第二十八期: What is a Sonata Form概要这一期介绍的是Sonata Form~估计各位都对这个比较熟悉,但感觉这一期还是讲的非常好~Sonata来自于拉丁语Sonare,意思是器乐音乐,之后成为了古典音乐中可能最重要的一种音乐形制。伯恩斯坦介绍了这个form的两大特点,第一个是balance,Sonata Form可以看作是ABA form的一种延展,所以听起来很对称平衡;第二个是contrast,大多数的sonata form都会经历一个tonic-dominant-tonic的过程(当然也不是所有的选择都是dominant),这就创造出了戏剧效果。另外伯恩斯坦还有一个很好的总结:听出一个音乐的form是很难的,因为音乐不像绘画或是建筑,是存在于空间中的,所以形式一目了然,而音乐是时间上的艺术,听出它的形式就需要记住之前听过的内容,而了解类似于Sonata Form这种模式的一个好处就是有助于我们推断出一首作品的form~这一期里最有意思的是开头先演奏了Mozart的Jupiter Symphony,然后在伯恩斯坦大说特说一大通之后(其中还包括了他唱Beatles的And I Love Her😆),最后再一次演奏了Jupiter Symphony,但是这一次还请人在后面举牌子告诉大家现在是sonata form的哪个部分,非常喜欢这个设置~
喜欢的QuoteThe form is harder to understand because grasping the form of a piece means seeing it all at once, or I should say hearing it all at once, which is of course impossible since music takes place in time instead of in space. So how could you hear it all at once.
But with a piece of music it takes time to hear the form; you have to keep in your head all the notes you've already heard while you're listening to the new ones, so that by the time the piece is over, it all adds up to one continuous form. Maybe that sounds impossible, but it's not. Of course, it's not easy, either. But if you know a little about the form in advance, (for instance, if you know the piece is going to be in sonata form) it all becomes much easier, because you can almost predict what musical shapes are going to happen.
曲目1. Mozart - Symphony in C Major, "Jupiter"
2. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
3. Beatles - And I Love Her
4. Bizet - Carmen: Micael's Aria
5. Mozart - Piano Sonata in C Major
6. Prokofiev - Classical Symphony