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Гео и язык канала: Весь мир, Английский
Категория: Психология

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Гео и язык канала
Весь мир, Английский
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Word of the Day

Definition: (verb) Take without referencing from someone else's writing or speech; of intellectual property.
Synonyms: lift.
Usage: At the beginning of the semester, the teacher warned her students not to plagiarize their reports because she would find out and fail them.


Phrasal Verb of the Day | Vocabulary | EnglishClub
knock up (1)

to make something quickly and without too much effort


Slang of the Day | Vocabulary | EnglishClub
Yankee | Yank

an American, a person from the United States of America


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Idiom of the Day
man up

To deal with something in a more brave, stoic, or masculine way than one has done so hitherto. (Usually used imperatively.) Watch the video


Phrasal Verb of the Day | Vocabulary | EnglishClub
come through

to survive a difficult or dangerous situation or time

@EngSkills Today's Word
by and large

adverb: In general; on the whole.


Slang of the Day | Vocabulary | EnglishClub
bullshit | bull

nonsense; something that's not true


Football Phrase of the Week: Hang on for a win

Idiom of the Day
man the fort

To mind or take charge of a location during the time in which it is unattended by another. Watch the video


Word of the Day

Definition: (noun) A point equidistant from the ends of a line or the extremities of a figure.
Synonyms: center.
Usage: I measured the width of the picture frame and calculated its midpoint so that I could hang it properly on the wall.


Phrasal Verb of the Day | Vocabulary | EnglishClub
let out (1)

to allow somebody or something to leave a place

@EngSkills Today's Word

noun: 1. The beam along the length of the base of a ship or boat on which the frame is built. 2. A fin-like structure on the bottom of a hull, improving stability. verb tr., intr.: To capsize, collapse, or fall.


Slang of the Day | Vocabulary | EnglishClub
mug shot

a photograph of someone taken after their arrest


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