English With Masters

Гео и язык канала: Весь мир, Английский
Категория: Лингвистика

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Гео и язык канала
Весь мир, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

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📌 Environmental problems English Vocabulary

✅ #vocabulary #advanced
@EngMasters @quizmasters
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​​🔰 Vocabulary class
🌀 Strong feelings and reactions

1️⃣ ecstatic /ɪkˈstætɪk, ek-/ adjective
🤓 feeling extremely happy and excited
📌 ecstatic review/praise/applause
📌 SYNS euphoric, elated, over the moon INF.
🏷 Jacqueline was ecstatic to see her old friends again.
🏷 The kids were ecstatic when we brought home the new video game system.

2️⃣ jubilant /ˈdʒuːbələnt/ adjective
🤓 extremely happy and pleased because of a success
🏷 Radicals were jubilant at getting rid of him.
🏷 The fans were in jubilant mood as they left the stadium.

3️⃣ to be in tears
🤓 to be crying
📌 be close to/ on the verge of tears = nearly crying
🏷 When Evelyn put the phone down, she was in tears.
🏷 She came home in floods of tears.

✅ #vocabulary #v224
@EngMasters @IELTSwMasters

Fill in the blank with the missing word: (your reaction is your answer)

➡️ It's often said that there's ................... between genius and madness.

👍) a thick line
❤️) a fine line
👏) a long line

✅ #quiz #q41 #Vocabulary
@EngMasters @QuizMasters

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Running types 😅🇬🇧🇺🇸

✅ #vocabulary #intermediate
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📝 The Writing Process!

🇺🇸 #Writing #intermediate
🇬🇧 @EngMasters @Quizmasters

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What is the hardest word in America?

✅ #expression #fun
@EngMasters @quizmasters
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Learn 5️⃣ phrasal verbs in 4️⃣0️⃣ seconds

🔷 To chicken out
🔸 To sleep on someone
🔷 To give out
🔸 To get over
🔷 To come across

#Phrasal_verbs #advanced
➡️ @EngMasters ⬅️
➡️ @QuizMasters ⬅️

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Some commonly mistaken cooking vocabulary 🇺🇸🇬🇧‌

✅ #vocabulary #intermediate
@EngMasters @quizmasters
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-ough can be pronounced in 9️⃣ different ways

#pronunciation #intermediate
➡️ @EngMasters ⬅️
➡️ @QuizMasters ⬅️

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9️⃣ words British people are too lazy to say

✅ #slang #british
@EngMasters @quizmasters
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Common Mistakes in English
Use Of The Wrong Tense

🗂using will/‘ll instead of would/‘d in a subordinate clause.

❌ Don’t say : He said (that) he will/‘ll come tomorrow.
✅ Say : He said (that) he would/‘d come tomorrow.

💡Will/‘ll changes to would in subordinate clauses, when the verbs in the main clause is in a past tense .

#Misused_Forms #MF_39
@engmasters @quizmasters

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🔴 4 Tips To Speak More Fluently!

#Speaking #Tips #intermediate
👉 @EngMasters 👈
👉 @QuizMasters 👈

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Other ways to say: I want

✅ #speaking #advanced
@EngMasters @quizmasters
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4k 1 21 1 20

How much protein are there in the food we eat?

✅ #science #general_knowledge
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"You and I" or "Me and You" ? 🤔

✅ #Grammar #intermediate
@EngMasters @quizmasters
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Fill in the blank with the missing word: (your reaction is your answer)

➡️ I'm cutting down on alcohol, so .............. I'm only drinking light beer.

👍) from now on 
❤️) for now on 
👏) since now on

✅ #quiz #q41 #Vocabulary
@EngMasters @QuizMasters

⭐️ The (Part-3)

✅ #grammar #g75
@EngMasters @IELTSwMasters

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Don't Pronounce the "ED" in these words!

✅ #pronunciation #intermediate
@EngMasters @quizmasters
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Today's phrasal verbs are:

✳️ Settle down
✳️ Live down
✳️ Ramble on

✅ #Phrasal_verbs #npvc97
@EngMasters @QuizMasters

Показано 20 последних публикаций.