Many of you may have noticed that Null's Clash hasn't been updated for a while. But there's a reason: we were rewriting most of the server code from scratch, especially game logic related🙂
Just because it's weird now. Null's Clash has been in development since 2016, and at that time we didn't know all about game logic and its concepts. Our implementation has many differences from the original (SC) one, sometimes that doesn't affect the game, but in some cases that makes client and server go out of sync. Some features couldn't be implemented at all (Boosters, for example)
So the only way to deal with it is to make a new implementation: a more stable, more accurate one, with clean architecture and just better overall🤗
We started working on it when version 16.517 was released (September, 2024), and we still haven't finished it yet. It takes A LOT of time, you know?
Do you remember "Null's Brawl Alpha"? Yeah, the time when we were rewriting NB game logic in 2021. Back then we decided it would be a great idea to launch the public "alpha" testing of all the changes. The things we are doing now are mostly the same, so why not launch the public testing again?🤗
Null's Clash Alpha
For everyone who wants to test all the changes we have made. Current version is 16.517. Available only for iOS😴
IPA direct link: (if you have a non-jailbroken device, don't forget to sign before the install)
We have also created a separate Discord server for related discussions: the link is available in the game.
Also keep in mind:
1. Public testing may be closed (permanently or temporarily) at any moment
2. Accounts and clans CANNOT BE TRANSFERRED to the main server (and vice versa)
3. Accounts and clans WILL BE PERMANENTLY DELETED if the testing is closed (testing is for testing, not competition and other stuff)
When the development of the "new implementation" is finished and all the related bugs are found and fixed, we will deploy everything to the main server. Thanks for your patience and understanding😑 #nullsclash