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In essence, I wanna share useful tips and leave my ideas here and it will mainly be in English. I hope you will also find this helpful

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Assalomu aleykum, Bismillah ! From today on I started to listen to Abdullah domla's lessons . I will write down about every one of them in a nutshell .
(Nafsni poklash 1-dars )
Insonni bu dunyoga keltirilishidan yagona maqsad Allohga qulchilik qilishi (ibodat)dan iborat .
Agar ilm Allohni tanishga olim bormasa u insonni johil qiladi
Ibodat nima ?Ibodat Allohga bo'lgan muhabbatning/suyanishning/bo'ysunishning/taslim bo'lishlikning cho'qqisi .
Agar bo'ysunish muhabbat bilan bo'lsa Ibodat bo'ladi agar muhabbatsiz bo'lsa toat bo'ladi.
Aqli eng pishgan odam Allohni tanigan odam
Inson o'zini tanisa Robbisini taniydi
Robbisini tanisa unga yuzlanadi Unga yuzlansa Saodat topadi ☝️☝️☝️

Aytgancha bu shunchaki Allohga yaqin bo'lish ucun va o'zim uchun qaydnomalar . I'm not so religious or a good person. I'm the one who is trying to be!!!

He is the one who I really got known him when I was 5th grade until then I didn't even realize how he had been helping to our family . When I was 16 , I used to have fun with my friends and studying but when he was at that age He used to provide and help us financially. He is the one who pushes me for being a better person in every aspect of my life . Now I realize as I get older he is the one I always look up to and always love and admire . He is the one who made me who I am today and got my back .
I am so blessed to have you on my side and in our family . You are the one of the people who keeps me alive and mindful. I really love u and wanna be with u whether it is your good days or sad days . You are my only and the only brother . Happy birthday to you and I wish you my whole wishes and blessings and prayers ❤️❤️🌙.


Do always your best if that doesn't work it is not on you . You need to dominate what you're capable of by nature, rather not you aren't

However, anything you're given doesn't matter. You have your four limbs, your brain, your head, your skin--that's all for granted. You have to do hard things anyway to create your own meaning in life. Making money is a fine thing to choose. Go struggle. It is hard. I'm not going to say it's easy. It's really hard, but the tools are all available. It's all out there.
Money buys you freedom in the material world. It's not going to make you happy, it's not going to solve your health problems, it's not going to make your family great, it's not going to make you fit, it's not going to make you calm. But it will solve a lot of external problems. It's a reasonable step to go ahead and make money.
(Taken from ``Building wealth ``)

listening to this music now gives new dreams (not dreams new aims)🌀🧠⚙️

Репост из: Feelings ― Emotions | Sayings in quotes
They call us dreamers but we're the ones who don't sleep.

𝐌𝐲 𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 😍

Here the books that were suggested by Harvard University for summer time . Need to start to read them

A person must rise above his selfish needs so that all of us can live in harmony. The individual is small and powerless, but bound tightly together, as a whole, The Japanese nation is invincible (taken from "Mono No Aware" )

Who am i to judge another, when I myself walk as an imperfect man

I love this music and it reminds my dream (when right time comes , I'll explain )✈️❤️

As always , There is a saying in Uzbek
Even if you are about to be slain Never lie❗️❗️❗️

You can not eat dreams for breakfast Joe ! Then I don't want to eat , This is not about my career mom, it is ,it is my reason for living.I'm just afraid if I die today my life would have amounted to nothing .
(taken from the cartoon "Soul")

I did a little rebranding

sometimes good is not good enough (by suits)

Репост из: Shaha Dolimov
Erkak kishini yaxshi ko’rishingiz kerak emas. U bu dunyoga yaxshi ko’rilish uchun kelmagan.

Uni vazifasi bor.

Oilasi va jamiyat oldidagi majburiyatlarini ma’suliyat bilan bajarishi.

U bu majburiyatlarini bajarish uchun tashqarida huddi o’ziga o’xshagan yoki undanda kuchli erkaklar bilan raqobatda bo’ladi.

Doimiy raqobat uni charchatadi.

Charchagan paytda unga shovqin emas tinchlik kerak.

Mana nima uchun erkak kishi shovqinni emas tinchlikni yaxshi ko’radi.

U tinchlik bor joyga doim intiladi chunki tinchlikda qayta kuchlanib olib yana “hayot jangida” davom eta oladi.



I deeply believe, sometimes even if we are being late in pursuing our way, Allah is the equalizer and will help in the way of achieving our goals

Репост из: Aziz Rahimov
Rivojlanishingiz tezlashadi

25% amerikaliklar 40 yoshida ham turmush qurmagan.

Turmush yoshining kattalishi butun dunyoda kuzatilayotgan trend.

Asosiy bahona: yashab olay, hali tayyor emasman. O'rniga - Karyera, katta bo'volish, ko’ngilxushlik, sayohat.

Natijada infantilizm, kattalarning o’zini yosh bolalardek tutishi ortib boryapti.

Odam o’zgarishidagi eng katta to’siq - xohish yetishmasligi bo’ladi.

Eng kuchli xohish esa - farzandlaringiz ishlaringizni qaytarayotganidan keladi.

O’zingizni yaxshilaysiz, bolalaringiz yaxshilanadi.

25-30 yoshdan keyin o’zgarish qiyinlashadi. Neuroplastiklik kamayadi.

Vaqtli turmush qurganlarda - shaxsiy rivojlanishga kuchli motivatsiya + imkoniyat saqlanib qolgan bo’ladi.

Turmushni kechiktiring - o’zgarishingiz kechikadi.

Vaqtliroq qiling - rivojlanishingiz tezlashadi.


Показано 20 последних публикаций.


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