?Wilder Mind?

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We all have masks we wear.
So don't be afraid to ask or wonder
Just remember to stay alive.
For any info or questions
Admins: @boldkings @mercuryrising
@likeanolivetree @Slushieguys1

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All around me are these little kids who have no idea about anything. They sleep and wake up with nothing on their minds.
What would we give to have that once.

obviously the universe isn't a fair space for humans at least for me and my friends. for every good that happens the bad is right there to bury it. it's fun to wonder what would happen when you get exactly what you want out of life.

i want to be sane and be peaceful but i can't stop my mind from constantly wondering. it's like how many things can we really handle?

don't set up an expectation so big you can't possibly live up to it'll only end in disappointment and self-doubt.

everything happens for a reason as time passes by in life. though many prefer it to be an adventure and live in the present the future is a pre-planned blue print waiting to be built. we just don't know when

the start of a year is always interesting. who knows? it's not called resolutions for no reason. maybe this is the year we shine and maybe this is the year we take over. believe!

🎄🎄🎄 Happy New Year 🎉🎉🎉 2019


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