Фильтр публикаций

Women Rights / 🌈 LGBT / Lesbians / Gays / Transsexual on Telegram by GRT https://t.me/WomenRightsTelegram

We need to start apply proper sentences by avoiding to jail innocents and keep criminals free with missing penalties https://t.me/CrimeExamples

Student Rights Telegram by GRT : defending students right against discrimination, missing financial support and proper education https://t.me/StudentRightsTelegram

Educate your kids once at all and talk about TABU TOPICS WITH NO FEAR! - Éduquez vos enfants une fois pour toutes https://t.me/EducateYourKids

Yes to empathy in politics! Politiciens et gouvernements, IL EST TEMPS D'AVOIR DE L'EMPATHIE une fois pour toutes! https://t.me/EmpathyTelegram

To do checklist to improve our laws to keep population safe and secure from criminals / rapers / abuses https://t.me/LawsTelegram

Behind religion and tradition bullshit : freedom of believing is a right, doing crimes with religious ideas instead NOPE! https://t.me/ReligionBullshit

Behind Islam crimes : animal torture / child marriages / death by stones / adultery / polygamy / women abuse and more https://t.me/IslamCrime

It's time to stop to discriminate people by age, type of job, language / country / religion, skin colour, size, social status https://t.me/DiscriminationTelegram

It's time to stop job type discrimination - Women / Students / Black / Latinos have the right to get same wages https://t.me/JobDiscrimination

Go Work Facts : Climate activist " you don't have a job " only I work / do important things - Reality behind Last Generation https://t.me/JobsFacts

Against discrimination of Islam / Muslims who don't commit crimes! Islamic religion is doing crime, but not all muslims! https://t.me/NoBreivikMania

Low Recidivism is NOT synonym of true stats / less criminality - homicides - abuses / more safety — The reality behind prison https://t.me/RecidivismFacts

People getting lifetime sentence for serious crimes and 100% proofs have NO right to request parole at all! For our security https://t.me/ParoleFacts

Behind mass murderer sues Norway over prison isolation - Breivik human rights fight against Norwegian and request for parole https://t.me/BreivikParole

Real Prison Break Facts - Breakout / escape from prisons - Dangerous Prisoners that should remain behind bars https://t.me/PrisonBreakFacts

Amnesty One To One - 10 reasons to NOT abolish the death penalty / 10 raisons pour NE PAS abolir la peine de mort https://t.me/AmnestyOneToOne

Amnesty International Hidden Examples / Stats / Science and Facts / Mass Shooters - Murders Stories ! Less innocent people story https://t.me/AmnestyExamples

European Union / Death Penalty fake researchers are just a great mafia! Censorship of information, closed eyes, bullshit and ban https://t.me/DeathPenaltyMafia

Black Human Rights on Telegram by GRT : Black Latinos have the exact same rights like white ! No skin color discrimination https://t.me/BlackHumanRights

Ben Shapiro Facts - Less fake science and more scientific facts please! Telegram channels against Ben Shapiro Feelings Opinions https://t.me/BenShapiroFacts

Telegram Channels against Amnesty Bullshit Facts or to support Amnesty Human Rights fight https://t.me/AmnestyFacts

Death Sentence FAQ : Pros & cons of the death penalty - Avantages et inconvénients de la peine mort - Amnesty Bullshit Leaked https://t.me/DeathSentenceFAQ

Death Sentence NOW ! Death penalty back for serious crimes, like women / child rape, cannibalist, racial terrorist, acid attack https://t.me/DeathSentenceNOW

Death penalty for sexual abuse of minors / children - terrorist violence against the body of women / girls - rape https://t.me/RapeDeathPenalty

Wolf Animal Rights on Telegram by GRT : No death penalty to wolves - death sentence instead to criminals for animal torture! https://t.me/WolfRights

Показано 13 последних публикаций.


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