5 Amharic and 5 English. And I think that's perfect for one season.

I have already recorded Akshay (from Notion) and some more people while people like RauchG and other interesting guests you're going to love have rescheduled for early January to record.

So I have decided that I will group these people for the next season of my podcast and start uploading soon.

I want to be ahead of our uploading schedule. Meaning I want atleast half of the episodes privately uploaded to YouTube and scheduled to be released before we start the second season.

Another important thing is quality. I want to try new ways of recording and also give my team more time to work on each episode.

Next Wednesday we're working to upload the last episode which shows you the behind the scenes of our entire workflow from recording to editing to character design and more to show and inspire you to start your own shows.

Thank you for the constant support you've been the absolute best. See you on the last episode of season one.

Checkout all the episodes so far on YouTube or any podcasting platform you like

Bye for now.

#MyYouTube #MyPodcast

Jamon Holmgren — React Native, Game Dev, Infinite Red, Upbringings, Hobbies, Faith and More

Jamon is the founder of Infinite Red, US-based react native consulting team for 18 years and creators of Chain React Conference. In this conversation we talk about Jamon's upbringings, education, programming journey, companies, open source, AI, faith, hobbies and so much more. It's also an informative episode about ADHD, team building, podcasts, game dev, CTO roles and so much more.

Enjoy on all your fav platforms! 💚

#MyYouTube #MyPodcast

ወደ ሮም ሰዎች 9:14-16

"እንግዲህ ምሕረት ለወደደ ወይም ለሮጠ አይደለም፥ ከሚምር ከእግዚአብሔር ነው እንጂ።"

የማቴዎስ ወንጌል 20:1-15 አማ54

"መንግሥተ ሰማያት ለወይኑ አትክልት ሠራተኞችን ሊቀጥር ማልዶ የወጣ ባለቤት ሰውን ትመስላለችና። ሠራተኞችንም በቀን አንድ ዲናር ተስማምቶ ወደ ወይኑ አትክልት ሰደዳቸው።

በሦስት ሰዓትም ወጥቶ ሥራ የፈቱ ሌሎችን በአደባባይ ቆመው አየ፥ እነዚያንም፦ እናንተ ደግሞ ወደ ወይኔ አትክልት ሂዱ የሚገባውንም እሰጣችኋለሁ አላቸው። እነርሱም ሄዱ። ደግሞም በስድስትና በዘጠኝ ሰዓት ወጥቶ እንዲሁ አደረገ። በአሥራ አንደኛውም ሰዓት ወጥቶ ሌሎችን ቆመው አገኘና፦ ሥራ ፈትታችሁ ቀኑን ሁሉ በዚህ ስለ ምን ትቆማላችሁ? አላቸው። የሚቀጥረን ስለ አጣን ነው አሉት። እርሱም፦ እናንተ ደግሞ ወደ ወይኔ አትክልት ሂዱ የሚገባውንም ትቀበላላችሁ አላቸው።

በመሸም ጊዜ የወይኑ አትክልት ጌታ አዛዡን፦ ሠራተኞችን ጥራና ከኋለኞች ጀምረህ እስከ ፊተኞች ድረስ ደመወዝ ስጣቸው አለው። በአሥራ አንደኛው ሰዓትም የገቡ መጥተው እያንዳንዳቸው አንድ ዲናር ተቀበሉ። ፊተኞችም በመጡ ጊዜ አብዝተው የሚቀበሉ መስሎአቸው ነበር፤ እነርሱም ደግሞ እያንዳንዳቸው አንድ ዲናር ተቀበሉ። ተቀብለውም፦ እነዚህ ኋለኞች አንድ ሰዓት ሠሩ፥ የቀኑንም ድካምና ትኩሳት ከተሸከምን ከእኛ ጋር አስተካከልሃቸው ብለው በባለቤቱ ላይ አንጕኦራጕኦሩ።

እርሱ ግን መልሶ ከእነርሱ ለአንዱ እንዲህ አለው፦ ወዳጄ ሆይ፥ አልበደልሁህም በአንድ ዲናር አልተስማማኸኝምን? ድርሻህን ውሰድና ሂድ፤ እኔ ለዚህ ለኋለኛው እንደ አንተ ልሰጠው እወዳለሁ፤ በገንዘቤ የወደድሁትን አደርግ ዘንድ መብት የለኝምን? ወይስ እኔ መልካም ስለ ሆንሁ ዓይንህ ምቀኛ ናትን?"

Показано 16 последних публикаций.