Diyorbek Juraev || Blog

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Diyorbek Juraev
Student ( bachelor's degree)
IELTS --- 7.0
- age 21
- Andijan, Uzbekistan
- interests: English, Math, Football, computer programs!
MY FUTURE JOB - Computer programmer ( web - full stack )

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What should you do if you want to give up

📝 Take a bit of time to recover. You can't continue if your strength has dried up.

📝 Try to reflect on your current situation. Evaluate what you really want and need.

📝 Attempt to reassess your current strategy. What things are working and what things should be modified?

📝 Don't be afraid to alter direction if you need to. Sometimes that's the best way — and it opens up new opportunities.

📝 Step back to try and see perspective.

📝 Get through it — we all occasionally miss the momentum. But if you keep going, eventually you'll end up where you need to be.

▪️ Qisqa qilib aytganda "give up" voz kechish imkoniyati sizda har doim bo'ladi, doimo siz bilan lekin sizga boshqa berilgan imkoniyat har doim ham berilavermaydi!


📃 This result is one of the my group mates. He is my closest friend, brother also namely AKRAMJON. Our results are the same 😁

L score : 8.5
R score : 7.0
W score : 6.0
S score. : 7.0

🔥Band score: 7.0

We are gonna share our listening and reading experiences to you!

😁 Soon ...!




84 0 6 37 15

My goals for a month (April)

🧑‍💻Web { Frontend }

▪️ HTML and CSS design and build website pdf
▪️HTML5 pdf
▪️HTML-handbook pdf

📚 The books that I have to read

▪️Atomic habits. pdf
▪️The top 200 secrets of success and the Pillars of Self master pdf
▪️Prophet Muhammad S.A.V. pdf

📌 Practical

▪️Typing speed (improving 30 to 80 PMW)
▪️ Creating one telegram bot for my education center
▪️Creating contents for Tik Tok


😊Assalamu alaykum

Good morning dear members!

IELTS imtihoni uchun 12-mart kuniga registiratsa qilgan edim va imtihonga yoriq yuz bilan kirib chiqish nasib etdi. Allohga shukur!

😅 Shuncha mashaqat mehnatlar bilan erishgan katta maqsadlarimdan biri nihoyat amalga oshmoqda!

IELTS menga quydagilarni o'rgatdi:

- Kitob oqish ko'nikmasini
- Vaqtni qadriga yetish
- Dunyo qarash kengaytirishni
- Ochiq muloqot qilishni
- Butun dunyo insonlari bilan gaplashaolish qobiliyatini
- Kelajakdagi men egallamoqchi bolgan kasibni aniqlashni

Shu darajaga yetishishimga sababchi bolgan avvalo Ollohimga shukur, Ota Onam, yaqinlarimdan, meni o'qitgan barcha oqituvchilarimdan minnadorman!

Bugun yoki ertaga imtihon natijasi e'lon qilinadi.
Ketib qolish yo'q hali bir otamlashamiz😉
Habar topmaganlarga yetkazib qo'shilib turilinovradi!



1. Read every day
2. Focus on high-level tasks
3. Make your health a priority
4. Learn from people you admire
5. Plan your day the night before
6. Keep your goals in front of you
7. Take action, even when it's scary
8. Have a powerful & inspiring "why"

Mening rivojlanishimga asosiy turtki bolgan 8 odatlar.



Fall in love with taking care of yourself. Fall in love with the path of deep healing. Fall in love with becoming the best version of yourself but with patience, with compassion and respect to your own journey.

Good morning 💫



Assalamu alaykum

Welcome to my personal blog.

😊 Shaxsiy blogimga hush kelibsiz.
Bu blogimda sizlar bilan mening insight (konikmalarimni) bilimlarimni ulashib boraman.

Aytishadiku 😉 "bilimni boshqalar bilan qancha ko'p ulashsang shuncha o'zingda ortib boradi" deb.

Birinchi qadam tashlandi!


Показано 8 последних публикаций.


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