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🚨JUST IN: FCC Commissioner @BrendanCarrFCC slams Vice President Kamala Harris's $42 billion broadband initiative, saying it hasn't connected a single person to the internet in 3 years.

"In 2021, VP Harris agreed to lead a $42 billion effort to expand internet access to millions. It's been 1,039 days, and no one has been connected—no homes, no businesses, not even a shovel in the ground."

Carr adds, "It gets worse. No infrastructure will begin until next year at the earliest, and in many cases, not until 2026. This makes it the slowest federal broadband program in recent history."

Carr accuses the administration of focusing on climate change, DEI, and other political goals instead of connecting Americans. He points out that the government revoked a $1,300 per location deal with @Starlink after President Biden targeted @elonmusk, and now the government is spending over $100,000 per location on its own efforts.

"The bottom line: Without major reforms, VP Harris's $42 billion program is wired to fail. It's time to correct course. Get rid of all the extraneous political goals and focus on quickly connecting Americans."



27.7k 4 758 76 1k

BREAKING: Teamsters' union members heavily favor President Trump in a new poll.

🟥 Donald Trump: 58%
🟦 Kamala Harris: 31%

After overwhelming pro-Trump polling, the Teamsters executive board announced that it would not formally endorse a presidential candidate for the first time since 1996.

The Teamsters have endorsed every Democrat presidential candidate since 1996.



44.4k 3 660 78 1.4k

New Gallup poll: Kamala Harris is 25 points underwater with independents, while Donald Trump is down by 9 points.

Favorability Ratings (Shift from August)

🟥Donald Trump
Favorable: 46% (+5)
Unfavorable: 53% (-2)

🟦Kamala Harris
Favorable: 44% (-3)
Unfavorable: 54% (+5)
Among independents
🟥Trump: 44-53 (net: -9)
🟦Harris: 35-60 (-25)

This is also the first time Trump has led Gallup’s September favorability poll heading into an election.

Historical September Favorability Ratings

🟥Donald Trump 46%
🟦Kamala Harris 44%

🟥Donald Trump 41%
🟦Joe Biden 46%

🟥Donald Trump 33%
🟦Hillary Clinton 38%

In June 2024, before Kamala Harris replaced Joe Biden, her favorability was 34% among adults, 77% among Democrats, and 28% among independents.



27.1k 0 149 66 696

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Remember when Joe Biden gave a national speech, standing in front of a red backdrop and flanked by the military, where he called "Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans" a threat to the country?

He said they "represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic" and called on citizens to "confront extremists."

"Trump and the extreme MAGA Republicans hold a clear and present danger to our democracy."

"MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution. They do not believe in the rule of law. They do not recognize the will of the people."

"MAGA Republicans have made their choice. They embrace anger. They thrive on chaos. They live not in the light of truth but in the shadow of lies."

"We're all called by duty and conscious to confront extremists."

Has any president ever delivered such a divisive, hate-filled speech, vilifying half the country?

This same rhetoric has been repeated daily for eight years by legacy corporate media and Democrat leaders.



42.4k 9 847 97 2k

Whoopi Goldberg claims the left is innocent and blames only the right for dangerous rhetoric inciting violence—just 48 hours after the second assassination attempt on Trump.

In January, Whoopi called Trump a "dictator" that would "disappear" "journalists" and "gay folks" and lock Americans in "camps."

In July, she criticized Trump's granddaughter for "humanizing" him after the first assassination attempt.

Whoopi and the entire legacy corporate media should take a long, hard look in the mirror.



48.8k 6 507 195 2.3k

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BREAKING: A Springfield, Ohio man claims he saw Haitian migrants in a van catching cats, and they later admitted to the police that they were eating them.

"We've lost a whole bunch of cats."

"A van pulled over, and it had over 100 cats in it with the Haitians."

"They said they was eating them."

"I watched them get pulled over with the cats and admit to the police that they was eating them."

Can we get a fact-check, @ABC?



64.8k 7 1.2k 198 1.9k

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NEW: Springfield, Ohio, resident says some Haitian migrants are stealing ducks, crashing cars, and skipping ahead in line for low-income housing.

"Ducks in the local park are being killed and eaten."

"The accidents that have happened here in this town are crazy."

"They've hit trees, fire hydrants, and people. There have been fatalities."

This Springfield resident also shared that Haitian migrants were given priority for low-income housing, jumping ahead of his disabled brother in line.

"It's bad enough that it concerns a lot of people in this town, and I'm one of them."



71.3k 9 1.3k 93 1.8k

Trump's most pro-business policy was his aggressive rollback of regulations.

In his first three years, he reversed 20 years' worth of regulations in the federal register, an unprecedented achievement.

He signed an executive order requiring removing two regulations for every new one introduced.

This progress was reversed during COVID-19 and the Biden-Harris administration.

During Trump's first three years, median household income rose by 10% (about $7,700), compared to just 1% (around $1,050) under Biden-Harris.

Real household net worth grew by only 0.7% during Biden's first three years, compared to a 16% increase under Trump.

Under Biden-Harris, Americans earn and save less while costs keep rising.

Trump's proposal for @elonmusk to lead a commission on deregulation and cutting wasteful government spending would transform the economy and unleash unprecedented growth, benefiting all Americans.



37.3k 2 433 18 1.4k

NEW: Springfield, Ohio couple mourns the death of their mother, 71-year-old grandmother Kathy Heaton, who was allegedly struck and killed by a Haitian migrant "driving recklessly."

"She was collecting her trash from her driveway when a car struck and killed her instantly."

"A Haitian immigrant was allegedly driving recklessly when he struck and killed her."

