Null's Brawl | Null's Clash | Null's Royale Private Servers

Гео и язык канала: Весь мир, Английский
Категория: Игры

Official channel of the best private servers by Null's Team in Telegram.
РУССКИЙ КАНАЛ: @nulls_ru
Chat: @nulls_en_chat
VK (Russian):

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Гео и язык канала
Весь мир, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Null’s Brawl has been updated to the latest version 60.420! (btw I forgot that this telegram channel even exist but the update is a good reason to write new post)

What’s new:
— New brawlers: Lumi and Finx
— 13 new hypercharges, and also skins, emotes, etc.
— Brawl Hockey is available in friendly battles
— Android only: mods manager can be opened from in-game settings

You can always download it either from our website, or by direct links:
Android (APK):
iOS (IPA):

53.6k 0 293 1.8k 2k

Null’s Clash has been updated to the latest version 17.18.11 (17.18.5 on iOS)

There's not much changes: Added Multi-Gear Tower along with new Siege machine and balance changes (idk what else to say...)

You can download it either from our website, or by direct links:
Android (APK):
iOS (IPA):

146.7k 0 144 4.3k 2.2k

Null’s Clash has been updated to the latest version 16.654.16 (16.654.24 on iOS)

What’s new:
— Town Hall 17 with latest balance changes, skins, sceneries, etc.
— Many things in the server internals were reimplemented, especially logic related, so we expect everything to work more reliably
— Many forgotten features were implemented, including clan war attack spectating, boosters, army sets, obstacle spawning, and more

Alpha server is closed, all changes we tested there are live in main now!

You can download it either from our website, or by direct links:
Android (APK):
iOS (IPA):

150.2k 0 114 1.1k 1.8k

113.9k 0 663 54 1.3k

Null's Clash Alpha (android TH17).apk
Null's Clash Alpha development is almost finished! Most of the features were implemented and checked, a few bugs were found and fixed, but... before release we need even MORE testing to be sure that everything will be ok.

So now it's available for android too!

Little reminder: Null's Clash Alpha is a temporary server created for testing purposes only. It has separate database, there's no way to transfer account to Null's Clash (or vice versa). All Null's Clash Alpha accounts will be deleted when the server is closed!

116.8k 0 214 238 1k

Many of you may have noticed that Null's Clash hasn't been updated for a while. But there's a reason: we were rewriting most of the server code from scratch, especially game logic related🙂

Just because it's weird now. Null's Clash has been in development since 2016, and at that time we didn't know all about game logic and its concepts. Our implementation has many differences from the original (SC) one, sometimes that doesn't affect the game, but in some cases that makes client and server go out of sync. Some features couldn't be implemented at all (Boosters, for example)

So the only way to deal with it is to make a new implementation: a more stable, more accurate one, with clean architecture and just better overall🤗

We started working on it when version 16.517 was released (September, 2024), and we still haven't finished it yet. It takes A LOT of time, you know?

Do you remember "Null's Brawl Alpha"? Yeah, the time when we were rewriting NB game logic in 2021. Back then we decided it would be a great idea to launch the public "alpha" testing of all the changes. The things we are doing now are mostly the same, so why not launch the public testing again?🤗

Null's Clash Alpha

For everyone who wants to test all the changes we have made. Current version is 16.517. Available only for iOS😴

IPA direct link: (if you have a non-jailbroken device, don't forget to sign before the install)

We have also created a separate Discord server for related discussions: the link is available in the game.

Also keep in mind:
1. Public testing may be closed (permanently or temporarily) at any moment
2. Accounts and clans CANNOT BE TRANSFERRED to the main server (and vice versa)
3. Accounts and clans WILL BE PERMANENTLY DELETED if the testing is closed (testing is for testing, not competition and other stuff)

When the development of the "new implementation" is finished and all the related bugs are found and fixed, we will deploy everything to the main server. Thanks for your patience and understanding😑 #nullsclash

126.4k 0 84 490 1.8k

Finally: Null's Brawl has been updated with three new brawlers, such as Meeple and Ollie! Version number is also changed: 59.197.

6 new hypercharges, 2v2 gamemodes and other stuff. Does anyone read this?

You can always download it either from our website, or by direct links:
Android (APK):
iOS (IPA):


164.4k 2 911 1.8k 4.6k

Null's Brawl. Null's Brawl. Null's Brawl. Here it is, just in a few days: version 58.279 with Shade and Juju!

Yet another update with a new content, new game modes and 6 hypercharges. That's what you waited for, isn't it?

