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🎬 لـِـٓ๛ــتة الــتـمـيــ{2h}ــز ☆

{سُبْحَانَ اللهِ وَبِحَمْدِهِ؛ سُبْحَانَ اللهِ العَظِيمِِ}

👁‍🗨 اللستة مثبتة 🚧

🌍 الســوق الحــر §g

ℓ 🎓 تطوير الإنجليزية 🎓

ℓ 💻 News Tech | تق
ني ✍
From » 🕘 9Pm To 9Am 🕘

​​🍂A Blind Man’s Love

A man married a beautiful girl. He loved her very much. One day she developed a skin disease. Slowly she started to lose her beauty. It so happened that one day her husband left for a tour. While returning he met with an accident and lost his eyesight. However, their married life continued as usual. But as days passed she lost her beauty gradually. Blind husband did not know this and there was not any difference in their married life. He continued to love her and she also loved him very much. One day she died. Her death brought him a great sorrow. He finished all her last rites and wanted to leave that town.

A man from behind called and said, “Now how will you be able to walk all alone? All these days your wife used to help you”. He replied, “I am not blind. I was acting because if she knew l could see her skin condition due to a disease, it would have pained her more than her disease. I didn’t love her for her beauty alone, but I fell in love with her caring and loving nature. So I pretended to be blind. I only wanted to keep her happy”.

Moral: When you truly love someone, you will go to any extent to keep your loved one happy and sometimes it is good for us to act blind and ignore one another’s short comings in order to be happy. The Beauty will fade with time, but heart and soul will always be the same. Love the person for what he/she is from inside, not from outside.


I always say☆👇

Be strong
If they did it
You can definitely do it



Be strong
Life doesn't deserve to perish yourself for it

كن قويا فالحياه لا تستحق أن تهلك نفسك من أجلها

Good morning ❤️🌸



- من هذا المنطلق : Building on the foregoing

- بالنسبة إلى: As regards

- حسبما تقتضي الحاجة، حسبما يتطلب الأمر:
As may be required

- حسبما تقتضي الضرورة: As may be necessary

- بناء على ما سلف ذكره:
based on the aforementioned

- على عاتق، على مسئولية فلان:
at the expense of

- مع مراعاة، بشرط, مع عدم الإخلال ب, على أن, يخضع لـ ، تسري علي, يتوقف على, وفق, بمقتضى, على أساس: Subject to

- مع مراعاة البند الفرعي (2):
Subject to subsection (2)

- حسب التعريف الوارد في الفقرة الفرعية (ب):
As defined in subsection 2

- مع عدم المساس بـ ، مع عدم الإخلال بـ :
without prejudice to

- ما لم يرد فيه نص خلافاً لذلك، ما لم ينص خلاف على ذلك:
Except as may be provided for in / unless otherwise provided for in

- بحسب الأحوال: As the case maybe

- ما لم يتفق على غير ذلك:
Unless otherwise agreed

- ما لم يقتضي السياق غير ذلك:
Except where the context otherwise requires

- على سبيل المثال لا الحصر:
Including but not limited to

- لا تخل أحكام هذه المادة بمسألة كذا:
The provisions of this article are without prejudice to the question of

- يتنافى مع القانون:
Incompatible with the laws

- إلا في الأحوال المبينة في القانون:
Except in the cases defined by the law

- تعد على الدستور:
Infringement of the constitution

- دون وجه حق: Unduly

- كما ينبغي, قانوناً، حسب الأصول: Duly

- يدخل حيز التنفيذ, ينفذ:
To come into force / to enter into force / to be enforced

- كما ترى في ذلك ضرورة:
As deemed expedient

- كما هو منصوص عليه في البند الرابع من القسم الأول:
As prescribed by section 1.04

- ضمن أشخاص آخرين: Interalios

- ضمن جملة أمور أخرى: interalia

- بما ذُكر، اثباتًا لما تقدم : In witness whereof

- المشار إليهما فيما بعد بالأطراف:
Hereinafter the parties

- المذكور عاليه أو أعلاه: The above mentioned

- بموجب هذه الوثيقة أو المستند:
Herby, by virtue of, under this document or agreement

- استنادا إلى، بناء على، عند: Upon

- الموضحة في هذا الإقرار أو المستند: Herein set forth

- بمحض إرادة فلان: Entirely of ones accord

- لا تخل أحكام هذه المادة بمسألة كذا:
The provisions of this article are without prejudice to the question of

- لا توقع عقوبة إلا بحكم قضائي:
No penalty shall be inflicted except by judicial sentence

- لا عقاب إلا على الأفعال اللاحقة لنفاذ القانون:
Penalty shall be inflicted only for acts committed Subsequent to the enforcement of the law

- كما هو مبين في: As stated in

- التمهيد: Preamble

- المهام المنصوص عليها في هذا العقد:
The duties set out herein

- بناء عليه فقد تم الاتفاق بين الطرفين على ما يلي:
Now, therefore, both Parties have agreed as follows

- في مفهوم أحكام هذا القانون:
In (or within) the context of the provisions of this law

- إيماء إلى كذا
In reference of / with reference to / further to your (request for example) / referring to

- أما بعد To begin

- تحرر هذا العقد:
This contract is made and entered into

- ‏


The opposite of thirst😢 is👇



800 idioms with meaning and examples🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴


To keep someone posted 🤓
تعلم شخص بحدوث شي ما👌

A:I heard that Ahmed is travelling
B: yes,he is
A:So keep me posted 😋

تعنى اطلعنى على كل شيء حول سفره👌


#Idiom 😍

It's written all over your face
باين من وجهك
واضح من وجهك (صورتك) شكلك


Other Words of Saying "No"
طرق أخرى لقولno او قد تكون للرفض

@Mo21G ✨✍

قصتنا لليوم🤩​​

🗯Choose Your Words Wisely

Once upon a time, an old man spread rumors that his neighbor was a thief. As a result, the young man was arrested. Days later, the young man was proven innocent. After being released, the man felt humiliated. As he walked home, he sued the old man for accusing him wrongly.

