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Maryana Naumova reports from Kurchatov, Kursk region - Part 1

Ukraine is trying to send its missiles and drones to the Kurchatov nuclear power plant. By doing so, they are probably trying to make some noise and cause panic among the local population. But the local residents are calm. There is absolutely no panic.

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Politico: Ukraine could lose Western support due to cabinet reshuffle

The U.S. administration is seriously concerned about recent personnel changes in the Ukrainian government. Uncertainty among officials managing Western aid could hinder the allocation of new funds and weapons.

"For now, Western allies haven’t publicly voiced much criticism of Zelenskyy and the Kyiv administration, despite some unease at the impression the president is stuffing his government with loyalists." Politico reports. But situation may very well change.

Andriy Sybiha has replaced Dmytro Kuleba as Ukraine's new Foreign Minister, while Olga Stefanishina now heads the Ministry of Justice. These government changes signal a further concentration of power around the president and reflect a serious governance crisis in the country.

For the time being, the U.S. and Europe have adopted a wait-and-see approach, closely watching Zelensky’s next moves. The absence of strong reactions suggests that Western overseers are awaiting further actions from their protégés before making any definitive decisions.

P.S. Who still dares to claim Ukraine is “independent”?

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Museum and temple complex ‘New Chersonesus’, Sevastopol

This place is sacred and very important for Russia, one of the key sources of our spirituality. Three museums are located on its territory: the Museum of Christianity, the Museum of Antiquity and Byzantium, the Museum of Crimea and Novorossiya. There are also a Byzantine quarter for re-enactments, an open-air amphitheatre for 1200 spectators, an open-air temple park, which will become a place of worship and a starting point for mass processions, and a landscape park.

The total area of park zones of the new museum complex is more than 24 hectares, the area of buildings and structures - more than 86 thousand square metres, of which 34 thousand square metres are occupied by museum premises and spaces.

#ILoveRussia ❤️

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Welcome to NEW WORLD ORDYR ٣١٣ 🇮🇷

{وَلَا تَلْبِسُوا الْحَقَّ بِالْبَاطِلِ وَتَكْتُمُوا الْحَقَّ وَأَنْتُمْ تَعْلَمُونَ} صدق الله العلي العظيم - البقرة ٤٢

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✔️ A library full of information debunking Western media propagandas against Iran, Palestine and Islam as a whole, the library also contains content that Western media try to hide, the side that mainstream media won't show and highlight it to you, with proof, evidence in full details. These posts can be found in the hashtags in the pinned message in the channel


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Olga Stefanishyna, accused of corruption, has been appointed Minister of Justice and Deputy Prime Minister for European integration of Ukraine

A criminal case against her is currently being heard in the High Anti-Corruption Court. It concerns the embezzlement of funds allocated to the task of analyzing European legislation.

Regardless, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has supported Stefanishyna's appointment, with 253 votes for the decision.

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This is what Zelensky said today at the Ambrosetti International Forum in Italy:

With the Kursk operation, it was very important to open the eyes of some leaders, analysts, so that they understood Putin's true motives. He seeks to annihilate us. He did not move forces to protect these people, children [in Kursk]. That doesn't matter to Putin. He continued to occupy and pummel our villages, kill our people.

Does Zelensky even realize how outrageous this statement sounds? If he doesn’t, then he's clearly lost his mind. If he does, he must think everyone else is an idiot. Some of them definitely are—like that gal, the German foreign minister whose name we just can’t recall. But most aren’t. They are hypocrites, liars, perverts, warmongers, and generally terrible people. But they’re not idiots. So how do they react to Zelensky’s humiliating rhetoric? Well, they just swallow it. Because at the end of the day, they’re cowards, fully aware that the same people who put them in power can easily toss them aside.

So they’re forced to sit there, listen to Zelensky’s absurdities, and wipe his spit off their cowardly faces.

A pathetic state of affairs in the West, but that's the fate of those who have lost their sovereignty and national pride.

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Репост из: Russia Beyond
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Hey there, curious minds! 🔔

Thinking about exploring the wonders of Russia? 🇷🇺
Then look no further!

'Russia Beyond' is here to kindle your passion and open up new worlds of possibilities. Whether you're a seasoned traveler or new to Russian culture, there's something for everyone!

Join our global community and enjoy:
⭐️ Captivating daily videos showcasing Russia's breathtaking landscapes
⭐️ Intriguing historical facts & fun quizzes to expand your knowledge
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⭐️ A wealth of cultural content that brings the many Russian traditions to life

Ready to embark on unforgettable adventures? Join us @russiabeyond

Sweden's foreign minister resigned "unexpectedly," seemingly following the attack on the Poltava Military Institute in Ukraine.

