Репост из: hyunseo ♥︎ day 1
⸙。📜 Warm geetrings soul. The sky is blue and beautiful like this username @Hyunsleo. This beautiful username finally up fot sale with offer system.
@hyunsLeo @hyunsLeo
@Hyunsleo @Hyunsleo
⸙。 This username based on Lee Hyunseo (Leeseo real name) from Ive.
⸙。 Offering will start from 29 January and closed on 2 February at 20.00 WIB.
⸙。 Start offer from 12k with kb 2k allowed for free jumpid.
⸙。 Big no to Hit and Run, this username only for serious buyer.
⸙。 Payment avail via all E-Wallet & Qris.
⸙。 If you want to ask or anything please contact @ivyeojin
⸙。 Drop your best offer in @Hyunsleo or https://t.me/+Vl-Ciq39OOQ2YTll
@hyunsLeo @hyunsLeo
@Hyunsleo @Hyunsleo
⸙。 This username based on Lee Hyunseo (Leeseo real name) from Ive.
⸙。 Offering will start from 29 January and closed on 2 February at 20.00 WIB.
⸙。 Start offer from 12k with kb 2k allowed for free jumpid.
⸙。 Big no to Hit and Run, this username only for serious buyer.
⸙。 Payment avail via all E-Wallet & Qris.
⸙。 If you want to ask or anything please contact @ivyeojin
⸙。 Drop your best offer in @Hyunsleo or https://t.me/+Vl-Ciq39OOQ2YTll