What should you do if you want to give up 📝
Take a bit of time to recover. You can't continue if your strength has dried up.
Try to reflect on your current situation. Evaluate what you really want and need.
Attempt to reassess your current strategy. What things are working and what things should be modified?
Don't be afraid to alter direction if you need to. Sometimes that's the best way — and it opens up new opportunities.
Step back to try and see perspective.
Get through it — we all occasionally miss the momentum. But if you keep going, eventually you'll end up where you need to be.
Qisqa qilib aytganda "give up" voz kechish imkoniyati sizda har doim bo'ladi, doimo siz bilan lekin sizga boshqa berilgan imkoniyat har doim ham berilavermaydi!