"I say 'allegedly' because, to this day, there has been no punishment—not even for the expired tags on the vehicle he was driving."

"Months before she was killed, I noticed the reckless driving and disregard for traffic laws by some members of the Haitian community."

"We have unfortunately seen countless vehicle crashes in our area involving people of Haitian descent."

Other residents have voiced similar concerns, with a video circulating showing some of these alleged incidents.

Kamala Harris's open border policy has brought around 20,000 migrants to the town of 60,000, straining public services and creating a housing crisis, according to Mayor Rob Rue.



45.6k 4 684 88 2k

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Step 1. Trump announces Elon Musk-led commission to cut government waste and spending

Step 2. Government employees when Elon Musk walks into the White House holding a sink



51.2k 2 374 87 2.5k

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Tucker Carlson says Dick Cheney supports Kamala Harris because they are both "neocons" who believe "it's okay to kill people in order to get rich."

"What they actually care about is the ability to continue to fight pointless wars because that's where all the money is. If you don't believe it, maybe you haven't checked your phone today, to see that Dick Cheney and his horrible daughter have endorsed Kamala Harris. Why is that? What does Dick Cheney have in common with Kamala Harris?

...They have everything in common. They are both neocons. It tells you what a lie this race and gender stuff is. That's not the divide. The divide is in your heart, and if you think it's okay to kill people in order to get rich, then you are on their side, and if you don't, you're on our side."



108.1k 6 1k 43 1.9k

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Tulsi Gabbard slams Kamala Harris for being honored to receive Dick Cheney’s endorsement, calling him the architect of two decades of failed wars in the Middle East:

"I have a very simple message for my Democrat friends, my independent friends, and those who may not be sure about who they're voting for in this election. Dick Cheney has just made the choice very clear. A vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for Dick Cheney, the architect of everything that has gone wrong in the Middle East for the last few decades."

"Her response to the Dick Cheney announcement today was that she was honored to have his endorsement, and we got military veterans in the house, got a lot of you who probably served in the Middle East like I did, and so it sickened me, Tucker, to read those words today from Dick Cheney, Liz Cheney, and Kamala Harris because we have people who we care very much about who were killed in those wars because of Dick Cheney.

Kamala Harris has told us all we need to know about what kind of Commander-in-Chief she would be, and I don't know about you, but I would not trust her for a moment with the lives of my brothers and sisters in uniform."



83.6k 6 766 24 1.7k

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.@Naval Ravikant says the Democrat Party's lawfare against President Trump is "disgusting behavior" that could "end the Republic" and lead to a "one-party state better known as a dictatorship."

"If you look at the charges brought against Trump, and I actually read them quite carefully. These were really Trumped-up charges. They were really made up. You violate the statute of limitations. You try to drum things up into a felony when there was no evidence of such. It was a miscategorization of business expenses. It's this selective prosecution."

"If you want the case against Kamala Harris, it's the fact that she was the DA of San Francisco, and San Francisco is a mess. And, in fact, after she advocated for George Gascon, the guy who is destroying LA by basically not prosecuting criminals and going after business owners. This selective prosecution thing is a disaster."

"The moment you start breaking down this wall, you get into weaponizing justice. You know, Hillary Clinton blew up her email server and then wiped it with bleach bit. There are no consequences for that. Turns out the Hunter Biden laptop is real. Who knew? Even though we were told, it was all misinformation by the intel agencies. This is the scary stuff. This is the stuff that ends the Republic or turns it into a one-party state, better known as a dictatorship."

"The weaponization of the justice system and the engagement and willingness to engage in lawfare will lead to violence, disillusionment, a breakup, and something worse for the United States. When these guys start playing with going after their political enemies."

"When Alvin Bragg runs on the explicit campaign to take down Trump and then they go hunting through and looking for anything and drumming up any charge to go after him with the most favorable juries in the most favorable part of the country and then just control the evidence and control the narrative that is the beginning of the end.

And the people who are in Silicon Valley and the donors who are supporting this lawfare, they're dead to me. These people are destroying the ground on which they stand."



54.9k 4 670 43 1.6k

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Kamala Harris vows to use the DOJ to "hold social media platforms responsible" for "hate" and "misinformation."

The Democrat Party openly declares war on the First Amendment, the foundational principle of America's Constitutional Republic.



72.5k 14 862 198 2.9k

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BREAKING: U.S. seizes Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro's airplane in the Dominican Republic, CNN.



122.5k 8 667 161 1.6k

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.@realDonaldTrump: "You had Adam Schiff and all these bad people, including Hillary and others, come up with this Russia hoax... They created a fake narrative... I will say this: between Obama and Biden, they pushed Russia into the arms of China."



70k 2 309 50 1.9k

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JUST IN: President Trump criticizes the Biden-Harris DOJ for indicting him again this week and talks about why he didn't prosecute Hillary Clinton to unify the country.

"This is the worst case of election interference that anyone has ever seen in our country. They do this in third-world countries. They do it in banana republics. But now, this is the United States.

When it came to Hillary, they subpoenaed her, and she used bleach bit on everything. Broke the phones. Broke the computer. Broke everything. It was so terrible. And I had to decide: do I want to do this? Do I want to put the wife of a President of the United States in prison? I didn't want to do that. I'm trying to unify a country that really was badly broken.

Then, when I get out, it's amazing, actually. It's such a bad precedent. It's very sad, actually. But you know the good news? It's so crazy that my poll numbers go up. Who ever heard that you get indicted and your poll numbers go up?

It's such nonsense. They put people in the DA's office. Fani Willis and her boyfriend met with them for days. This is all coming out of the Department of Justice to get their political opponent."



85.6k 5 486 63 1.8k
Показано 17 последних публикаций.