Freedom Warriors

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Taking Our Country Back

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Репост из: Tommy Robinson News
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Reminder of what Washington D.C. looked like today as Trump supporters flocked to the capital, compared to what it looks like tonight as Biden supporters wreak havoc.

Репост из: 🇬🇧 PATRIOT NEWS 🇬🇧
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More sly tactics from blm/antifa as they punch and pull hair from behind and steel a phone 🤨😡

Репост из: Jack Dawkins
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BLM Marxists harass and throw water over a black Trump supporter, telling her to 'get out of here', she was no fucks given and mocked them all the way.

Репост из: Jack Dawkins
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Diners are attacked with bottles and fireworks by the mob of BLM Marxists in Washington.

Репост из: Jack Dawkins
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Two young Trump supporters attacked by mob of BLM Marxists in Washington as the cowards have come out now the crowds have gone home.

Репост из: Tommy Robinson News
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BLM/Antifa Marxists surround and assault lone elderly Trump supporter numerous times in Washington D.C.

Репост из: t
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Репост из: Tommy Robinson News
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Fights breaking out all over Washington D.C. tonight as BLM/Antifa Marxists have turned up mob handed at the end of the day to pick of small groups.

Репост из: Tommy Robinson News
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BLM/Antifa Marxists are attacking everyone in D.C., this is horrific.

Репост из: Jack Dawkins
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Disturbing scenes in Washington D.C. as Antifa are out picking off lone people and families following the million MAGA march and attacking them.

Репост из: Jack Dawkins
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As proud Americans paint Washington red, white and blue, in South Dallas, black power armed militants march through a neighbourhood.

Репост из: Tommy Robinson News
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BLM picked off and cornered a small group of MAGA guys in Washington D.C. and brutally attacked them, sucker punch from a coward.

Репост из: Protest Everywhere

Fake track and trace app ☝️

Репост из: sati
Version 0.3.5 available at:


* Does not collect or send data anywhere.
* Can be used offline.
* Choose "Add to homescreen" for a more app-like experience. (Original icon found here:


* Fixed camera issues with some phones (Moto G6 Play)
* Next update should display notification toast, negating the need to clear cache/site settings.
* Fixed entry point for PWA after added to homescreen.
* Fixed broken link in share menu
* Added permission warning/hint to text input screen.
* Various other small/fixes improvements.

Please clear site-settings/cache and reload in order to make sure you have the latest version. (Should be last time this is needed).

If you have any issues (black/white/blank screen) then also try clear site settings/cache first. If issues persist then please state phone/browser & versions.

To do this on Chrome, press the lock icon by the URL in the address bar, then 'Site settings' > 'Clear & reset" and then reload.

Menu is accessed by pressing the X icon at top left or swipe from the left on the screen on Android.

*iPhone users*: iOS versions prior to 13.4 have a bug where webapps can't access media devices when added to homescreen. Fix by updating to iOS 13.4 or higher.

See here for more info:

!! EXPERIMENTAL !! Android app available at and also attached to the following telegram message:

Source code for the webapp can be downloaded at:


BTC: bc1qt54pz3ynwd2ucgf6ucffhx2c5qcfr967zzqevd


Any issues/ideas/feedback/etc to @gaiasati

Thank you!

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Репост из: Stop The Lockdown, Resist The Vaccine
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