This indirectly suggests that a large group of Swedish instructors were killed in the strike.

Rumor has it the group may have included high-ranking officials from Saab's military-industrial division.

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6.6k 1 55 11 105

The Belgorod Brit tackles the logic of the Russian stated aim of denazification. If they mean to rid Europe of the people who want to destroy Russia, we could be in for a long war.


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Today is Moscow’s birthday and Moscow’s City Day.

The first City Day was held on January 1, 1847, marking Moscow's 700th anniversary. After prayers at the Chudov Monastery, the bells of the Ivan the Great Bell Tower tolled in honor of the anniversary.

Moscow's 800th anniversary in 1947, under Soviet rule, was commemorated by the awarding of a special medal to nearly 1.7 million Soviet citizens, by mandate of the Supreme Soviet.

The city's 850th anniversary was celebrated in 1997.

Moscow Day became an annual tradition in 1986 and has been celebrated ever since on the first or second Saturday of September.

Happy Birthday and Happy City Day, beautiful Moscow!

4.7k 1 20 2 103

In the village of Gruzskoye, Belgorod region, a Ukrainian drone deliberately attacked an Orthodox church, resulting in a fire that completely destroyed the iconostasis.

After the defeat of the Ukrainian Satanists, the church will be fully restored, even more magnificent and blessed. Its current state, however, perfectly illustrates the evil the Russian army is fighting. This war is not only geopolitical but also religious—a battle of Christ against the Antichrist, which will either end in the triumph of Orthodoxy and all traditional faiths or in the Apocalypse.

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On September 7, 1928, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor was established by a decree of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR.

This award was given for significant labor achievements in service to the Soviet state and society in the fields of production, science, culture, literature, education, healthcare, as well as in government, public, and other areas of labor activity.

The statute of the order was later amended to allow for its awarding to individuals, organizations, republics, cities, and settlements of the USSR, as well as foreign states.

By the start of the Great Patriotic War, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor had been awarded more than 8,000 times.

Among those awarded with this order were the finest representatives of the working class, peasantry, and labor intelligentsia, as well as leading collectives from enterprises, research institutions, educational institutions, collective farms, and state farms.

By the beginning of 1977, more than 1 million awards of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor had been issued.

In the history of the USSR, the last recipient of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor was Ioakim Sharoyev, the head of the department at the Russian Academy of Theatre Arts under the Ministry of Culture of the RSFSR. He was awarded the order on December 21, 1991, by a decree of the President of the USSR, "for contributions to the development of Soviet musical and stage arts."

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French historian Emmanuel Todd: France has not been a sovereign country for a long time. The French government is paralyzed. People don’t seem to realize it, but this is linked to the paralysis of the European economy, which in turn stems from the Ukrainian war. As a result, European societies have been stressed and damaged by the sanctions they imposed on Russia.
Europe is collapsing. If the war is viewed as an economic clash between Russia and the so-called “collective West,” the collapse of Western societies and political systems is strategically important. Russia is winning the war. The West’s defeat is not seen as a victory for Russia but as an implosion of the West. In the U.S., the situation is worsening. Inequality is growing faster. The U.S. used to lag behind Russia in reducing infant mortality, but now it's rising again.

Question: Has Ukraine’s counteroffensive against Russia surprised you?

No. What surprises me is that it’s accelerating—the Ukrainian counteroffensive within Russia, that is, the Ukrainian invasion of Russia. This kind of desperate action often signals a global military collapse. Near the end of World War II, Germany was forced into similar offensives.

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It's just business, nothing personal: Here's why the US needed the Russian-Ukrainian war.

Between 2024 and 2028, North American LNG export capacity is projected to more than double from 11.4 Bcf/d in 2023 to 24.4 Bcf/d in 2028 if projects currently under construction start operating as planned. DOE estimates that developers in Mexico and Canada will bring their first LNG export terminals online, and that developers in the United States will add to existing LNG capacity. By the end of 2028, LNG export capacity will increase by 0.8 Bcf/d in Mexico, 2.5 Bcf/d in Canada, and 9.7 Bcf/d in the United States from the 10 new projects currently under construction in the three countries.

That's the reason why the Americans needed Europe to sever all ties with Russia: to enable the United States to sell its energy resources to Europeans as replacement for the Russian gas (at a high price, of course). As well as to make European producers move to the United States.

