Feelings Unleashed

Гео и язык канала: не указан, Английский
Категория: Цитаты


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Гео и язык канала
не указан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Right when the roads are empty
When the sky turns dark
When every one is sleeping and thers no one to have
When the sun goes down and the darkness comes up

Thats when i am my true self
The one that bleeds inside
The one that lost faith and hope

The one that needs saving
But is afraid to be

The one that wants some one close
But still avoids

Thats who and what i am
The one that feels lost in the realm of time

Trapped by memories that have once been lived

Memories that hunts me down

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Success is not just about hard work; it also requires a bit of luck. Keep in mind that even when we try our hardest, we may not always achieve the desired outcome. So don't be discouraged, and keep pushing forward. Remember to stay open to unexpected events, and keep striving for your goals. With hard work, dedication, and a little bit of luck, you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

Title: Fading Glow: A Tale of Departure

In a dimly lit room, an "Exit" sign glows green, piercing the darkness with a faint light. Once, a girl entered this space, bringing with her a vibrant energy that lit up every corner. Laughter and warmth filled the room, pushing back the shadows.

Now, standing by the exit, she embodies a sense of departure. The room, once bright with her presence, seems to revert to its former darkness as she prepares to leave. Every step she takes feels like a step away from the light she brought.

As she walks out, the room falls silent, save for the dim glow of the exit sign. Her departure leaves behind a void, but a faint reminder of her once-bright presence lingers. The darkness returns, but her light remains a cherished memory, a fleeting yet beautiful moment in a once dreary world.

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As the light passes through the window frames the warm golden touch casts a heart-touching shadow on the floor, This was your presence for me once, ALAS, no more the same but still your presence I adore.
I opened the curtain to welcome the warmth to let your light cast its shadow and now you are gone a void that is quite uncertain, Gazing at the sky through the frames, longing for light to begin.

Perhaps, perhaps another day another sun shall come tomorrow I shall be patient or who knows maybe the moons soft glow shall cast its gentle shade.

One thing though, nothing can replace your place in my heart, your absence left me empty and sad.

The cycle turns, the sun is gone amd her comes the shadow to dance and play.

Yet me here still yearn for you to light my day.

"In an isolated glass sphere, hanging above,
One light bulb sways, casting its soft radiance,
Inside my inner self, shadows dispersed, and warmth flourished,
As a lovely maiden arrived, enriching my existence,
Transforming my sadness into brilliance, igniting a flicker of hope.

But, without a goodbye or a single word, she vanished,
Leaving me desolate, my heart burdened with sorrow,
Now I opt to crawl, stretching towards the controls,
To bid farewell to the light, and welcome back my old companion, darkness."

By feven Tesfaye ✍️✍️
My true story 😁😁 falling for someone younger

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1, 2, 3, 4.....
The time keeps moving the watched ticklong voice gake me back in time to when i was innocent and makes me run towards the future and made me think who i am and who i want to be .
Every second is pain because every second i know that i am 1 second closer to my death and i asked what if the next second is my last would i be happy and die in peace????


I hope it wont be late for me to know the answers.

By feven Tesfaye ✍️✍️
My true story 👵👧

By Feven Tesfaye ✍️✍️
My true story🪽🪽

By feven Tesfaye ✍️✍️
My True story 🥹

The first drop of rain hits my face, followed by a second and third. People around me are running towards shelter to wait for the rain to pass. However, I am walking and smiling, feeling as though all my pain has been washed away. I want to cry, but I was raised not to express emotions, so I let the rain do it for me. It seems like a dream, a mess in my head. How can the rain feel me? I realize that it's actually the reverse, I am the one feeling the rain. That's why I smile when the tears of the clouds fall on my face.


She is sweet
She is awsome
She makes me feel relived from my stress as the droplet of the rain makes me feel
Shes what i want
Shes all i ask
I know by now your wondering who she is right

Me too am wondering who she is....

The clouds are dark as if they are tired of waiting
They are dark as if they have been through alot
Thunder rumbling as it seems unheard screams of the cloud
As tgey have been telling their pain and then starts opening up
Telling their pain followed by tears
And it was late i wish i could have heard the clouds before
Guess its to late no where to hide now
It starts with a sinple tear leading to a massive emotional burst out funny i cant let my self out
As i shared the pain of z cloud
As i am walking under the tears of the cloud thinking of my self
Asking why everything is the way it is

Endless question but no answers.....

Please be kind and share

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