We are aware that numerous parties are advising you to keep the results of the Brunson case under advisement and to simply wait out the entire thing and let the transition appear to be normal, when in fact it is anything but normal.
We have no wish to extend the illegal mercenary occupation of our country by as much as another day, however, if you are intent on doing your duty, that duty has never been clearer.
Arrest the members of the U.S. Congress who have committed these atrocious crimes against us and against humanity and bind them over for trial. Announce the results of the Brunson case without delay. Put an end to this travesty of justice.
There are only 515 people responsible for this Mess, plus approximately 40 former members of Congress, and a few hundred senior bureaucrats in executive services and the intelligence community. Arrest them now. Don't wait.
Anna von Reitz issued a public notice to the attention of president TRUMP right before Xmas pagan holiday in which she mentions the Brunson decision.
TRUTH Unleashed
http://t.me/CodezVII >>>>>>>