New demoniс (and angelic) powers and events will be implemented soon! (I hope so)

You can always download it either from our website, or by direct links:
Android (APK):
iOS (IPA):

361.4k 1 1.2k 5.9k 6.8k

We accidentally remembered that Null's Royale even exists... and updated it to the version 8.256.22!

Yes, we skipped the previous version (7.256). But for now all new seasonal content from both versions was added, including evolutions, balance changes, skins, etc. Unfortunately, goblins arena is temporarily unavailable, but we will implement it in the near future!

You can download it either from our website, or by direct links:
Android (APK):
iOS (IPA):

379.4k 0 294 2.4k 4.4k

253.4k 0 1.4k 3.1k

Null’s Brawl has been updated to the latest version 57.325

What’s new:
— New brawlers: Moe and Kenji
— Trio showdown
— Underwater creature event is not available at the moment

You can download it either from our website, or by direct links:
Android (APK):
iOS (IPA):

453.1k 0 1.3k 4.2k 8.4k

Hi there! ❤️

Recently we’ve started new event in Null’s Brawl: Summer 2024 Championship with $4.8K prize pool! 💵

To qualify for championship everything you need is to win the Qualification Challenge: 15 wins, 4 attempts.

You can find it on the events page in Null’s Brawl

In case you’ve managed to pass it successfully, you will have the right to apply to the tournament here (teams of 3 players):

It is in Russian language only at the moment, but English version will be available in the next few days.

1st place: 20K gems
2nd place: 4K gems
3rd place: 2K gems (2 teams)
4th place: 960 gems (4 teams)

Each player of the team gets the reward.

Prizes are nominated in gems for original Brawl. Optionally prizes can be paid in cryptocurrency of your choice. Cryptocurrency payments option is not available if you are resident of sanctioned country/territory.

553.4k 19 254 24.1k 4.7k

Hi! 🐱

Today we’ve added one more special modifier for friendly battles in Null’s Brawl: Battle Chat 🐱

We believe this feature should vastly improve your minigames and role playing experience, so try it out now!

Also we’ve changed the behaviour of chat button in ladder rooms, instead of opening quick responses bubble now it will open the chat directly as in previous game versions.

490.3k 32 98 1k 3.1k

Hi there! 👋

It’s been 8 years since Null’s Servers project has been created, so as usual we’ve added limited time game mode in Null’s Brawl: Safe Wars

It is a Bed Wars like game mode with 4 teams of 3 players 👍

— Every team has it’s own safe
— While the safe is not broken your team members can respawn. Once the safe is destroyed you can no longer respawn.
— If the safe is destroyed and all 3 players have been unalived, the team is out
— You can collect gems by standing in special zones placed all over the map
— Then you can buy special power ups by standing in small special zones near your safe
— If the battle is taking too much time, meteor shower will take it’s place

Special power ups:
— Damage boost: +5% for 2 gems, can stack up to 5 times
— Speed boost: +5% for 2 gems, can stack up to 5 times
— Recharge super: 2 gems
— Heal the safe: +1500HP for 3 gems
— Protect the safe: 30% damage shield for 10 gems

501.1k 10 90 1.8k 2.3k

We forgot to make a post here yet again, but here it is: Null's Brawl was updated to version 56.274 with Berry and Clancy! (it's been a week since)

Most of you have updated already, and... i don't know what to say else. PaintBall game mode is also included? Yeah, along with new skins, UI changes, etc.

You can always download it either from our website, or by direct links:
Android (APK):
iOS (IPA):

522.9k 13 1k 3k 4.5k

"When Null's Brawl update comes out?"

To be short: as soon as possible. We're working on it already.

598.3k 0 191 61k 12.9k

Null's Clash has been updated to the latest version 16.386.9!

Druid is finally here! The update also includes Hard Mode, a lot of quality of life changes, new upgrade levels and skins, and more! Unfortunately, we had skipped the previous version (16.253), but everything is up to date now — including content from that version.

P.S. This update also comes with significant changes of Null's Connect internals, but you shouldn't notice any big changes. Feel to report any related issues.

You can download it either from our website, or by direct links:
Android (APK):
iOS (IPA):

613.1k 9 214 505 2.9k

Oh, did you know that Null's Brawl was updated to 55.228 two weeks ago?

Yeah, we forgot to make a post about that. But we have some great news: today mutations are coming out!

Nothing to say more, just open the eggs and have fun. Mutation mechanics are available either in friendly battles with modifier, or in special ladder slot.

Btw, little reminder: you can download it either from our website, or by direct links:
Android (APK):
iOS (IPA):

848k 4 1.3k 5.1k 7.8k
Показано 20 последних публикаций.