BBC Earth

Гео и язык канала: Весь мир, Английский
Категория: Природа

For over fifty years, BBC Earth has been inspiring audiences through the natural world; we’ve taken the BBC’s amazing natural history stories, over 1000 of them, and shared them around the globe 🌎

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Гео и язык канала
Весь мир, Английский
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I've got a lot of messages from you, my dear friends❤️
Thank you for keeping attention on @earth_bbc channel!

I love travelling around the world that's why I disappeared for a while☺️

Follow my Instagram to see how different countries look like👍

​​Deer Creek, an oasis located on the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, can only be reached by the Colorado River or a twenty mile round trip hike

​​West Virginia is famous for the spectacular fall foliage colors.

​​Middle-earth. Castle Hill, Arthur's Pass, New Zealand

​​"McLaren Falls, Tauranga under starlight. This has immediately become one of my favourite spots to shoot the Milky Way in the North Island. Really love how the Milky Way sets right behind the falls. I've been at this place around 5 years ago in daylight, but never thought would be this serene at night.
In the images you can see the serene waterfall and the galactic kiwi (a cluster of stars in the Milky Way that look like a kiwi) coming down to earth. Stars, cold rocks to rest on and the calm sound of waterfall is just the perfect combination for a night."

​​"As a landscape photographer I like to photograph natural or man made landscapes and let my images do the talking."

​​Hierve el Aqua is a petrified waterfall near Oaxaca in Mexico. Pictured here is one of the two shallow pools. The unique colour comes from calcium carbonate and other minerals in the water. It's one of the most unique places I've ever visited!

​​During the day the desert can seem like a barren, lifeless place, but come out first thing in the morning before the wind picks up, and the sands tell a different story – countless footsteps and trails are etched into the dunes, made by the comings and goings of the night time desert dwellers. This track was made by a golden mole scurrying around beneath the surface of the sand – you can see where he popped out onto the surface for a short time before burying himself again.

​​"This little Tawaki penguin is waiting to head out for a feed, I captured this dude while on the west coast of the South Island New Zealand. I wanted this to kind of give the feeling of the huge task ahead for the little dude with the open ocean waiting there for him/her in all its vastness, kind of an isolated feeling and no matter what predator lay in the ocean ahead he/she has to go otherwise the little ones won't be fed."

​​"Many photographers I know don't like editing on the run and I agree in a way, for me though it is important to begin an edit if i'm still buzzing from the experience, I tend to find that mood will be injected into the image as I process, so i'll normally do an initial edit on location and then tidy it up at home."

​​"Ski-Doo Run Run Run, Ski-Doo Run Run"

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