In court, the old man told the Judge, “They were just comments that didn’t harm anyone..” The judge, before passing sentence on the case, told the old man, “Write All the things you said about him on a piece of paper. Cut them up and on the way home, throw the pieces of paper out then come back back to hear the sentence”.

The next day, the judge told the old man, “Before receiving the Sentence, you have to go out and gather all the pieces of paper that you threw out yesterday”. The old man said, “I can’t do that! The wind must have spreaded them and I won’t Know where to find them”.

The judge then replied, “The same way, simple comments may destroy the honor of a man that no one can be able to fix it. The old man realized his mistake and asked for forgiveness.

الموعظه والرساله من القصه🤩👇
Moral: Do not malignant or blame anyone without knowing the fact or the truth. Your words may ruin someone’s reputation without any fault of theirs.

@Mo21G ✨✍

#idiom 🤓

كيف اقول

تفضل من غير مطرود🙊😂
🌸On your bike please🌸


A:Let me justify, please
B: No , I don't want to hear anything. On your bike,please.


اكيييد سهل ان شاءالله
Our members are smart🤩

والان بكمل اشرح القسم الثاني لااقسام الكلام

طبعا نعرف ان الصفه تجي توصف الاسم او الفاعل
وقد تأتي بعد verb to be اي is , am , are
او بعد قبل اي اسم تريد وصفه

وهناك حالات بنرجع نذكرها لاحقا في حاله انها تاتي بعد الnoun

وتنقسم الى 4 انواع

اول نوع📘
📘1-normal adjectives
وينقسم هذا النوع الى

✨1-positive adjetive
Strong, happy , pretty , nice etc...

She is a pretty woman..😍

✨2-comparative adjective
صفات المقارنه بين شخصين او شيئين
Taller, bigger , nicer , etc....
Ahmed is taller than Ali😇

✨3-superlative adjectives
صفات المقارنه بين اكثر من شخص واكثر من شي
The biggest, the strongest , the largest...etc
This class is the biggest one🤩

الان فهمنا النوه الاول وانواعه الثلاثه

والان النوع الثاني من انواع الصفات📙
📙2-(ly) adjectives
وهي صفات تنتهي بly وطبعا مش كل الكلمات تنتهي ly يعني صفات قد تكونadverbs لذلك فرقوا

Friendly , lovely, lonely , lively , etc....

He always helps me . He is really a friendly man✅

والان ننتقل للنوع الثالث📗
📗3-predicative adjetives

يعني بعض الصفات اللي تبدء بحرف الa وماينفع نسوي لهاarticle اي a or an
ولا ينقع نسوي بعدهاnoun
Alone , alive , asleep , etc..
He is alone✅
He is an alone person❌

لكن في حالة انكم تريدوا تتسخدموا noun بعد الصفات اللي من هذا النوع
تقدر تحذف الa وتضيف ly

Lively, lonely, sleepy
He is a sleepy child ..✅
He is a asleep child❌

للان تمام مفهووم
صح والا صح🤩
اي صح🌚😂

لكن ركزززوا معي هنا🤩👌هنا مش كل صفه تبدء بa يعني نعدها من هذا النوع
في صفات اخرى مثل
Attractive , active
نقدر نستخدمها مع a or an او معnoun

❇️ She is an attractive girl ✅

والان يااذكياء بننتقل للنوع الرابع📕
📕4-adjectives with relative clauses
يعني الصفات مع which , where , what, who , that , when ،whom

ونستخدم هنا نوع الcomplex sentence
He is the boy who broke his leg
وصفت انه الولد هو الذي كسر قدمه ولو بتلاحظوا ان هنا اتت الصفه بعد الاسم

اي هنا المثال بين two clauses وهنا مابتتفهموا سوا الا لما ننتقل لاانواع الclauses وبنذكرها لاحقا...

✨انتظرووا التكمله غدا ان شاءالله عالقسم الثالث من اقسام الكلام✨
@Mo21G 🤩✍

How do you feel when you have done of helping someone and making him smile?

My Allah help us with our long journey to help a lot of people who need our help
I'm so excited for that 😁✌️

Never lie , never deceive , never take for granted ,never doubt a trust
These r principles n am committed on em so far not cuz a person it just represent me as man
No need to alla this at the first place
n l dont wanna intrude cuz it felt like an awkward attitude ..!
I never carry wicked schemes cuz l never ask
Cracking up , innocent smile n feeling safe !
Why ??
Cuz l never made it to end "fake ..."
It began at the stone price ending up in throw it away !!!
Cuz thats a consequence of being there whenever
Yup am consumed n missed up cuz it wasn`t like usual trifle stuff
SO VALUABLE just to Me
But it turns out as ur just ....!
The problem is how l saw it n how it was seen
I sabotaged all my last good thoughts in this life
So pathetic right !
let it just get lost then
But literally wanted to say these r our morals we never break it not before or after .
At last
Dignity is a priority
We'll die for it ...

Be happy
U really deserve it ✨

"A glass of water" An inspirational story
"A glass of water" Is a must watch inspirational story which will change your perspective of life. When you have stress and worries, you should let it go as ...

Don't wait for someone to get you out from your darkness, put a small star and send it to your sky to bright your darkness whenever you feel you are about to get off, ✨
لا تنتظر لشخص كي يخرجك من عتمتك، ضع بنفسك نجمة صغيرة لتنير عتمتك كلما شعرت انك على وشك الأنطفاء وارسلها لسمائك✨


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