If you farmed Usual with me when it was shared here a day after it launched, check your $usual allo: https://app.usual.money/airdrop
You clicked, you checked out new protocols, you grinded in the bear, now its time to reap some fruits of your labour 🫡
Roughly 5 months of committing USDC, decent airdrop, roughly 100-140% apy if price maintains post pre-market.
It's good to be a farmer tending to his yield and crops 🧑🌾
You clicked, you checked out new protocols, you grinded in the bear, now its time to reap some fruits of your labour 🫡
Roughly 5 months of committing USDC, decent airdrop, roughly 100-140% apy if price maintains post pre-market.
It's good to be a farmer tending to his yield and crops 🧑🌾