Репост из: Bitget Announcements
🥳You can now deposit $GOATS to #Bitget with 0 gas fee!😍 GOATS_immortal
💰 Deposit to #Bitget to earn an extra $5~$100 $GOATS, with a total prize of $200,000 $GOATS! First come first serve basis.
🗓 Participation period: Nov. 30, 00:00 - Dec. 3, 00:00 (UTC)
👉Join now
You’re also suggested to seize your last chance to trade GOATS
before the official listing on Bitget Pre-market.
👉Trade Now
About Bitget🔹
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💰 Deposit to #Bitget to earn an extra $5~$100 $GOATS, with a total prize of $200,000 $GOATS! First come first serve basis.
🗓 Participation period: Nov. 30, 00:00 - Dec. 3, 00:00 (UTC)
👉Join now
You’re also suggested to seize your last chance to trade GOATS
before the official listing on Bitget Pre-market.
👉Trade Now
About Bitget🔹
Website 🌐 | Twitter ❌
Telegram✈️ | Download 🍏
Discord 🤖 | Reddit 🤖