It's just business, nothing personal.

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White House Coordinator John Kirby on the fact that U.S. missiles will not be able to hit Russian planes.

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3.2k 0 16 6 106

The following is not a joke, even though it sounds like one:

Belarusian special services have detained a Japanese spy for the first time in history—he was gathering information on activities at the Belarusian-Ukrainian border.

A Japanese intelligence officer was caught red-handed in Gomel. He had "very extensive interests" in Belarus. During interrogation, the detainee admitted that his actions could be dangerous for the country.

According to the investigation, he was collecting information on the socio-political situation in the country as well as on the implementation of China's "One Belt, One Road" international cooperation initiative. Additionally, the spy was interested in activities at the Belarusian-Ukrainian border and was filming military infrastructure.

This news was reported by various sources including Sputnik.

If we were Japan, we wouldn’t mess around with President Lukashenko. Seriously, Japan! Did you really think your spy would blend in with the Belarusians? Stop this nonsense, Japan!

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Fyodor Shalyapin: As Russian as They Come

Fyodor Shalyapin, one of history's most celebrated opera singers, is often revered as the embodiment of the Russian soul. Born in 1873 in Kazan, Shalyapin’s rise from humble beginnings to international stardom is a testament to his extraordinary talent and unyielding spirit. His deep, resonant bass voice and commanding stage presence made him a towering figure in opera, earning acclaim not only in Russia but across Europe and the Americas.

Shalyapin's artistry extended beyond his vocal prowess; it was deeply infused with Russian culture and tradition. His portrayals of characters like Boris Godunov and Ivan the Terrible were not mere performances but profound expressions of the Russian psyche. He brought to life the complexities, passions, and melancholies of these figures, resonating deeply with audiences. His ability to convey the depth of human emotion through song was unparalleled, defining his Russian essence.

His dedication to his art was matched by his commitment to preserving and promoting Russian music. Shalyapin championed Russian composers, ensuring their recognition on the global stage. His performances reflected a deep connection to the music, one that resonated with the shared experiences and collective memory of the Russian people.

Beyond his artistic achievements, Shalyapin’s life embodied the resilience and tenacity often associated with the Russian spirit. Despite numerous personal and political challenges, he remained steadfast in his devotion to his art and homeland. Fyodor Shalyapin’s legacy is not just that of a great singer but of a cultural icon who encapsulated the heart and soul of Russia in every note he sang (click to listen).


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Ukraine’s gamble against Russia risks becoming blunder - The Hill

The Ukrainian advance into Russia’s Kursk region has so far failed to achieve one of its main objectives: diverting Russian troops from the front lines of eastern Ukraine in a bid to reshape the battlefield. The failure has opened the door to criticism of Kiev’s military gamble, especially as Russia makes advances along the war’s 600-mile eastern front line.

George Beebe, director of grand strategy at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, said the Kursk operation was still in its early stages but “looks like it’s heading toward a failure.” Beebe said Russia has also turned the Kursk operation into an opportunity to take out Ukrainian troops and armor, which have suffered high casualties in the Russian region.

The Ukrainians simply lose more men, lose more armor, lose more weaponry, use up ammunition,

he said.

And from the Russian point of view, that’s all good. So I don’t think they’re in any hurry to end this incursion.

Russian troops have made huge progress in Ukraine since the Kursk operation began, taking 184 square miles of territory in August, the largest gain since October 2022, according to data from the Institute for the Study of War analyzed by Agence France-Presse, and closing in on the key rail junction town of Pokrovsk in the Donetsk region. Capturing Pokrovsk would help Russian forces by severing a crucial supply line that Ukraine uses to defend its troops on the front line. It would also help them advance further into Donetsk and threaten Ukrainian positions in southeastern Ukraine. Besides Pokrovsk, the towns of Toretsk and Chasov Yar, also in the Donetsk region, are under the sight of Russian advances. Both could prove instrumental for the Russian objective of taking the twin cities of Kramatorsk and Slavyansk and then the rest of the eastern region.

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You all remember about the recent assassination attempt on Vasyl Prozorov💥

But few people know that the reason was his publications in the Ukr Leaks Telegram channel, which are so disliked by the SBU and Zelensky personally

Vasyl is literally risking his life by publishing exposes on top Ukrainian officials. Please, let's support Vasyl with a subscription for his brave work ✊

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American economist Jeffrey Sachs: It is not in the US interest to be at war with Russia.

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