
Гео и язык канала: не указан, не указан
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The channel isn't specialized for one thing. It's just for my notes.

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Репост из: Nurullokh Kamalkhujaev | 9.0
If you want followers, be someone worth following.

Репост из: sinamor
But if the story's over, why am I still writing pages?



I always think about it.
I take care of people as much as possible. However I only know some people who can take care of me. Maybe my hand fingers are enough to count 😂

Репост из: Abdurazzoq’s notes
You save everybody, but who saves you?

Репост из: sinamor
Princess treatment doesn't mean he buys you gifts 24/7, drives you around, or gets your nails done. It means he does not let you go to bed upset, listens to you, is patient with you, treats you delicately from the way he talks and touches you. He's the calm when you in the middle of a storm.


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Репост из: English with the Sadikovs (Time 180°)
Tongue-twister, test yourself!

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
Where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?


Kontaktimda bolish hammaga ham emas😌😎

64 ta bloklangan boldi yomonmasa, lekin shularni deb spam oldim🤕.
Qaytib spam bermiyman boshqalar oʻyin oynayotganda ham asabiga tegib oynamiyman 😕

Qaysi qoling singur qildikin ozi yaqinda chiqudim yana uch kunlik spam🤯.
Jinni boʻp qolish aniq

Have a wonderful night 😴

Odamlar ongli mavjudot sanaladi, lekin ular qilgan ishlarni hayvon qilishga ham jurat etolmaydi. Ularni onggi bor toʻgʻri lekin uni faqatgina oz manfaati uchun ishlatadi. Odamiylik tuygʻusini yoʻqolib boriga keladigon boʻlsak, yo biz aqlli boʻp ketyapmiz yoki aqlsiz.


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Everything is just a piece of cake 😅

Показано 20 последних публикаций.