Icekid ❄️Tech💦

Гео и язык канала: не указан, не указан
Категория: не указана

What we offer to you
1. Hack world steps
2. Sure giveaways
3. Videos of all kinds:
i. How to hack
ii. Gain money
iii. Life hack
iv. Much more
4. All you got to do is join and enjoy
Don't forget to invite your friends and contacts 🙏

Связанные каналы

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не указан, не указан
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Do you want to increase your *WhatsApp views by 200+* in less than *24 hours* 🕒?

Increase you *WhatsApp views* and get over *260+ contacts* saving your contact instantly _without messaging_ or _sending broadcast_
Click to join 👆🏽👆🏽

Sorry guys I've been away from telegram for a while now Cox am also running a WhatsApp class on hacking 😌 Hope am forgiven
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  •   Give us cardpro v8.5 at only 6k
23 голосов


IMPORTANT : Don't Ask Stupid Questions in my DM

At First Check Your Equipment..?
1st : Onlinegame ?
2nd: Proxy ?
3rd : Creditcard ?

Your Tool to Cashout.

At first you have to register on a online game site, maybe where you can play poker or backgammon
its only important, that you can play with REAL MONEY...
Onlinegames like: Poker Online | Play Poker Games at

You need 2 account... One of them must be your own and the second have to be like the Creditcard user.
To make account is in most onlinegames for free.


Then join your Proxy... Its nice if you use the same Proxy like your creditcard comes from.
for example : German creditcard and German Proxy .



Now when you connect to the Proxy, join your faked account to play online...

Then purchase Real money from the hacked or stealed Creditcard.
Dont use your own Creditcard . It wouldnt have any effeckt Big Grin


How to Cashout??

Join the game with your Account (your faked and your real) to play.
You have to click on the "Play with Real Money" Button.
To play you need more then 2 players on the Table.

You can make more accounts to shit with all your accounts on the table
but i played with some hackerfriends. So they knowed what i did.
Then Play Big Grin

IMPORTANT : Your real account need some real money too ... 10 Lira is enough Big Grin

ok continue :

Then your firends have to give up the round, so that only YOU AND YOUR FAKED account is in .
Like 1 on 1.
Then Press the "All-In" Button with your faked Account .
And with your real Account the Same...
The effeckt : your faked account will set all the money from the hacked/stolen Creditcard
and your real account will set 10 *8364; or Lira or $ . :clap:

Then your faked account have to lose... like give up.
So you will taken all the money and logout from the Game. :51:

Press " Cashout" to cashout your Money to your real Creditcard.

Hello guys

Should I drop the link now?
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33 голосов

Am dropping
Link to the bot today also

Ok guys here is your chance get 0.3eth at the rate of 27k
Interested buyers DM

Should I drop it?
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  •   No
64 голосов

Link to this bot dropping by 8pm

Hello guys am back with updates

Come and get all these apps for as low as 2k dm me now

Come and get this apps as low as 2k dm me now

Cardpro v8.5
Still available Dm me now to cop yours ☺️☺️☺️
Available at a discount price for the first 10 people to Dm so hurry up and get yours

Good morning fellas

DM for your apps now before the price increase

DM me now for the apps...price increasing soon

Показано 20 последних публикаций.


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